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Religion and Changing Patterns of Authority in Africa

As the authority of the postcolonial African state steadily erodes in the face of numerous domestic and external challenges, scholars and policymakers have pondered how to reconstitute it. Curiously,…

June 23, 2023

Nigeria Security Tracker Weekly Update: June 10-16

This update represents violence in Nigeria and related to Boko Haram in Cameroon, Chad, and Niger from June 10 to June 16, 2023. 

Map of Nigeria shaded in red to reflect Nigeria Security Tracker-documented deaths per state. Borno state, the northeastern-most state, is dark red, while the rest of the country are shades of pink. Regions of Cameroon, Chad, and Niger that have experienced Boko Haram-related violence are also shaded.

March 23, 2023

Nigeria Security Tracker Weekly Update: March 11-17

This update represents violence in Nigeria and related to Boko Haram in Cameroon, Chad, and Niger from March 11 to March 17, 2023. 

Map of Nigeria shaded in red to reflect Nigeria Security Tracker-documented deaths per state. Borno state, the northeastern-most state, is dark red, while the rest of the country are shades of pink. Regions of Cameroon, Chad, and Niger that have experienced Boko Haram-related violence are also shaded.

May 17, 2021

U.S. Foreign Policy
Major Power Rivalry in Africa

Major power rivalry on the African continent cannot be ignored, but it should not dominate U.S.-Africa relations. The United States should pursue close, strategic partnerships with African states.

March 15, 2023

Nigeria Security Tracker Weekly Update: March 4-10

This update represents violence in Nigeria and related to Boko Haram in Cameroon, Chad, and Niger from March 4 to March 10, 2023. 

Map of Nigeria shaded in red to reflect Nigeria Security Tracker-documented deaths per state. Borno state, the northeastern-most state, is dark red, while the rest of the country are shades of pink. Regions of Cameroon, Chad, and Niger that have experienced Boko Haram-related violence are also shaded.