National Security

  • Indo-Pacific
    Guam’s Strategic Importance in the Indo-Pacific
    The island’s proximity to Asia makes it a critical outpost for the U.S. military and a potential hub in the event of regional conflict.
  • Georgia
    What Georgia’s Foreign Agent Law Means for Its Democracy
    Georgia’s new law reflects rising Russian influence in the country and has prompted backlash from the United States and the European Union, which fear it could harm the Caucasus state’s democratic development.
  • United States
    In-Person DC Roundtable: National Security and the U.S. Pharma and Biotech Industries
    The COVID-19 pandemic and chronic U.S. drug shortages highlight the health security and strategic importance of U.S. pharmaceutical and biotechnology capabilities during and between pathogenic crises. Geopolitical competition and interest in industrial policy for biotechnology further underscore the national security role of domestic biopharmaceutical infrastructure. Policymakers confront competing health, economic, and strategic priorities in maximizing innovation in technology, business models, and health-care systems in facilitating safe, accessible, secure, and sustainable products, services, and supply chains.   Please join our speakers, Monique K. Mansoura, executive director for global health security and biotechnology at The MITRE Corporation, and Victor Suarez, Colonel (ret.), U.S. Army, senior fellow (visiting) at The Council on Strategic Risks and founder of BluZoneBio, to explore challenges facing the U.S. pharma and biotech industries and approaches to strengthening the national security resilience of those industries in a world marked by health and geopolitical threats.

Experts in this Keyword

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Daniel B. Poneman

Senior Fellow