
Middle East Matters

Robert Danin analyzes critical developments and U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East.

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U.S. President Donald Trump (L) and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas wait for photographers to depart before beginning their meeting at the Presidential Palace in the West Bank city of Bethlehem
U.S. President Donald Trump (L) and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas wait for photographers to depart before beginning their meeting at the Presidential Palace in the West Bank city of Bethlehem (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters).

Reading The Trump Administration in Ramallah

Does the United States seek relations with Hamas in Gaza and to undermine the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leadership in the West Bank? Palestinians officials and insiders asked me this question repeatedly during a recent visit to Ramallah. At first, the question seems strange. How could well-informed insiders come to wonder if the United States prefers to deal with an Islamist terrorist organization to a leadership that avows non-violence and actively pursues security cooperation with Israel on a daily basis? Read More

A Conversation About Israel
Israeli columnist Ari Shavit just came out with a new book, My Promised Land, that is receiving tremendous media attention in the United States. I joined Ari and David Remnick, editor of The New Yorker, for a conversaton about Israel and many of the issues raised in the book. You can view the video or read the transcript below. Speakers: Ari Shavit, Senior Columnist, Haaretz and Robert Danin, Eni Enrico Mattei Senior Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations Presider: David Remnick, Editor, New Yorker November 19, 2013 Council on Foreign Relations, New York REMNICK: Good afternoon. Hi, I’m David Remnick from the New Yorker magazine. And we’re here to discuss -- I think I’ve said this a thousand times in my life -- the state of Israel.We have with us today two distinguished guests, and we will have a conversation between and among us for about -- I’d say about a half- an-hour, and then it’s all yours. It’s questions from you and questions from our satellite listeners.First, we have Rob Danin, who -- and this’ll be very brief introductions so we can get to the heart of the matter. Resumes you can get online. But Rob Danin is a terrific scholar of and commentator on the subject that we’re about to try to grapple with yet again today. He is a senior fellow for Middle East and Africa studies right here at the Council on Foreign Relations. He’s based in Washington, and he’s with us as at the far end here. There’s no political reflection of where everybody’s sitting.Ari Shavit is a columnist for Ha’aretz for many years and a close friend and the author of a book that if it’s not in your hands, you’re very foolish. It’s called "My Promised Land," and it is out yesterday, actually, and it’s already garnered terrific notices from Tom Friedman and Dwight Garner in the Times and the Sunday Times Book Review of this book by Leon Wieseltier this coming Sunday is about as good a review as an author can ever, ever hope to have.It is -- at the risk of summarizing the un-summarizable -- a kind of personal and scholarly and reportorial history of the entire project, for all its glories, its crimes, its ramifications, its place in the world, and all its dilemmas. There is not anything I think that we can’t ask Ari or Rob about the state of Israel, and we’ll start now.And I should say one thing, that I was asked by the Council to center the conversation on matters internal to Israel, but I think considering where Israel sits in the Middle East, where it sits in global affairs and in the imagination, that will kind of radiate out very quickly into other obvious subjects.But I do want to get a sense quickly from Ari, who lives north of Tel Aviv, and Rob, who lives north of Tel Aviv in Washington...(LAUGHTER) ... but is a frequent visitor -- we think when -- I think people in this room think of Israel right now and Palestine right now, we immediately gravitate toward the obvious questions of the occupation, the struggle over the Arab-Israeli question, Iran, Syria, and all that. I’d love to get a sense from you, Ari, very quickly, what Israelis obsess in a political sense. What is the Israeli political conversation at a moment of Arab Spring/Winter, the Iranian nuclear issue, and so much else? What is the conversation and obsession like? And do Israelis live in what you sometimes describe in your book and elsewhere as a bubble, as dancing on the volcano? SHAVIT: If I may, I’ll begin with the obsession of one Israeli and then I’ll get to the obsession of what I think most Israelis share. But, first of all, it’s really an honor and a great pleasure to be here. And I’m really so moved that all of you are here and it’s a great moment for me to be talking to you and to my dear friends. I want to connect with something that was in the beginning. I make actually a rather daring statement somewhere in the book which is usually we talk about the occupation, and I talk a lot about the occupation, and I think we should talk about the occupation. But in my mind, the banal left-wing analysis that all the faults of Israel began with occupation in ’67 is wrong in this sense, that the Israel that I very much admire, the pre-state Israel, the Yishuv, the Zionist movement before the state, and the Israel of the first 20, 25 years of its existence, that in my mind was an amazing national liberation movement, one of the most miraculous and wondrous of the world, combined idealism with pragmatism and was amazingly politically and economically successful. And I think that actually our problems are not -- have not begun with the occupation, but the fact that the Israeli political system, the Israeli body politic went into decay and created a situation where we were unable to deal with the occupation. We should have done with -- we should have dealt with in different ways, and it’s actually not all before of occupation, but because what we’ve experienced, probably especially since the ’73 war, is a series of internal rebellions against the old Israel, which created a situation where everybody in Israel feels he’s in a minority. No one is really in charge. The right feels that the leftists don’t let them rule, and the left-wingers feel the right don’t rule, and Orientals feel Ashkenazis are still oppressing them, and Ashkenazis feel the state was taken away from them, and the seculars feel that the religious are all over the place, and the religious feel that seculars are still haunting them. So whether you had a state that had, in a sense, too much leadership, too much state -- it was a statist state under Ben-Gurion -- what we have in the last 30, 40 years is a completely dysfunctional political system that is unable to deal with existential challenges Israel faces. And in this sense, I think it’s the other way around. If we get the system -- it’s not only technically the system -- if we get the political culture there, the leadership, we bring back some of the amazing wisdom we had up until 30, 40 years ago, then we’ll be able to deal with the occupation. REMNICK: What accounts... SHAVIT: So this is my -- this is my obsession. REMNICK: But what accounts for that disintegration of the political class of Israel? Is it a systemic problem? Or is it... SHAVIT: I think -- I think that it’s something very interesting. I mean, Israel... REMNICK: I mean, this is a nation founded by enlightenment philosophers and maybe went downhill from there. Isn’t that... SHAVIT: I’ll tell you what I think is the great luck, the great blessing of the older Zionist movement, that Jabotinsky got it right -- and I’m not Jabotinsky, per se -- in the sense that we live in a harsh neighborhood and we need some sort of iron wall to protect us from the neighborhood. But Jabotinsky did -- and his people never had the ability to create this iron wall or to build the society that was built. And in a sense, it was the fact that Ben-Gurion and his people actually absorbed the Jabotinsky idea, but built it in socialist social democratic ways, in line with progressive forces in the world, that created the strong, tough and yet moral Israel of its early days. And in my mind, the deep political tragedy -- there are many tragedies here -- there are many miracles, but many tragedies -- but the political tragedy is that when at last Labor was removed in 1977 -- and it should have been removed. It was for too long in power. There should have been something new coming. But in a sense, no one replaced it to this day. In a sense, the Israel that was 5 years old, 10 years old, 20 years old was much more politically mature than the Israel of today. When I look at Israeli politics, at Israeli policy, at some of our politicians, even some of our diplomats, actually, I see something -- we went downhill. I mean, Ben-Gurion in this city in ’47, there were, like, amazing 20 Zionist diplomats who turned the world around to get the U.N. resolution, to create -- to recognize a Jewish state. To date, it’s very difficult to find three or four reasonable Israeli diplomats who would be able to do that. So we had the complete decay -- not only the -- we keep looking for the one leader. There probably is not the one leader. Ben-Gurion had 1,000 people, a serving elite that was very effective, that was on the one hand committed, but yet pragmatic, reasonable, also cunning, that could do the work. Today, all of Israel’s prime ministers are totally lonely. There is no really functioning political elite. And we are actually in a semi-barbaric political situation as the result of the fact that when Labor outcast in 1977, actually no one took in charge of the country in a serious way. REMNICK: Rob, can you respond to that? DANIN: Well, thank you. First of all, let me thank you all for being here. And I can’t tell you what an honor it is to be with such distinguished guests, Ari, who I’ve known a long time, and David Remnick, of whom I’m a huge fan. So I know you’ve come -- Ari’s the draw, but I’ll -- you know, I’ve been involved with Israel for a long time, as a diplomat for over 20 years, working on these issues. I was trained as an historian on these issues, as well. And I have to say, you know, listening to you, Ari -- and this will be an affectionate disagreement -- it comes to mind the -- I think it’s Yogi Berra who said, you know, nostalgia isn’t what it’s used to be. And, you know, I think if you go back to the history of the Yishuv and then the early state in the ’40s and the ’50s, I think your recollection may be a little bit romantic. I have a different reading of it. I’m an outsider who’s lived in Israel for over five years, but visits many times per year. I think quite the opposite. I think that the -- you know, the Israel that you write about in your book -- and let me just say, I mean, Ari’s book -- this isn’t supposed to be a book talk, but, you know, as an historian, I would say, you know, you had -- first, you had the Leon Uris version of Israel, born in, you know, immaculate conception. You had then a next generation of historians, the new historians -- I was trained by one of them at Oxford -- who basically wrote that Israel was born in original sin. And what Ari’s done with his book, I would say, is come to a new synthesis, to say, you know, ’48 was brutal, and we did some bad things, and it was a bad experience, but that does not de-legitimatize Zionism, but we have to come to terms with what we did, and that the conflict today is not about ’67 and about -- but is about ’48. And with that, I’m in complete agreement with Ari, in that we can’t just believe that the problems all began in ’67. And for Israelis to understand that is imperative. But that said, you know, the Israel that -- of the ’50s and the ’60s that, you know, you grew up in and that my family was involved in, you know, was not a liberal state. It was a statist -- dominated by one political class who basically then brought in a population that you talk about larger than its own group and, in many ways, suppressed their identities to try to forge a new nation. I think what you see today is an Israeliness -- a struggle to define Israeliness. You know, to me, the problem with -- that I -- you know, reading Israeli history is that, in 1948, the state was established, but two things were not clarified. One, who was a Jew? And, two, what does it mean to be a Jewish state? And this is a question that you’ve been struggling with ever since. And now you have this, you know, many, many different communities in Israel struggling to define what a Jewish state means in their own image, but no one agrees what it means to be Jewish, let alone for there to be a Jewish state. Does it mean a Jewish majoritarian state? Does it mean a state that’s run by Jewish law? You don’t have an agreement on basic principles. And when you don’t have an agreement on basic principles, it means you have an agreement to disagree about a lot of things, and that is, I think, a source of a lot of the anarchy and balagan that you talk about in Israel, but I also think it’s -- you know, there’s a profound agreement to disagree. And to a certain extent, the conflict has allowed you to avoid those issues. And, you know, to a certain extent, what’s striking about the last election is it was the first election that I know of in Israeli history that really did not focus on the existential issues of either the Palestinians or Iran. It was about domestic issues. So in many ways, maybe it’s a sign of maturation -- you would call it maybe denial -- but, you know, that actually Israel is struggling to figure out who it is and who it wants to be. Now, one thing that’s happening is the demographics are changing, and so your tribe, the Mapai Naim (ph), who built the state, are now -- you know, lost their power in ’77 and never really got it back. REMNICK: Ari, you want to... SHAVIT: Yeah. (LAUGHTER) REMNICK: I want you to note, first of all, neither one of them answered my question, and I... (LAUGHTER) And I have absolutely no work to do here. I’m a potted plant officially. Ari? DANIN: I can see the steam coming out of Ari’s ears. (LAUGHTER) SHAVIT: First of all, if you read my book... (LAUGHTER) ... and if there is one chapter that I really recommend reading, if you don’t want to read the rest, is the one about the 1950s. I call it "Housing Estate, 1957." And where I really try -- there are several things, but I try to define that spirit and that melting pot. And I describe in great detail all the problems of all the different oppressions of different minorities and different civilizations and individuals. I mean, there is no way that I’m recommending that we’ll go back to Ben-Gurion or to Israel of the ’50s. What I’m saying that we -- we never -- I think that what we should have done is to take the core values that were right and transform them to the 21st century in a relevant way. And my main claim is -- and this was my claim -- that when the Likud came, I thought there was a need -- you know, I could not vote for the Likud. I don’t even remember if I voted in those elections. But I was -- and I’m not a Likud-basher. I mean, most of my friends in Israel -- and Stanley will give testimony to that -- see me as too soft on Netanyahu and too soft on the right, so I’m not -- I’m very far from a dogmatic left in Israel. Most of my writing, in truth, is off the left and off my tribe, so to speak. So -- but my claim is that they never -- you never had -- when you had -- when Thatcher came into power in ’79, so she through out all the Labourites, and she did -- she did serious thinking of how she wants to run Britain and what -- like a market politics and ideology, and she implemented it in a serious way. So you had this change, and you like it, you don’t like it, but it was a serious change. This never happened in Israel. It never happened. When the Likud came into power, because -- and don’t blame just the Likudniks. The way the whole thing worked is that we lost this kind of leadership that shielded overall responsibility for everything and tries to create what we should create, which is this confederation, a federation of new Israeli tribes. I’m not into monolithical Labor Zionism. On the contrary. But I think we need some sort of agreed-upon values, set of political rules, and a sense of mission, and I think we lost that. We spent most of our energy hating each other. We -- all the time -- I call it -- it’s like we all the time blame the other for abusing us, the internal us. And in this sense, I think that this -- I think it’s not even recommended in Washington, I think, but definitely this is very dangerous state of mind, in a state that faces such amazing, striking challenges. So this is to put the record straight here. But I want to connect it with what you said about the last elections, and then I’ll try to answer your questions. REMNICK: And I -- we will even things out. That much of a scorekeeper I can be. SHAVIT: In my mind, Israel of the last decade or seven, eight years is a victim of its own success. The remarkable achievement that people do not give enough credit for the Israeli Defense Force and even the secret service, and the leadership of the time, to win the war against terror in 2002-2003, we faced -- the situation in Israel in 2002 was surreal. I mean, it was worse in World War II in Britain, but what we faced was surreal. And we won that war against the worst offensive of terror, so it was an achievement of our defense forces, but mainly achievement of our amazing, resilient, strong society. In 2000s, the Israelis proved that they have the kind of British attitude of stiff upper lip. We won not with tanks. We won by the fact that mothers and fathers kept sending their kids to schools and we went on to work. I’m not sure that European nations and perhaps not even America could have withstood such a dramatic challenge in such an impressive civilian heroic way. DANIN: We did, Ari. SHAVIT: When? DANIN: 2001. SHAVIT: Do you want some numbers? Do you want... (CROSSTALK) DANIN: But... SHAVIT: You went -- just to remind you -- you went from -- 2001, you went to this war in Iraq. DANIN: No, no, no. Ari, Ari... (CROSSTALK) DANIN: I am talking about -- you’re talking about civilians... (CROSSTALK) SHAVIT: There was -- there was... (CROSSTALK) DANIN: Ari, Ari, let’s not go off on ridiculous tangents, but... SHAVIT: I’m saying... DANIN: In terms of civilian resilience, I don’t think you can tell a room full of New Yorkers... SHAVIT: There was the situation definitely in Jerusalem, but even in Tel Aviv, was an ongoing situation that was not experienced by Western democracies in the last 50 years. So that was the great achievement. Then came the great economic boom to which the credit goes -- a lot of it -- to Benjamin Netanyahu and Stanley Fischer. But as a result of all that, what happened? We’ve begun -- we fell in love with our economic success, with our technological success, with start- up nation, which is great. And we began ignoring the region we live in, and we ignored it in both ways, in a left-wing way and in a right-wing way. We ignored it. The right ignored and ignores the occupation, and the left tends to ignore the aggressiveness and brutality of the region. And in this sense -- this is where I totally disagree -- I think the last elections were horrendous. I think that the fact that Iran was more of an issue in the American presidential campaign than in the Israeli elections, it’s crazy. It’s just crazy. REMNICK: Rob... SHAVIT: And just -- so I think -- and this -- just to answer your question -- Israelis became so -- I mean, they have many reasons to be concerned with how the pricing -- price of housing, which is outrageous, and with other internal issues. But they cannot ignore these two issues of the areas they are surrounded with and the occupation that is killing us from within. And this is what we saw in the last election. REMNICK: Rob? DANIN: A couple points. I’ll try to be brief. First of all, Ari, I read every word of your book, and Stan can attest to it. He saw me reading it on the plane last month. SHAVIT: I recommend second reading. (LAUGHTER) DANIN: Touche. Secondly, look, the -- I wasn’t praising the last election. I was holding the last election as a phenomenon that spoke to something, which was simply about a certain inward- lookingness that I think has a healthy dimension to it and that the conflict to a certain extent has so distorted the Israeli reality by focusing on an external -- legitimate external problem that, to a certain extent, Israel has not faced up to a lot of the internal issues that it really faces. So we’re more in agreement than you realize. And, you know, ultimately, I think what you’re saying, the way I would put it is, what you’ve seen is a tremendous leadership failure. There is a lack of vision that we haven’t seen since, you know, many decades. And that’s what I was trying to point to at the beginning, so we’re actually in agreement. I agree with you. There’s a tremendous lack of vision. There’s no shared vision about what Israel is about to a certain extent. REMNICK: Well, let me... (CROSSTALK) REMNICK: As my job is a time-keeper, let me ask you both a question, because with Rob, about Zionism, because I know we’re going to get question about Iran, Syria, foreign -- and the occupation and Israeli peace process, Israeli-Arab peace process, such as it is. This book is largely -- I would say it’s many things, but one of the things it is, is a history of liberal Zionism or an argument for liberal Zionism inscribed in a history of the state, one of many things. The word Zionism now, Rob, is -- it is defined in this book as a movement to save Jewish people and Jewish civilization. Has it fulfilled its promise? Should the terms be changed? Should I in Manhattan or my brothers and sisters in Brooklyn or whatever have ready access to just arrive on the shores of Israel while one’s Palestinian brothers and sisters have no such access? What are the terms of Zionism to you now? What should it be? How do you look at it? While standing on one foot, you can answer the question. DANIN: OK, but I understood it and understand it as, you know, a historical phenomenon. Zionism was and is the national liberation movement of the Jewish people. It was an umbrella term that encompassed a huge range of approaches towards the question of nationalism clashing with the Jewish existence in the world in the 19th century. And Ari does a very wonderful job of talking about that in his book. But I think -- and the reason I said to you, Ari, that nostalgia is -- you know, that I think you’re being nostalgic is because I think that what we don’t accept or quite appreciate is that, from its very inception, Zionism -- that umbrella encompassed so many conflicts within about what Zionism means, about what Zionism’s goals were. Was it cultural Zionism? Was it a Hebrew renaissance? Was it about power? Was it about normalization? And you have different strands of Zionism, OK? So in many ways, it was a pluralistic movement, I would argue. And to me, I see the pluralism as a positive development and the struggle to define it as part of the process, so -- in the same way that all nations struggle to define themselves. And the thing that’s interesting and phenomenal about Israel -- and I think we as Americans also lose sight of this, because we live in an immigrant society, and Israel is an immigrant society, but I’ve also lived in non-immigrant societies, like Britain and the Philippines, and these are countries that are much different. And so what makes Israel so unique is the fact that you’ve in- gathered so many people under a broad ideology of Zionism, but that Zionism is not monolithic. And so the whole balagan that you talk about I actually see as a positive thing. It’s messy. It’s ugly. It’s violent at times. But, look, you know, Arlosoroff was assassinated in 1933. From the very early period -- by a Jew, it is believed. So from the very beginning, Jews felt very passionate that their version of Zionism should prevail. And so all I’m trying to say here is that I don’t see today’s Israel as horrific or as -- or as having taken such a historic deviation in the way that you do, Ari. REMNICK: Ari? DANIN: I think... SHAVIT: I really think that... (CROSSTALK) SHAVIT: I wonder if we are talking about the same book and definitely about my approach. I mean, my book is such a celebration of Israeli vitality and of Israeli -- the book is all pluralism. I mean, it deals with all the different sides of Israeli society. I mean, it’s so no non-monolithical. I’m not into anything monolithical. I cannot -- maybe there is something -- I mean, I don’t have a totalitarian bone in me. Anything that is too homogenous and -- is -- I find absurd. So the point I think I’m trying to make is the following. I think that the greatest success of Zionism is in creation of a very robust, energetic, creative society. I think Israel is one of the most free societies I know. Life in Israel between wars is the best life one can have. The energy, the warmth, the relationship between people, the creativity, the innovation. It’s a sexy society. It’s a society that makes babies. We are a child-loving society. It’s an amazing, amazing place. And my book is a celebration of that... REMNICK: And you extent it for all its... (CROSSTALK) SHAVIT: Hmm? REMNICK: And for all its... SHAVIT: Absolutely not. Where is the problem? The problem that this -- really, it’s such a unique, miraculous society, and this is the achievement of Zionism. But the politics is totally flawed. And I just do not see -- how can anyone disagree with that? I mean, what I wish -- my great wish is that the energy we see in the Israeli private sector, that the energy that we’re see in the arts, in literature, in every field of Israeli life will be transmitted to the political. Because at the end of the day, the illusion that you have just a great market, just a great economy with no state holding it and with no reasonable politics maintaining it is flawed. I think it’s flawed anyway. It cannot work. I mean, in a way, the Israelis went for kind of Italian-like approach, you know, giving up on the state, so let’s live a great life outside the state. This is basically the state of mind. Now, I don’t think it’s that great in Italy, but it cannot work in Israel. So what I’m saying, let’s take this great Israeli society and give it the politics that it deserves and needs. REMNICK: We’re going to take questions. And I think there are microphones around, and I see some hands, and I’ll try to get to as many as I possibly can. Sir? You get one benefit from being at my table. QUESTION: This work? REMNICK: Yes. And I think a good idea is to introduce yourself, as well. QUESTION: Yeah, my name is Jim Ziron (ph). And my question is, irrespective of how you would define the Jewish state, what its ethos is, and irrespective of how you would define who is a Jew living in the Jewish state -- and I think you knew you’d get a question like this -- but do you see Iran, a nuclear Iran, as an existential threat to the Jewish state, however you define it, and whether it’s dysfunctional or not dysfunctional, and who’s in it? And if it as existential threat, what would you propose to do about it? (LAUGHTER) REMNICK: Ari, how do you feel about a nuclear Iran? SHAVIT: I’ll begin by saying that -- I mean, it was really refreshing to have the conversation we had in the last half-hour, because usually wherever I go to the room, I’m the Iran guy. I mean, I’ve been the Iran guy in Israeli media for nearly a decade. Most of the time, I was ridiculed for that by some of my best friends, peers, and family members who just did not realize why -- what is it about that -- what’s my obsession? And the reason I’m mentioning this is because I think, one, to answer your question, I think that a nuclear Iran would have a disastrous effect, but not only in Israel. I think that on this point, on the analysis of the Iranian challenge, Benjamin Netanyahu is absolutely right. I think he made terrible mistakes -- and he’s still making terrible mistakes regarding Iran -- and I would be happy to elaborate, but his basic analysis is absolutely right. And that is that a nuclear Iran will lead to a nuclear Middle East and destroy the world’s order we live in. It will have an effect not only in life in Tel Aviv, it will have an effect on life in New York. It will take another decade or two, but it will change our civilization. I see Iran as a civilization challenge. And I think that the West has totally failed in addressing it when it should have been addressed. And I see it in this instance the most dramatic terms. Now, I’ll tell you why. Assuming the Iranians are rational, so to speak, and will not use the bomb, the bomb will not fall on Tel Aviv in the next 20 years. Just by going nuclear, Iran will force Saudi Arabia to go nuclear, Egypt to go nuclear, Turkey to go nuclear, Algeria to go nuclear. We will have within months -- and definitely within years -- but possibly within months a multipolar nuclear system in the world’s most unstable, fanatical, and irrational region. Anyone who thinks we can live with that, not only Israel, I just don’t understand. This has been actually the most dramatic challenge for the West in the last decade, and we all -- Israelis, Americans, Europeans -- we all failed to address it in time, because seven, eight years ago, we really could have dealt with it with assertive diplomacy. There was no need for extreme action. And I thought -- and I write it in the book, and I’ve written that chapter a while ago -- that the mission of the West in this decade was not to arrive at the bomb or bombing junction. And unfortunately, we are very, very close to the bomb or bombing junction. And therefore, my prayers that the negotiations handled now will really at the very last moment go back to a very assertive diplomatic approach, because if there won’t be a really -- a real deal that will set the Iranians really back for -- in a serious way, and if we’ll go for some make-believe deal, the result will be -- perhaps will delay their nuclearization, but will guarantee it. And I’m afraid there is a real danger that we are going for that -- that way, and that might be -- must be prevented this winter, this winter. There will not be another winter to prevent it. REMNICK: Rob? DANIN: Well, first of all, let me answer this as an American and former American official. I mean, I’m in agreement in Ari in the sense that Iran is not an Israeli problem or it’s not just an Israeli problem. It’s a regional threat, to be sure. And the threat that’s felt from the gulf is even greater or as great as Israel feels it, as we all know. It’s an American challenge. It’s a Western challenge. So the unfortunate situation we’ve found ourselves in is that it’s been treated all too often as an Israeli problem and not an American one. That said, it’s not as if the United States has been entirely passive, either, maybe late to the game, as Ari crafts very well in his book. What’s interesting is this question about it being an existential threat. And here what I’ve observed is that there is an Israeli debate about this. And here we need a little more precision about what the nature of the threat is, meaning you have some people, like Prime Minister Netanyahu, saying this is an existential threat. You have other people, such as former Defense Minister Ehud Barak saying, no, it’s not an existential threat. It’s a huge threat. It’s the largest threat we’ve faced ever. It is serious, but we are a strong country, and we can deal with this, and we have to deal with this. Now, that’s an internal Israeli debate, and I’ll defer to Ari on it, but I think it’s worth at least putting a bookmark on to note, because there is a debate about whether the wisdom of having framed it as existential. What is going to -- but let me put that aside. From the United States point of view -- and I think this is -- and I’ve written about this in a book that we did here at the Council about the threat from Iran -- what would it mean for Iran to get the bomb? In the first instance, it isn’t that they’re going to drop a bomb on Tel Aviv, though that is a possibility, in the same way that Israel has a nuclear triad and can also retaliate. But it’s -- and it’s -- Ari pointed to the proliferation threat. But in the first instance, for those... REMNICK: Are you suggesting an equivalence because the threat between Israel and Iran? DANIN: No, but what I’m trying to suggest is the following. Iran will pose such a regional threat and a threat to so many of our allies who are not as strong as Israel that in the first instance, for a country such as the United States that is aspiring to pivot away from its fulcrum being in the Middle East, it’s going to pull us in, in an even bigger way. And the need for us to increase our presence in the gulf, for us to expand an even greater security commitment to other states in the region aside from Israel is such that -- I’m just trying to describe here the nature of the threat is such that Iran with the bomb, an existential threat or not to Israel, in the first instance is going to require and will lead to an increased American presence and focus on protecting our allies and containing Iran, if we get to that point. REMNICK: But if the deal that is possible to be announced as soon as this week, an interim part of the deal, is it a bad deal in your view, Rob? DANIN: The fundamental question that we don’t know the answer to is, does this actually halt the process of enrichment? Does it actually put time on the clock? Or does it actually give the Iranians time under which to reach breakout potential? As it is, we understand Iran, were it to sort of race to the bomb, is under two months away. So as Ari points out, we’re very much at the end game here. The key factor about the first deal, if it’s reached, an interim deal, is, what will be the provisions for a second deal? How rigid a timeline is there for a second deal? Or will this just be an open-ended process that means the Iranians can use... REMNICK: That’s what I’m asking you. Do you share Ari’s concern that it’s quite possible the United States is on the brink of accepting what is termed a bad deal by Prime Minister Netanyahu? DANIN: Well, look at what we know. We know that Laurent -- that Fabius comes in, looks at the deal, and says, there are huge flaws in this, and the United States says, yes, you’re right, and accepts those critiques, that critique about the deal that was on the table. So that’s a roundabout way of saying, yes, we were perilously close to accepting a bad... REMNICK: So (inaudible) by the French at this point? DANIN: By the French and Israel, among others, yes. REMNICK: Stanley Fischer -- we need to jump like from lilypod to lilypod, so -- pad, to lilypads -- is Stanley Fischer here? QUESTION: I’m going to go back from Iran to Oslo, which you dismiss as -- in the part I’ve read so far -- as based on illusions. But I should say, first of all, that the plane was very late last night, and so Robert’s probably read most of the book, if not the whole book. I’ve only got one-third... DANIN: I finished it this morning. QUESTION: Oh, OK. (LAUGHTER) DANIN: Truly. QUESTION: I’ve only got one-third of the way through, but I think I can see where we’re going. What was the problem in Oslo? It was that neither side was willing to go very far in those discussions. Israel continued settlement, and Palestinians didn’t -- well, they forswore violence, but they didn’t actually do that. And the question that it raises in my mind is whether the fundamental issue isn’t the borders of Israel, with the society unable to decide on that and about half the society trying to settle the West Bank to determine the future borders and others willing to make a compromise. Now, you cannot say that the left -- at least you cannot say that everyone on the left was unaware of the fact that, if an agreement was made, it would be necessary to defend it. Friends of mine on the left, one of my predecessors, Michael Bruno, who you almost certainly were a friend of, always said, we’re going to have to raise our defense budget if we ever get peace, because it’s going to take a long time to establish the peace, and we’re going to have to defend it ourselves. Nobody else will do it for us. I think that understanding was around. And I think the assassination of Rabin had a profound effect on this. Israeli politics didn’t stop in 1977. It continued through 1997, and then it took a decisive turn in a different direction. So I’m less pessimistic than you about the possibility. I don’t think you’d have thought five years ago that there’d be an Arab peace initiative, not perfect, but it’s out there. REMNICK: OK, here we go. SHAVIT: You know how much I admire you and appreciate all you’ve done, and I even like you so much, not to use stronger words. (LAUGHTER) And -- but I think this is really an important discussion regarding the future. Leave aside the past. I mean, we can go -- I can give you my Oslo answers, but my analysis, which is different than yours, apparently, is that the mistake of the Israeli left and the international community were in the fact that they combined two different issues. I studied philosophy, and it took me a while to recognize that there is a logic flaw in the common notions that most of us have, because we combine the issue of occupation with the issue of peace. And these are two different issues. Israel should not be an occupying power. And Israel, for its own good, for its own moral good and its own political good and demographic good, must end occupation. And the Israeli left and the international community warning the nationalist Israelis, whether they were Laborites or Likudniks, were absolutely right. Occupation was wrong from the very beginning, and especially settlements were a terrible, terrible mistake. So, again, the Israeli left and the international community were absolutely right about that. But in my mind -- and that’s where we differ -- I think that where both the Israeli left and the international community were wrong was to promise peace tomorrow. The assumption that there is peace there around the corner, that if we’ll all only be willing to get out of the territories occupied in ’67, there will be peace, I think is flawed. My -- I understand that it’s wrong, but I’m willing to put it to a test. I’m willing -- because I think if peace is possible, it’s so important in every way that I’m willing to pay any price, I’m willing to give anything there back. So what I would do, had I been prime minister, I would say -- I would take the Olmert plan or the Barak plan or the Clinton parameters. I will take Yossi Beilin, the peace diplomat, I will say, Yossi, take a mandate, bring me a signed agreement within six months. But I will not waste one day on waiting for that piece of paper to arrive. If I’m proven wrong and there is a great news, great. But if not so, I would not wait. And in six months’ time, I will begin the greatest new Zionist project of this time, which is the project of ending occupation gradually, cautiously, in a moderate way, although there is not peace. I believe that this is what we should do to guarantee ourselves. I believe that this would work politically with the Israeli people, because the reason Israelis are not as extremist as they are described, the reasons they don’t vote for left-wing parties and for peace parties is because the peace they’re offered by the international community and the Israeli left seems to them to be a fantasy. And they have good reasons to think so. So, again, let’s put it to the test. Try the big deal. If it works, fine. If it doesn’t, work on Plan B. My greatest fear -- we discussed the fear about Iran -- my greatest fear about what’s going on now, that the brave, noble attempt to have a two-state solution within a month will end with the burial of two-state solution, because if this brave, courageous attempt will fail, the Israelis will feel betrayed, the Palestinians will feel betrayed, the Americans will feel betrayed, and the next secretary of state will never dare touch this subject. REMNICK: Rob? DANIN: Two points I just want to react to. You know, Ari (inaudible) concedes that the left indulged in that you criticized, to a certain extent, I think should be blamed on or could be ascribed to the aftermath of the Six-Day War and the, you know, U.N. Security Council Resolution 242, which basically talked about land for peace. It was in that formulation that this conflation came. But, anyway, that’s history. You know, if I may, just a brief anecdote, in 2006, I was deputy assistant secretary for near-east affairs and responsible for this part of the world. And Ehud Olmert was elected to become prime minister soon after the Gaza disengagement. And he came -- he was elected on a platform of hitnatkut, which was this idea of basically -- it was called, what, disengagement, but... SHAVIT: Major disengagement. DANIN: Yeah, from the West Bank. Now, most people in Washington were saying this was a good idea, we should build on it. And I was writing memos to then-Secretary Rice saying that I thought this was a terrible idea. But every day, I would first look for one Israeli source who was writing very critically on this idea, and that was you, Ari. SHAVIT: Absolutely. DANIN: No one knew that Ari was my -- was actually my secret source. And Ari didn’t know. SHAVIT: I didn’t know. (LAUGHTER) DANIN: Ari didn’t know that he was my secret source, and this is the highest form of compliment I can pay is to now tell you that I was relying on Ari’s insights to inform mine on his critique on -- of unilateral disengagement. Because the basic argument, why give something for nothing rather than get something for something? And to a certain extent, Ari, what strikes me now is you seem to have evolved from that position. So if I can steal David’s hat for a second and ask you... SHAVIT: Absolutely. Thank you very much... (CROSSTALK) DANIN: What happened? SHAVIT: Thank you very much for this question. What it -- Olmert’s original idea, then he adopted -- he abandoned it very quickly, but what was his plan? He said, within three years, I think, something like that, we’ll go back -- we’ll retreat from 90 percent, 92 percent, to the wall, basically, and evacuate 70,000 settlers. That is very dangerous. It’s even dangerous now. It was definitely dangerous then, because the vacuum would be filled with Hamas. Why am I saying something -- I did not change my mind. What I’m saying -- let’s try peace. If it works, great. If it doesn’t, we have two options, ongoing occupation, which is a cancer killing us from within, so there is only one other option left, which is some sort of unilateralism. But let’s learn from the failures of the pullout from Gaza. I don’t think it was such a big failure as people think, but it was a failure in many respects. So let’s work on what I call new peace, which is coordinated unilateralism. Work with the constructive Palestinian forces on the ground that were not there in 2005 in the same way. The good -- the best news that came out of the region and the best success of American foreign policy in the region was Fayyad. Fayyad, regrettably, is gone. I hope he’ll be back. But Fayyadism is there. There is strong Fayyadism in the West Bank. We should -- and talking of political crimes, what the international community should have done is to take Fayyadism, in my mind, the Palestinian hero, in deep way, because he is the kind of Palestinian who cares about the Palestinian young, their future, their health system, their education, which Arafat could not give a damn about. We should have taken Fayyad and built a tailor-made political process based on him. Now, Fayyad’s kind of people cannot make concessions on Jerusalem. They cannot make concessions on the right of return. They don’t have the nationalistic authority to do that. But they can enlarge the Palestinian state. They can proceed the -- process of Palestinian nation for this. So if the Palestinians will have a process of nation-building, if we’ll have a gradual process of retreat -- we cannot get out of all of that land tomorrow, and Olmert was too ambitious, and it was like one of these quick ideas. He didn’t learn the lessons of Gaza. But the basic approach -- this is what I’m saying, a long process, gradual process, cautious process, with Israeli security forces there, with the Palestinians building -- just one thing -- and bring -- there is something great happening in the Middle East with all the troubles. There is this great Jewish-Sunni alliance now. (LAUGHTER) This is what we have. It’s true that most of the time, the Jews and the Sunnis are spending on, you know, complaining about the Americans, but there is an alliance there. DANIN: I’m glad we could provide one. SHAVIT: So take that alliance, make the Saudis, Jordanians, Egyptians, and all these -- the chaperones of this Palestinian-to-be, help and create something much more -- not simplistic unilateralism, not brutal, immediate, quick fix unilateralism, but careful, sophisticated process. I think it’s the only hope, but I actually think there is real hope. And then I think if we go into that kind of process, even Stanley and I will not have disagreements. REMNICK: This gentleman here in the red tie who I’m sure has a name, so forgive me. QUESTION: Ian Lustick from the University of Pennsylvania. Well, so here’s a logical question for you, and then I want to ask you... REMNICK: Did you say Ian -- "Ian"... QUESTION: Ian, my parents... REMNICK: ... wrote a piece in the New York Times some weeks ago on the one-state solution question and... QUESTION: Actually, on the two-state illusion, but right. REMNICK: Six in one, half-a-dozen in the other. (LAUGHTER) QUESTION: No. That doesn’t -- I’m not implying there’s any solution forward. But here’s my question. The logical question has to do with Iran. The larger question has to do with this. You said something striking. There’s a civilizational challenge. It couldn’t be larger. Nothing could be worth that. Israel has a nuclear capacity that it developed in order to deal with this kind of a threat. Obviously, the prime minister, you do not think that that nuclear capacity can deal with this threat as a deterrent. So it has no role. So I’m asking you, in that context, if Israel could contribute a nuclear-free zone to the Middle East, by saying we’ll trade our nuclear capacity for nobody else having it, since you can’t use it anyway and it’s not even useful, why not do that, to save civilization, if it’s true? If it’s not true what I’m saying, it smells like something that’s an issue inflated for other reasons. REMNICK: What are you suggesting, Professor? QUESTION: Meaning that you need -- that Benjamin Netanyahu does not want to negotiate seriously, never did, about -- with the Palestinians, and in order to deflect attention, finds an Iranian existential holocaust-saturated threat to deflect international and Israeli opinion and attention. I’m not saying Iran isn’t a threat, but there’s obvious approaches to it, which I’ve suggested, which can’t even be -- which aren’t even mentioned. Yes... REMNICK: Just asking a question. Hang on. Hang on. QUESTION: The question -- which I just alluded to -- has to do with the 1950s. I haven’t read your book. I will. But I’ll make a prediction of what I’ll find when I read it. I will not find serious treatment of Arabs in Israel. REMNICK: Actually, you’re wrong, sir, but... QUESTION: Well, that’ll be interesting, because the -- or the military -- or the military government... REMNICK: Let’s let our... QUESTION: My -- question is... REMNICK: Sir, OK. I think we’ve got it. So would you like to respond? SHAVIT: Well, there are two issues. The first one I’ll be short on, because... REMNICK: Be short on both, so we can get to Rob. SHAVIT: On -- as an Israeli, I cannot talk, you know, openly about Dimona, but... REMNICK: But you did artfully in your book. DANIN: Although there’s an entire chapter on it. SHAVIT: I tell it with a smile. I think that actually on this sensitive issue, exactly the contrary of what I said about the settlement project, I think that Israel’s nuclear policy and the Western acceptance of that policy are a very remarkable, responsible, and mature project, unlike the others, because basically I think the world understands that the people that has been through what this people has been in the 20th century and the people that is endangered like no other people is endangered needs some sort of historic affirmative action in the kind -- you have to grant it some sort of security as long as it acts responsibly. And unlike my criticism of Israel in many -- Israeli policy in many other areas, in -- on this specific sensitive issue, Israel has proved to be very mature and responsible. Although so endangered, although going through wars, it’s never used or played with the powers attributed to it in an irresponsible manner. So to take that away is to really risk the Jewish people and the Jewish nation. I think it’s morally wrong. I think on the universally basis, this is morally wrong. Now, coming to Iran, I have one advice, because we are short in time. I really urge all present to make a total distinction between Iran and Benjamin Netanyahu. Iran is far too serious, far too serious to leave it to Benjamin Netanyahu. Don’t let the argument about it be distorted by what you think about this man, his flaws or his virtues. Don’t -- because if you do that, at the end of the day, you might have him dealing with it. So if you don’t want it to be a Netanyahu thing, we must all grow up, and we must look at last at this thing honestly. This is serious. This is big time, and it applies to all of us, not only to Israelis and definitely not to Benjamin Netanyahu. REMNICK: Rob, do you want to... DANIN: All I’d say is the following, just very briefly. REMNICK: Sure. DANIN: I think this whole discussion points to a phenomenon, since the topic today is really about Israel. In my experience -- and I think it comes to a culmination now -- is a paradox. Israel has never felt both and been stronger and yet felt more vulnerable at the same time. And I think it’s that paradox that has been a constant in Israel’s life, but ever-growing that we’re seeing here. And I think it’s that paradox that makes it so hard to get one’s hands around this question about Iran today. REMNICK: There’s some one right here. Thank you. QUESTION: Thank you. Evelyn Leopold, a journalist at the U.N. I’ve been watching the Iranian sanctions and the Iranian question for too long, too many years, and the fact the Iranians would like the capability of making a bomb seems clear, because boys like their toys. But on the other hand, but on the other hand... REMNICK: What’s your question? QUESTION: ... my question is, there’s no way I think Israel can bomb once and that’s it. It would have to bomb every six months to really shut down the nuclear program. REMNICK: So you’re asking if an Israeli military attack on Iran... QUESTION: I’m asking if it makes... REMNICK: ... viable or a good idea? QUESTION: ... at all sense for Israel to constantly talk about the military option? REMNICK: Rob? DANIN: OK, let me just, again, try to contextualize it a bit and let Ari talk about Israel. I think what’s interesting in the whole -- over the last few years has been the following. There’s been an intense Israeli debate -- Ari talked about it in his book -- plug -- very well in talking about, you know, Amos Yadlin and the effect of the various intelligence services in affecting the decision-making about whether or not to take action in 2012, when it felt like -- and I was visiting Israel almost every other month at that time -- we were at -- nearing that decision point. And people in this country think that the debate was between bomb versus not bomb within the Israeli security establishment, but the real issue was a slightly different one. It was, can we Israelis use military force against Iran without American backing? And that was the real debate. Now, to me what’s interesting -- in looking at the broad sweep of Israeli history -- that this was a real change for Israel, because it means that Israel -- despite having been founded as a state that can act by itself, for itself, has gone through a transformation that is very painful, I think, that Israel struggles with today, which is, on the one hand, it has the closest friend it’s ever had -- and there is no country I’ve ever been to in all my travels that is as pro-American as Israel is and as grateful to America as Israelis are. And yet it’s a double bind, or it’s a bind, because, on the other hand, there is Israel, despite the Zionist imperative of self- reliance, has become so reliant on the United States that it led the decision-makers to say, can we make this choice and jeopardize our relationship with the United States? And to me, this is just a phenomenal moment in history that we’re struggling with now. So it doesn’t exactly answer your point, but I think it points to a phenomenon that we’re talking about, about the phenomenon of Israel, its place in the world, and now its relationship with the United States. REMNICK: If I remember right from my one year at the Council on Foreign Relations, the promise -- the dual promise of the Council is both intelligence conversation and on-time-ness, so, Ari, I would ask you to reply briefly, and then we will get you on your way. (CROSSTALK) SHAVIT: There is no good Israeli solution to the Iranian issue. The solution has to be an American-led solution, whatever it is. This is for America and the West and the international community, not for Israel. But one must notice the Israeli military option was a great political success, because what moved the West at least, after years of being dragged -- people dragging their feet, was the fear of Israel. People in Washington and in London and Paris were not so -- Paris is a bit different -- Berlin and others were not so much afraid about the Iranians as they were afraid about the Israelis striking. And in this sense, the Israeli military option moved the world. And if there is one thing -- and this is, I think, a good thing to end with, I was very impressed with President Obama’s assertive policy, assertive sanctions, assertive diplomacy, and assertive rhetoric in 2011-2012. I think that if the president will keep that and will maintain what he did then when he was under Israeli pressure, but do it now when there is no Israeli pressure, if he will maintain that, he will save Israel, will save the West, will save America, and will save all of us. If, God forbid, that is not the case, we’re all in trouble. REMNICK: Thank you very much for coming, and thank you, Ari, and thank you, Rob. (APPLAUSE)
United States
This Week: Terror in Lebanon, Nuclear Talks with Iran, and Stockpile Plans for Syria
Significant Developments Lebanon. Prime Minister Tamam Salam and speaker Nabih Berry both warned on Thursday of a return to violence in Lebanon if the country fails to resolve ongoing domestic political crises and control internal security. Their comments followed Tuesday’s suicide bombings of the Iranian embassy in Beirut that killed twenty-five people, including the Iranian cultural attaché, and wounded another one hundred and forty people. The Abdullah Azzam Brigades, an al-Qaeda affiliated Sunni extremist group, took credit for the attack, which it claimed was in protest of Iran’s role in the ongoing civil war in Syria. On Wednesday, the UNHCR confirmed that at least 2,200 families had crossed into the Lebanese town of Arsal since last week, overwhelming their ability to provide support. Following the influx of refugees, Syrian helicopters attacked Arsal, killing two members of a local prominent family. Iran. The latest round of nuclear talks are underway in Geneva between Iran and the P5+1 countries and are scheduled to conclude on Friday, despite a lack of agreement so far on an interim deal. Intense diplomatic efforts have been followed by squabbling amongst negotiators in the media. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei yesterday called Israel a “rabid dog” and vowed that Iran would not give up its “nuclear rights." On Tuesday, British prime minister David Cameron and Iranian president Hassan Rouhani spoke by phone regarding the nuclear negotiations and bilateral relations, marking the first executive level talks between the two states in more than a decade. Syria. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons announced new plans today for the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles, which could include destroying certain active nerve agents aboard ships and contracting private firms to destroy various chemicals. Meanwhile, Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad announced yesterday that he will not consider handing over power to the opposition. Assad said that “there is no need to go to Geneva if this is the general idea.” Syrian deputy foreign minister Faisal Muqdad echoed Assad’s words while meeting in Moscow with Russian and Iranian delegations on Tuesday. Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov reportedly pressed the Syrian regime to allow aid groups access to civilians as conditions in Syria have grown exceedingly dire in many areas. The Syrian military completed a large offensive that began last week on the city of Qara, one of the only remaining rebel supply lines between the Mediterranean and Damascus. Heavy bombardment forced thousands to flee into neighboring Lebanon and inflicted serious losses on opposition forces. U.S. Foreign Policy Iran. President Obama met with Republican and Democratic leaders from the banking, foreign relations, armed services, and intelligence committees on Tuesday in an effort to prevent further sanctions against Iran while negotiations are under way. Despite the overture by the president, six senators, led by Senator Mark Kirk, proposed an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act that would further increase sanctions against Iran. With Thanksgiving recess beginning on Friday, it will be at least two weeks before the bill will face a vote, giving the administration time to try and reach an interim deal. Egypt. Speaking at the State Department Overseas Advisory Council on Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry said that the 2011 Egyptian uprising had been “stolen by” the Muslim Brotherhood. Kerry argued that the Brotherhood capitalized on its highly organized and hierarchical structure at a time of uncertainty and factitious opposition. While We Were Looking Elsewhere Turkey. A parliamentary commission charged with drafting a new civilian constitution has reached an impasse, with spokesmen claiming it unlikely that it will complete the task before the 2015 general election. One major point of contention has been a proposed expansion of presidential powers, a position that at present is largely symbolic. The commission has been working since 2011 to replace the 1980 version, which was drafted by the military following a coup. Libya. Militias in Tripoli continued to hand over bases and outposts to the military today following growing demand and demonstrations against violence in the capital city. On Tuesday, the government announced plans to remove militias from Tripoli, and disarm and reintegrate them into the military. This coincided with large demonstrations against the militias in response to last Friday’s shooting that left more than forty-five people dead and five hundred wounded after a militia attacked unarmed demonstrators. Egypt. In an interview on Thursday with a Kuwaiti newspaper, Egyptian defense minister al-Sisi did not rule out a run for president in upcoming elections. Interim vice president Adly Mansour, however, announced on Tuesday that he would not consider entering the race. On Wednesday, violence continued in the Sinai where a suicide car bomb killed eleven soldiers and wounded another thirty-seven. This Week in History This week marks the one hundred and forty-fourth anniversary of the inauguration of the Suez Canal on November 17, 1869. In 1854, Ferdinand de Lesseps was granted a concession to build the canal by Sa’id Pasha, the Khedive of Egypt. In 1856, the Suez Canal Company was granted the rights to operate the Canal for 99 years following its opening, though Egypt owned a 44 percent stake in the company. Construction began in 1859, with it taking over a decade to complete the 101 mile canal connecting the Red Sea and the Mediterranean. Egyptian financial woes following a broad modernization program enacted under Isma’il Pasha forced Egypt to sells its stock, which the British eagerly purchased. The Suez quickly became essential to east-west trade, cutting the journey between Europe and Asia by six thousand miles. However, Nasser nationalized the canal in 1956 after coming to power, precipitating the Suez Crisis by terminating the original 1856 agreement thirteen years early. The canal was closed for eight years, between 1967 and 1975, serving as buffer between Israel and Egypt. Since the 1979 peace accord between Israel and Egypt, the canal has remained open though a slight decline in traffic has accompanied the recent turbulence in Egypt.
United States
This Week: Syrian Accord, Iranian Discord, and an End to Egyptian Emergency
Syria. The Syrian Opposition Coalition voted to attend the upcoming peace conference in Geneva, though the decision was conditional on the Syrian government allowing aid shipments to rebel held areas and the release of prisoners by government forces. According to Russian news sources, the Syrian government will send a delegation to Moscow on Monday to prepare for the upcoming international peace conference in Geneva. On Monday evening, the Syrian Opposition Coalition announced the selection of nine ministers that will be charged with administering territories currently in rebel hands. Meanwhile, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons met in The Hague today to discuss plans for the destruction of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile. The organization had hoped Albania would accept the stockpiles and facilitate their destruction, but in the face of domestic opposition, the Albanian government turned down the request. Egypt. The government yesterday lifted the nation-wide state of emergency and the curfew that had been in place since August 14. Police immediately began replacing military units at checkpoints, although some military forces are slated to continue to protect embassies. Meanwhile, Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov and defense minister Sergei Shoigu visited Egypt yesterday and met with General al-Sisi to discuss a potential arms deal worth approximately $2 billion that would include helicopters and air defense equipment. On Monday, presidential adviser Mostafa Hegazy announced that a final draft of the constitution will be issued on December 3 and could be taken to a referendum in late December or early January with presidential elections possible before the summer. Iran. Iranian foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said today that he was hopeful regarding next Wednesday’s resumed talks in Geneva between Iran and the P5+1 countries. His comments follow yesterday’s International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) quarterly report stating that there has been no expansion of Iran’s nuclear program since Hassan Rouhani took office. The IAEA reached a deal with Iranian negotiators on Monday providing a framework that would provide the nuclear watchdog information on Iran’s nuclear research and “managed access” to sites including the Gachin uranium mine and the heavy water reactor at Arak. This weekend’s failed attempt to reach an interim deal between Iran and the P5+1 group has left both sides blaming the other: Secretary of State John Kerry claimed that Iran walked away from an agreement due to the concessions Iran would have to offer while Iranian foreign minister Zarif said on Monday that discord among the western powers and French recalcitrance had ended the talks. U.S. Foreign Policy U.S. Sanctions. Secretary of State John Kerry briefed the Senate Banking Committee on Wednesday in an effort to forestall new Congressional sanctions legislation on Iran, arguing that it may damage the ongoing nuclear talks. Republican members expressed disappointment with the meeting. According to Representative Bob Corker, Kerry’s argument was “solely an emotional appeal” while Representative Mark Kirk called the classified briefing “anti-Israeli.” Kerry’s appearance before the committee was prompted by a recently passed House measure that would strengthen sanctions on Iran. UNESCO. Last Friday, the United States lost its voting privileges at UNESCO after cutting funding to the organization two years ago after the organization admitted Palestine as a full member. Per the organization’s constitution, any member state that fails to pay its dues for two consecutive years loses its right to vote. The United States was the largest benefactor of the organization providing $70 million annually, roughly 22 percent of UNESCO’s operating budget. While We Were Looking Elsewhere Libya. Libyan prime minister Ali Zeidan issued an appeal on Sunday for the populace to rise up against armed militias or else risk a foreign intervention in Libya. Speaking at a news conference, Zeidan warned that, “The international community cannot tolerate a state in the middle of the Mediterranean that is a source of violence, terrorism and murder.” Libya has been plagued by a growing number of armed militias responsible for attacks on security forces and the recent temporary abduction of the prime minister. Jordan. Jordan’s information minister expressed interest on Monday in his country possibly taking the available United Nations Security Council seat recently turned down by Saudi Arabia.  The seat is traditionally reserved for an Arab state and Jordan thus far is the most likely candidate, but the decision must be voted on by the General Assembly. Lebanon. The Lebanese government announced on Monday that it will file a complaint with the UN Security Council over the Israeli installation of surveillance equipment along the southern border between the two countries. Following a meeting of the Parliamentary Telecommunications Committee, several members of parliament remarked that the official complaint would only be the first step in dealing with an issue that “concerns our security, economy and daily life.” This Week in History: This week marks the ninth anniversary of the death of Yasser Arafat in Paris, France. As a student in Egypt, Arafat headed the Union of Palestinian students and was arrested in 1954 for supporting the Muslim Brotherhood. In the late 1950s, Arafat established the Fatah political party and the associated armed wing. By the early 1960s, he was leading a low intensity guerilla war against Israel. Following the 1967 War, Arafat emerged as a major force in Palestinian politics, becoming the chairman of the PLO when Fatah took over the organization. In the weeks leading up to Oslo, Arafat exchanged letters with then Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, recognizing the state of Israel and then signing the Oslo Accords soon after, for which he was a co-recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize. Soon after Arafat returned to Gaza and was subsequently elected president of the Palestinian Authority. His international standing fell with the outbreak of the second intifada after the failure of the Camp David peace summit in 2000. The War on Terror further sidelined him and the peace process, and concerns over ongoing terrorist attacks in Israel led the IDF to confine Arafat to his headquarters in Ramallah. In 2004, Arafat became ill and travelled to Paris for treatment; a month later he passed away under circumstances shrouded in controversy.
  • United States
    This Week: Iranian Negotiations, Syrian CW Dismantlement, and Israeli-Palestinian Squabbling
    Significant Developments Iran. Nuclear negotiations between the P5+1 countries and Iran began today in Geneva with participants voicing optimism that a deal could be reached within days. A senior U.S. official told journalists yesterday that the United States was looking for a “first step understanding” that stops Iran’s nuclear program from moving forward in exchange for “limited, targeted, and reversible sanctions relief.” Iranian foreign minister Mohammed Javad Zarif said that a nuclear deal may be “possible this week.” Earlier this week, Zarif told an interviewer that “Iran is prepared to call for the withdrawal of all foreign forces from Syria.” His remarks came a day after a commander in the Iran’s Revolutionary Guard was killed in Syria after volunteering to defend the Sayyid Zanab Mosque in Damascus. Meanwhile, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu today said that a nuclear deal between Iran and the world powers would be a "mistake of historic proportions." Syria. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons announced today that twenty-two of twenty-three declared chemical weapons production sites have been examined. The most recent site it verified was deemed too dangerous for inspection, but was confirmed by video to be “dismantled and long abandoned.” The United States began efforts today to forge a coalition of states to aid in the destruction of stockpiles transferred out of Syria. Meanwhile, the Syrian government announced on Tuesday that it would attend Geneva II talks without preconditions. While acknowledging failure to produce a concrete date for these talks, UN envoy Lakhdar Brahimi said it not mean the process has failed. Russian news agencies reported that the talks will be delayed until at least early December. Secretary of State John Kerry, speaking from Saudi Arabia, said that the United States does not have the legal justification “or the desire at this point to get in the middle of a civil war” in Syria. Israel-Palestine. Secretary of State John Kerry today announced from Amman the extension of his Middle East shuttle and his plans to return to Jerusalem on Friday to meet Israeli prime minister Netanyahu. Following several rounds of meetings with Israeli and Palestinian leader, Kerry said that both sides were committed to talks. Kerry yesterday described Abbas as “100 percent committed” to peace and called Israeli West Bank settlements “illegitimate.” Kerry’s comments came in the wake of an Israeli announcement on Monday of its plans to build over a thousand housing units in territories it occupied in the 1967 Middle East war. Kerry called harsh recriminations between Israeli and Palestinian officials this week part of the negotiation process. U.S. Foreign Policy Saudi Arabia. In an effort to ease tense relations, Secretary of State John Kerry met with King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia for two hours on Monday. Kerry assured Abdullah that “the United States would not allow Iran to acquire nuclear weapons.” Following Kerry’s meetings with the king and then Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal, both Saudis and U.S. officials downplayed their recent disagreements and stressed the strength of the U.S.-Saudi relationship. Secretary Kerry called the Kingdom an “indispensable partner” and guaranteed greater consultations on Iran with the Kingdom in the future. Asked about the Saudi prohibition against women driving, Kerry responded that decisions about “social structure” were a matter for the Saudis. Egypt. U.S. secretary of state John Kerry visited Cairo Sunday in his first visit to Egypt since the July 3 coup. Kerry met with Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmy, interim President Adly Mansour and Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. Fahmy described their conversation as positive and said that the talks reduced recent stress on U.S.-Egyptian relations. Calling Egypt a “partner” and “friend,” and describing its relationship with the United States as “vital,” Kerry said the Obama Administration was committed to working with the interim government in Egypt and stressed that the suspension of aid to Egypt was “not a punishment.” Iraq. President Obama met with Iraqi prime minister Maliki in Washington last Friday to discuss cooperation between the two countries on combating terrorism in Iraq and stabilizing the violence-plagued state. U.S. officials have expressed increasing concerns over the resurgence of al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups that are using Iraq as a training ground. The two leaders also discussed Syria at length and both voiced support for a negotiated political solution. No comment was offered regarding requests for military aid from the poorly equipped Iraqi army. While We Were Looking Elsewhere Yemen. Following clashes beginning last week that left more than one hundred people dead, U.S. envoy to Yemen Karen Sasahara called on northern Houthi rebels yesterday to disarm and join the currently ongoing national dialogue. On Monday, a UN-brokered ceasefire between Shiite Houthis and Sunni Salafis collapsed only hours after the agreement had been formed. This was the second ceasefire to fall apart in a matter of days in the restive city of Damaj near the mountainous northern border with Saudi Arabia where Houthis and Salafis have experienced increased friction. Egypt. An Egyptian court on Wednesday dismissed an appeal of the September ban on Muslim Brotherhood activity in Egypt. Brotherhood officials announced that they will take their appeal to a higher court. The murder trial of ousted President Mohammed Morsi began on Monday but was quickly adjourned until January 8, following general chaos in the courtroom.  Morsi refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the court or trial, called for the overthrow of the military regime, and maintained that he was the duly elected leader of Egypt. Lebanon. Lebanon entered its eighth month without a cabinet yesterday as partisan disagreements continue to plague the formation process. Commenting on the ongoing crisis, Speaker of Parliament Nabih Berry criticized the March 14 movement for setting withdrawal of Hezbollah’s fighters from Syria as a precondition for participation in forming a cabinet. On Monday, Hezbollah member of parliament, Mohammad Raad, echoed similar frustration with the movement’s demands and accused them of undermining the state. The current 9-9-6 proposal would grant veto power to both the March 8 and March 14 movements and assign the final six positions to non-partisan ministers. This Week in History This week marks the eighteenth anniversary of the assassination of Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin. On November 4, 1995, Rabin was shot and killed at a Tel Aviv peace rally by Yigal Amir, a Jewish extremist who accused Rabin of planning “to give our country to the Arabs.” During Israel’s 1948 war of independence, Rabin had coordinated the battle for Jerusalem, and served in combat in the Negev. He served as the chief of staff of Israel’s armed forces during its lighting victory in the 1967 Six Day War. After serving as the Israeli ambassador to the United States, Rabin was elected to the Knesset in 1973 as a member of the Labor party, and became prime minister after Gold Meir stepped down in 1974. Between 1984 and 1990, Rabin served as defense minister in the Labor-Likud coalition government and was elected to become prime minister in 1992. In 1993, he oversaw secret negotiations with the then banned PLO which culminated in the Oslo Accords, an agreement that recognized the PLO and helped establish Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank and Gaza. ,” Rabin went on to sign a peace treaty with King Hussein of Jordan in 1994, after winning the Nobel Peace Prize along with Yasser Arafat and Shimon Peres.
  • United States
    This Week: Syria Destroys CW Facilities, Egypt Continues Crackdown, and Washington Hosts Maliki
    Significant Developments Syria. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons announced today that Syria had “completed rendering inoperable its chemical weapons production and assembly installations,” ahead of schedule. Late last night, a Syrian government airbase in Latakia was destroyed in a missile attack of unknown national origin launched from the Mediterranean. The airbase housed Russian surface to air missiles and a radar center. Also yesterday, President Assad’s forces launched a “Starvation Until Submission Campaign,” tightening blockades around Damascus neighborhoods and preventing the flow of food, medicine, and people in a purported effort to starve out rebel forces. Aid organizations and local medical staff have already reported an increase in water-borne illnesses and cases of severe malnutrition. The WHO reported a polio outbreak in Syria after ten cases of the disease were confirmed. Despite largely being eradicated in Syria since 1999, the easily communicable disease has undergone a recent resurgence as inoculation rates among children and general health and cleanliness standards for food and water have declined as a result of the civil war. Assad met with UN-Arab League Envoy Lakhdar Brahimi yesterday to discuss possible negotiations with Syria’s opposition in Geneva later next month. Assad said that any negotiated solution would be predicated on an immediate end to foreign intervention and support for the opposition. Egypt. Police raided al-Azhar University yesterday, firing tear gas at students following protests in which students stormed and vandalized administrative buildings. The protests were sparked in part by yesterday’s arrest of Essam el-Errian, one of the last remaining senior members of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood. On Tuesday, three judges presiding over the trial of Mohammed Badie, the Muslim Brotherhood’s supreme guide, stepped down citing “reasons of conscience,” bringing the trial to an unexpected halt. Meanwhile, the military raided multiple sites in northern Sinai on Tuesday, arresting fifty-four militants as well as the confiscation of a cache of weapons and explosives. On Monday, Egypt’s Interior Ministry announced that it had arrested twenty-seven assailants responsible for the Warraq Church Iraq. Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki is slated to meet President Obama at the White House tomorrow to discuss the rising tide of violence across Iraq. In advance of the meeting, a bipartisan group of U.S. senators sharply criticized al-Maliki’s leadership in a letter to the president alleging that “Prime Minister Maliki’s mismanagement of Iraqi politics is contributing to the recent surge of violence.” The Senators also expressed concerns about the spillover effects of Syria’s civil war, the marginalization of the Sunni minority in Iraq, and the potential for civil war in Iraq. The expressions of concern come amidst daily car and suicide bombs in Iraq that killed more than thirty people this week. The United Nations estimates that seven thousand Iraqi civilians have been killed this year alone. U.S. Foreign Policy New Middle East Strategy. The New York Times reported on Sunday that National Security Adviser Susan Rice led a White House Middle East policy review this summer to reassess the nature of U.S. commitments in the Middle East. The review process, which did not include either the secretary of state or secretary of defense, reportedly redefined the administration’s goal as preventing the Middle East from overwhelming the president’s second term agenda. Notably absent from the administration’s new priorities is Egypt; the review also marks the administration’s abandonment of Middle East democracy promotion, as spelled out by the president in his May 19, 2011, major address on the Arab uprisings at the State Department. Instead, U.S. priorities reportedly now center on negotiating a nuclear agreement with Iran, brokering peace between Israelis and the Palestinians, and “mitigating strife in Syria.” Kerry to the Region. The State Department announced today that Secretary of State John Kerry will be traveling to the Middle East from November 3-11. Secretary Kerry will visit Riyadh, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Amman, Abu Dhabi, Algiers, and Rabat to discuss a range of issues, including Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons, Saudi ire with Washington, and final status negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians. Egypt. A number of members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee called on Tuesday for a re-evaluation of the Obama administration’s recent aid cuts to Egypt. Representative Eliot Engel expressed concerns that the recent decision to halt shipments of advanced military equipment, such as the F-16 and Apache Helicopters, has only harmed relations with a long-term ally. Assistant Secretary of Defense Derek Chollet told the committee this week that the United States wants “to see Egypt succeed in moving toward an inclusive, democratically-elected civilian government.” Acting Assistant Secretary of State Beth Jones told the same committee that the reduced aid package has not impeded the ability of the Egyptian military to secure its borders or combat domestic militants but instead made a strong U.S. statement admonishing the overthrow of the democratically elected Mohamed Morsi and the ensuing crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood. While We Were Looking Elsewhere. Lebanon. President Michel Sleiman announced that calm had been restored to Tripoli yesterday following Tuesday’s army deployment there to quell weeklong clashes between pro and anti-Syrian factions that left sixteen dead and more than eighty wounded. On Monday, Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah accused Saudi Arabia of working to derail the Geneva II talks between the Syrian opposition and the Assad regime. Nasrallah claimed that there is no chance for a battlefield victory, and argued instead that a negotiated political solution is the only route to peace. Iran. Nuclear chief Ali Akbar Salehi refuted claims yesterday that Iran had temporarily halted twenty percent uranium enrichment. Sanctions and technical experts began meetings yesterday to prepare for next week’s nuclear negotiations between Iran and the P5+1 in Vienna. On Monday, Iranian deputy foreign minister Abbas Araqchi met with International Atomic Energy Association director general Yukiya Amano and offered suggestions for breaking the impasse between the UN nuclear watchdog and the isolated Islamic Republic. Tunisia. Security forces arrested five suspects last night following a suicide bombing at a Tunisian resort that coincided with several other attempted bombings yesterday. Authorities announced that the men being held were tied to Ansar al-Sharia, an increasingly active Salafist group operating in Tunisia. On Monday, twenty-one party leaders continued talks that began last week aimed at transitioning power from the ruling Ennahda party, setting new elections, and revising the constitution. According to Rashid Ghannouchi, chairman of Ennahda, “the train out of this crisis is on the tracks, and we are now on the way to finishing our transition to elections.” Israel. The Israeli government yesterday released twenty-six Palestinian prisoners convicted of killing Israelis, the second group of one hundred and four prisoners set to be released by the Netanyahu government as a good will gesture to Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas. Israel, however, drew international criticism for simultaneously announcing plans for an additional fifteen hundred homes in areas of East Jerusalem occupied in the 1967 war. On Monday, two rockets were launched from the Gaza Strip into Israel; one was intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system and the other landed in an uninhabited area with no injuries. In response, the Israeli military destroyed two launch sites in Gaza. This Week in History. This week marks the ninetieth anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Turkey, following more than six hundred years of Ottoman rule. Defeat by the Allied powers in World War I dealt a fatal blow to the “Sick Man of Europe,” reducing the Ottoman Empire to a small state in Anatolia with the Treaty of Sevres in 1920. Unwilling to capitulate to Allied will, Turkish nationalists fought to depose the Sultan and forge a new, more favorable agreement which came with the 1923 Treaty of Lausanne. The election of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, a hero of both World War I and the resistance, as the first president brought about drastic social, political and religious changes in Turkey. The fez was banned, Latin script replaced Arabic, and by 1928, Turkey had officially gone from Caliphate to secular Republic. Ataturk moved quickly to repress opposition and consolidate power and won re-election in 1927, 1931 and 1935 until his death in 1938.