
Follow the Money

Brad Setser tracks cross-border flows, with a bit of macroeconomics thrown in.

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Chinese State Investors Do Not Seem to Profit From Higher U.S. Interest Rates

Given the size and composition of its external lending, China should be clearing far more interest income on its reserves and policy lending than SAFE reports. Read More

All Sound and No Fury? Will The Trump Administration Get Tough on Currency in April?
A number of Asian countries could be designated as manipulators in the U.S. Treasury's April foreign exchange report. And unlike the politically motivated designation of China last summer, there would be a clear analytical justification for a new round of designations.
More Trade Destruction than Trade Diversion Right Now
Earlier in the year, there was a plausible argument that Trump's tariffs were mostly just diverting U.S. demand to other markets. But in recent months imports from China and imports from the United States' other trade partners are both falling. And the fall in imports has brought the non-petrol trade deficit down significantly from its levels this summer, though perhaps not permanently.
Am Taking a Few Days Off. Back in 2020 ...
Happy Holidays, and if it fits, Merry Christmas.   Photo is of a Schwarzwälderkirschtorte.*  It tastes as good as it looks.  My brother is an excellent chef. * Blackforest cake, with the appropriate amount of kirsch ...
  • United States
    It is Time to Change How We View Foreign Direct Investment
    FDI is increasingly driven by tax avoidance.
  • China
    China, More Than Trump, Has Been Driving the Slowdown in Global Trade
    U.S. imports from China are down. China's imports from everyone are down.