
Follow the Money

Brad Setser tracks cross-border flows, with a bit of macroeconomics thrown in.

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Chinese State Investors Do Not Seem to Profit From Higher U.S. Interest Rates

Given the size and composition of its external lending, China should be clearing far more interest income on its reserves and policy lending than SAFE reports. Read More

The IMF’s Latest External Sector Report Misses the Mark
The IMF should take a mulligan on the 2024 External Sector Report. The imbalance in China’s goods trade is expanding, not receding. It is too big for the IMF to ignore.
China’s Imaginary Trade Data
China has a new way of calculating its good surplus in its formal balance of payments data. It is a deeply misleading. It also explains the apparent fall in the current account account surplus.
What to Do About the Liquidity Difficulties in Low-Income Countries
The IMF, while recognizing the liquidity challenges sure to be faced by several indebted countries in the coming years, needs to offer a solution that both widens its scope and deepens its analysis.
  • Economics
    The Spotty International Tax Record of Big U.S. Technology Companies
    Many big technology firms continue to book large offshore profits in low tax jurisdictions, particularly Ireland and Singapore.
  • Economics
    American Pharmaceutical Companies Aren’t Paying Any Tax in the United States
    The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) has substantially reduced the domestic tax paid by American pharmaceutical giants. 
  • Economics
    Sri Lanka’s Bond Deal Should Not Set a Precedent
    Rather than reducing the risk of future debt trouble, Sri Lanka’s macro-linked bonds set up the risk that Sri Lanka will fall back into debt trouble in 2029 or 2030.
  • Climate Change
    Mobilizing Clean Energy Financing through the Multilateral Development Banks
    A new paper published by the MIT Center for Energy and Environmental Policy Research (CEEPR) puts forward an ambitious agenda for innovation in clean energy finance.
  • Russia
    Estimating Future Interest Income From Russia’s Frozen Reserves
    Outright seizure of the Russian Central Bank’s hundreds of billions in frozen assets is currently off the table, but it is still possible to obtain large sums for Ukraine from the interest income on these assets.
  • China
    Power and Financial Interdependence
    My new paper for the Geoeconomics and Geofinance Initiative of the Institute Français des Relations Internationals’ (IFRI) explores the history of the Sino-American financial relationship.
  • China
    China’s New Currency Peg
    The peg that shall not be named, and all the trouble that creates.