

Visual stories that delve into some of the world’s most pressing issues.

Explainers Video Filters and Cards

Elections and Voting
Pakistan’s Elections: Three Things to Know
As former prime minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif looks poised to win nationwide elections, CFR’s Daniel Markey highlights the vote’s significance for Pakistan’s democracy and foreign relations.
Intervention in Syria: Three Things to Know
Secretary of State John Kerry said the United States will hold the Syrian government accountable for the use of chemical weapons on civilians. CFR’s Matthew C. Waxman highlights three sets of considerations for U.S. intervention in the country’s ongoing civil war.
Cyprus’s Bailout: Three Things to Know
Cyprus’s last-minute bailout deal highlights the vulnerabilities in the island nation’s financial system, as well as the flaws in the eurozone’s ability to effectively respond to banking crises, says CFR’s Robert E. Rubin.
Israel’s New Government: Three Things to Know
Israel’s new coalition government is widely divided on prospects for peace with the Palestinians, but the coalition is likely to last longer than many expect, says CFR’s Robert M. Danin.
Congresses and Parliaments
The Sequester: Three Things to Know
Short Description: The automatic cuts in U.S. federal government spending, known as the "sequester," will negatively impact the U.S. economy in the short run and will not solve the long-term challenge of putting the United States on a sustainable budget path, says CFR’s Robert Kahn.
Nonproliferation, Arms Control, and Disarmament
North Korea’s Nuclear Test: Three Things to Know
North Korea’s third successful nuclear test has been widely condemned by the international community. CFR’s Paul Stares highlights three things to know about the test and its implications for nuclear nonproliferation.
Mexico’s Drug War
Despite its booming economy, Mexico continues to struggle with alarmingly high levels of violence linked to drugs and organized crime. This video primer examines the crisis and explores policy options for Mexico and the United States.
Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Targeted Killings of Americans: Three Things to Know
A leaked government document has recharged the controversy over the use of lethal force against U.S. citizens. CFR’s Matthew C. Waxman highlights three legal considerations.
Immigration and Migration
Immigration Reform: Three Things to Know
As renewed bipartisan efforts to reform U.S. immigration policy get under way, CFR’s Edward Alden gives three reasons why the time for reform may finally be at hand.
Human Rights
Freedom in the World 2013
Arch Puddington presents Freedom House’s "Freedom in the World 2013" report, followed by a discussion between Tamara Wittes and Larry Diamond. They discuss the text of the report, as well as the differences between democratic indicators within nations, regional trends, and the normative importance of the "Arab Spring."
Mali Conflict: Three Things to Know
As French forces intervene in Mali to curtail rebel forces in the country’s northern region, CFR’s John Campbell highlights three things to know about Mali and the escalating conflict.
Violence Against Women in India: Three Things to Know
A brutal New Delhi gang rape has triggered outrage across India. CFR’s Isobel Coleman highlights three things to know about the case, and discusses the larger issue of violence against women in the country.
Conflict Prevention
Conflict Prevention Priorities: Three Things to Know
CFR’s Paul Stares highlights three of the top conflict prevention priorities for 2013.
United States
The U.S. Fiscal Cliff: Three Things to Know
CFR’s Peter Orszag highlights the potential opportunities and limitations of a fiscal cliff deal.
Egypt’s Power Struggle: Three Things to Know
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has taken extensive new powers for himself. CFR’s Ed Husain highlights three underlying issues at the core of Egypt’s power struggle.