

Visual stories that delve into some of the world’s most pressing issues.

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China’s Leadership Transition: Three Things to Know
As China unveils a new top leadership, CFR’s Elizabeth Economy highlights three challenges the new Politburo Standing Committee faces.
Hurricane Sandy and Climate Change: Three Things to Know
As the recovery from hurricane Sandy gets under way, CFR’s Michael A. Levi highlights three policy takeaways from the storm.
EU’s Nobel Peace Prize: Three Things to Know
The EU’s Nobel Peace Prize selection comes as the bloc struggles to resolve its debt crisis. Nevertheless, the EU represents one of the great peacemaking accomplishments of the modern era.
Turkey-Syria Border Tension: Three Things to Know
Following Turkey’s decision to authorize military action against Syria, CFR’s Steven Cook highlights three reasons why tensions are unlikely to escalate to war.
History Lessons: The Munich Agreement
CFR’s James M. Lindsay reflects on the signing of the Munich Agreement on September 30, 1938 and how the United States can apply the lesson learned to potential threats in the world today.
Attacks in Libya, Egypt: Three Things to Know
The attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi and the killing of the U.S. ambassador may be "the first salvo" of a civil war in the country, says CFR’s Isobel Coleman.
The Oslo Accords | History Lessons
CFR’s James M. Lindsay discusses the signing of the Oslo Accords on September 13, 1993, including the secret negotiations that produced the agreement, what its terms stipulated, and how it failed to produce lasting peace between Israelis and Palestinians.
The Haqqani Network Blacklisted: Three Things to Know
The U.S. designation of the Haqqani network as a foreign terrorist organization may heighten tensions with Islamabad, but was the "right decision" because it provides clarity within the U.S. government and to Pakistani authorities, says CFR’s Daniel Markey
United States
America First Committee | History Lessons
CFR’s James M. Lindsay remembers the formation of the America First Committee on September 4, 1941. He discusses the committee’s meteoric rise, its claim that the war in Europe did not threaten American security, and its ultimate failure to prevent FDR from moving the United States closer to Great Britain.
Morsi’s Iran Visit: Three Things to Know
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi’s visit to Iran signals a shift in his country’s foreign policy away from Washington’s influence, which, paradoxically, could have some positive upshots for the United States, says CFR’s Steven Cook.
Afghan Insider Attacks: Three Things to Know
The rise in attacks on U.S. and coalition forces in Afghanistan by members of Afghan forces may have serious implications for the overall campaign in Afghanistan, as the endangerment of troops calls into question plans for a sustained advisory presence past 2014, says CFR’s Linda Robinson.
Intervention in Syria: Three Things to Know
Intensification of the violence in Syria presents renewed cause for military intervention, either to protect innocent civilian lives or to potentially police or enforce a peace agreement or political settlement, says CFR’s Paul Stares.
Financial Markets
The Libor Scandal: Three Things to Know
Ongoing investigations into Barclays’ fraudulent Libor submissions highlights critical lessons about conflicts of interest, pressures on regulators, and banks that are too big to fail, says CFR’s Sebastian Mallaby.
Egypt’s Parliament Dissolved: Three Things to Know
The Egyptian Supreme Constitutional Court’s decision to dissolve parliament has "thrown Egypt into turmoil once again," threatening the upcoming presidential election runoff and the hopes of the country’s sixteen-month-old revolution, says CFR’s Steven A. Cook.
Elections and Voting
The Greek Elections: Three Things To Know
A Greek exit from the euro following the country’s upcoming elections will be have negative consequences for Greece, European banks, as well as the eurozone, cautions CFR’s Sabastian Mallaby.