

Visual stories that delve into some of the world’s most pressing issues.

Explainers Video Filters and Cards

North Korea
"Denuclearization" in North Korea
The United States and North Korea understand the word “denuclearization” differently. Learn why there is little hope for peace until they can agree on a common meaning in this video from the Council on Foreign Relations.
Why Japan Is Reassessing Its Military Power
Following World War II, Japan’s U.S.–imposed constitution renounced the use of offensive military force. But a nuclear North Korea and an increasingly assertive China have the Japanese rethinking that commitment. Learn more about Japan's reassessment of its military power in Sheila A. Smith's new book, "Japan Rearmed," out now: https://on.cfr.org/2uDyk9Z
Renewable Energy
Why Solar Energy Needs Innovation to Reach Its Potential
Solar energy, the world’s cheapest and fastest-growing power source, could one day supply most of the world’s energy needs. But in a new book, “Taming the Sun: Innovations to Harness Solar Energy and Power the Planet” (MIT Press), energy expert Varun Sivaram warns that solar’s current surge is on track to stall, dimming prospects for averting catastrophic climate change. Brightening those prospects, he argues, will require innovation—creative financing, revolutionary technologies, and flexible energy systems.
Video: The Time of the Kurds
Kurds have become critical players amid domestic upheaval and political changes throughout the Middle East. Explore the history of the Kurdish people and why some Kurds may be on the verge of achieving their century-old quest for independence.
United States
Climate Change and the Next U.S. President
The next president of the United States will play a critical role in shaping the country’s climate policy, deciding whether and how to reduce emissions, while minimizing any impact on economic growth. This video explains the domestic and global challenges. 
United States
Trade and the U.S. Presidential Election
The next president’s trade policy will affect millions of Americans, as well as the health and competitiveness of the country’s economy. This video breaks down the decisions the president will face in developing a trade policy that promotes growth, while helping Americans adjust to new competition and ensuring regulatory standards.
Islamic State
How to Confront the Islamic State?
The next president of the United States will face tough decisions, including whether to commit significant ground forces, how much to support the Kurds, and what to do about Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. This video explainer examines the challenges.
China Policy and the U.S. Presidential Election
The president of the United States will have to deal with a rising and more assertive China on a wide range of issues, including Asia-Pacific security, trade, and cybersecurity. U.S.-China relations will likely continue to be a mix of competition and cooperation. The central question for bilateral relations is: Can the world’s two largest economies avoid increased competition and even conflict?
Democratic Republic of Congo
Video: The Humanitarian Crisis in the Eastern Congo
Over the past two decades, the eastern provinces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo have experienced fighting that has killed more than five million people. As the eastern Congo struggles to overcome years of regional war, its hard-won progress remains at risk.
Russia’s Campaign in Syria: Three Things to Know
Russian airstrikes in Syria could have an impact on Syria’s internal evolution, the politics of the region, and relations among the great powers, says CFR’s Stephen Sestanovich.
Immigration and Migration
Immigration Policy and the U.S. Presidential Election
U.S. immigration policy has been a touchstone of political debate for decades as policymakers consider U.S. labor demands and border security concerns. Comprehensive immigration reform has eluded Washington for years. Meanwhile, the fates of the estimated eleven million undocumented immigrants in the country, as well as future rules for legal migration, lie in the balance.
Europe and Eurasia
Europe’s Migrant Crisis: Three Things to Know
The challenge of handling the influx of migrants and refugees into Europe requires a far more robust global response, says CFR’s Edward Alden.
Iran’s Nuclear Deal: Three Things to Know
Talks over Iran’s nuclear program have concluded with a deal that will limit Iran’s nuclear capabilities in exchange for relief from economic and financial sanctions. Before the sanctions are lifted, Iran must show that it has implemented agreed-upon restrictions, explains CFR Senior Fellow Philip H. Gordon. 
The BRICS: Three Things to Know
Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa (known as the "BRICS") are forming multilateral bodies intended to reduce Western influence over the global financial system, explains CFR’s Stewart Patrick.  
Nigeria’s New President: Three Things to Know
The inauguration of opposition leader Muhammadu Buhari after credible elections should advance democracy for all of Africa, says CFR’s John Campbell in this video explainer.