

Visual stories that delve into some of the world’s most pressing issues.

Explainers Video Filters and Cards

Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty: Three Things to Know
Members of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty gathering in New York must recommit to reducing their arsenals and address new proliferation challenges, explains CFR’s Adam Mount.
United States
Cybersecurity Debate: Three Things to Know
The White House and Congress have several differences to reconcile on cybersecurity legislation, explains CFR’s Robert Knake.
Video: Why the Taliban Endures
The Taliban has outlasted the world’s most potent military forces and its two main factions now challenge the governments of Afghanistan and Pakistan.  As U.S. troops draw down, the next phase of conflict will have consequences that extend far beyond the region.
Transnational Terrorism: Three Things to Know
Terrorism today is increasingly transnational, geographically dispersed, and ideologically diverse, says CFR’s Stewart Patrick.
United States
U.S.-Cuba Relations: Three Things to Know
President Obama’s decision to restore relations with Cuba is sensible foreign policy, but a number of obstacles remain on the path to normalization, explains CFR’s Carla Anne Robbins.
2015 Conflict Prevention Priorities: Three Things to Know
The deterioration of violence in Iraq and Afghanistan, disputes in Ukraine and the East and South China Seas, and the nuclear ambitions of Iran and North Korea are among the top concerns of foreign policy experts, says CFR’s Paul Stares.
United States
Obama’s Immigration Action: Three Things to Know
President Obama’s executive action on immigration policy is ambitious yet flawed, and Congress must now decide how to proceed, explains CFR’s Edward Alden.
Japan-China Relations: Three Things to Know
Diplomatic relations between Japan and China must improve for the Asia-Pacific region to thrive economically and politically, explains CFR’s Sheila Smith.
Hong Kong
Protests in Hong Kong: Three Things to Know
Pro-democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong feel Beijing has reneged on its guarantees of greater autonomy for the former British colony, says CFR’s Barbara Demick.
Sub-Saharan Africa
Ebola and West Africa: Three Things to Know
A greater international response is required to help West African governments overcome major logistical challenges in responding to Ebola, says CFR Senior Fellow John Campbell.
Humanitarian Crisis in Iraq: Three Things to Know
The humanitarian crisis in Iraq is likely to deepen until leaders in Baghdad can form an inclusive government and defeat jihadist fighters on the battlefield, explains CFR’s Isobel Coleman.
The Israel-Gaza Crisis: Three Things to Know
The violence in Gaza is likely to continue until a third party brokers a deal that allows both Israel and Hamas to claim successes as a result of the bloodshed, says CFR’s Robert Danin.
Video: The Emerging Arctic
The northern reaches of the planet are melting at a pace few nations can afford to ignore, yielding potentially lucrative returns in energy, minerals, and shipping. But debate is mounting over whether the Arctic can be developed sustainably and peaceably.
The Sunni-Shia Divide
This video is part of the Council on Foreign Relations’ InfoGuide Presentation, "The Sunni-Shia Divide."
Drone Proliferation: Three Things to Know
The United States should take a leading role in shaping international norms for the use of armed drones, explains CFR’s Sarah Kreps.