

Visual stories that delve into some of the world’s most pressing issues.

Explainers Video Filters and Cards

Energy and Environment
The True Cost of Cheap Clothes
Fast fashion has become a multibillion-dollar industry in recent decades, reshaping the world’s shopping habits. But the industry’s low prices disguise a staggering environmental cost.
Behind China's Influence in Africa
From trade to film, China's influence in Africa is nearly everywhere. Why—and at what cost?
Coronavirus: Which Countries Are Doing Well? Which Are Falling Short?
In 2019, researchers assessed how prepared 195 countries were for a health crisis. But how have countries measured up against the real-life pandemic? Here’s how their scores last year compare to their responses today.
Election 2020
Is China Being Fair on Trade?
“Made in China.” You’ve probably seen this label on your clothes, toys, and other everyday products. China’s reach has skyrocketed in recent decades, disrupting the global trading system as we know it.
Which Countries Are the Top 5 Carbon Emitters?
The United States and China are responsible for more than 40% of global CO2 emissions. Which countries are the world’s biggest carbon polluters?
Election 2020
Does NATO Still Matter?
NATO just turned seventy, and some of its own members have become deeply critical of the organization. CFR breaks down what purpose NATO serves in the twenty-first century and whether we still need it.
Election 2020
What’s the Purpose of Foreign Aid?
Many Americans question whether the $50 billion the United States spends annually on foreign aid is worth it. CFR breaks down how much of the U.S. budget goes toward foreign assistance and how this money is spent.
Election 2020
What Are Green Jobs?
Green jobs are booming. But what are they? And how can the United States prepare for the future this shift in technologies will bring?
Election 2020
What Automation Means for Jobs
When was the last time you went to the mall for something you could buy on your phone? Automation is a disruptive force that continues to shape the future. CFR breaks down what automation means for the U.S. workforce.
What Is 5G?
What exactly is 5G—and why could China control its future?
United States
The Year in CFR Events
Take a look back at 2019’s most pressing current events and the experts and renowned guests who came to CFR, including Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan and U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, to discuss these issues
Election 2020
Who Pays for Tariffs?
Who wins and who loses in the back and forth on tariffs? CFR’s Shannon K. O’Neil breaks down the ongoing tariff battle between the United States and China.
Election 2020
9 Female Leaders Gaining Notice
There are currently 23 female world leaders worldwide. From Estonia's Kersti Kaljulaid to Ethiopia's Sahle-Work Zewde. Here are 9 female leaders gaining notice. Which country will be next?
United States
Which Countries Have the Highest Voter Turnout?
At 56%, voter turnout in the United States trails most developed countries. Here's where voter turnout is highest—and what countries have done to increase participation.
United States
The Threat of Deep Fakes
Deep fakes use machine-learning algorithms that take existing images and footage to doctor videos. Some experts worry that they could heighten disinformation and spark violence, war, or genocide. Interested in learning more? https://on.cfr.org/31NI14c