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    New Frontiers of Local News
    Elise Labott, the 2024-25 Edward R. Murrow press fellow at CFR, discusses the shift away from traditional news sources to social media and the implications of segmenting audiences through outlets such as Bluesky and X on local communities. Bobby Allyn, technology correspondent at NPR, speaks about his experience covering Silicon Valley companies and the ways they are transforming society. The host of the webinar is Carla Anne Robbins, senior fellow at CFR and former deputy editorial page editor at the New York Times.  TRANSCRIPT FASKIANOS: Welcome to the Council on Foreign Relations Local Journalists Webinar. I’m Irina Faskianos, vice president for the National Program and Outreach here at CFR. CFR is an independent and nonpartisan membership organization, think tank, and publisher focused on U.S. foreign policy. CFR is also the publisher of Foreign Affairs magazine. As always, CFR takes no institutional positions on matters of policy. This webinar is part of CFR’s Local Journalists Initiative, created to help you draw connections between the local issues you cover and national and international dynamics. Our programming puts you in touch with CFR resources and expertise on international issues and provides a forum for sharing best practices. We’re delighted to have participants from forty-two states and U.S. territories with us today so thank you for taking the time to be with us, especially as I know you’re probably under a deadline. I want to remind everyone that this webinar is on the record, and the video and transcript will be posted on our website after the fact at We are pleased to have Elise Labott, Bobby Allyn, and host Carla Anne Robbins with us. Elise Labott is a 2024-25 Edward R. Murrow press fellow at CFR and a leading journalist specializing in U.S. foreign policy and global affairs. She has reported from more than eighty countries and is a former CNN global affairs correspondent. She’s also the author of Cosmopolitics, a Substack publication focusing on U.S. policy and international relations; and the founder and editor in chief of Zivvy News, a nonprofit digital platform that engages youth on political and global issues, civic engagement, and media literacy. Bobby Allyn is a technology correspondent at NPR. He reports on big tech, startups, social media, artificial intelligence, Silicon Valley, and other tech-related topics. He was previously a staff writer at National Public Radio, the Oregonian, and the Tennessean. And Carla Anne Robbins, our host, she is senior fellow at CFR and co-host of the CFR podcast “The World Next Week.” She also serves as faculty director of the master of international affairs program and clinical professor of national security studies at Baruch College’s Marxe School of Public and International Affairs, and previously she was deputy editorial page editor at the New York Times and chief diplomatic correspondent at the Wall Street Journal. So welcome, all. Thank you for being with us. I am going to turn the conversation now to Carla to explore new frontiers of local news. So, Carla, over to you. ROBBINS: Thank you so much, and thanks, Elise, it’s great to see you. And, Bobby, it’s lovely to meet you. I listen to you, so glad to meet you. ALLYN: Oh. Good to meet you. Thanks for having me. LABOTT: Same here. Same here. Nice to be with you and all of you. ROBBINS: My first job, I was a researcher at NPR, so. ALLYN: Oh, really? Oh, wow. ROBBINS: Yeah. So—I was Deb Amos’ researcher, just— ALLYN: That’s amazing. That’s back when we had researchers. So, wow. (Laughter.) ROBBINS: Actually, I’ve hung out with Deb many times since then but she’s never—I’m always very deferential to her. OK. So I thought we would start out with some very interesting data about social media news from Pew, one of my favorite go-to places for data. So they do regular research on—ask people about their news consumption habits so they asked people how—what are their preferred sources for news in 2024 and they said about a quarter of U.S. adults—23 percent—said they prefer news websites or apps as their sources of news. Eighteen percent said they prefer social media. But the trajectory is always very important. Polls are snapshots, and that’s up 6 percentage points since 2023. So if we’re going to start being calm about the notion that news websites are leading they’re not leading for long. Twelve percent preferred search. Five percent preferred podcasts. When they asked people where they got local news they found that they often or sometimes—70 percent of them said they got it from friends, family, and neighbors, 66 percent said they got it from local news outlets, and 54 percent said they got it often or sometimes from social media. Age, of course, predictably, had a huge impact on how people answered the question. Seventy-one percent of U.S. adults age eighteen to twenty-nine get their news about local government and politics from social media, compared with 36 percent of those sixty-five and older. And, finally, I thought this was really interesting about which platforms are most popular for sources for news. Facebook and YouTube—about a third of Americans say they regularly get their news from there. Instagram, 20 percent. TikTok, 17 percent. X, the site formerly known as Twitter, 12 percent. Reddit, 8 percent. Something called Nextdoor, which I’ve never even heard of, which is 5 percent. Snapchat, 5 percent. And once again, demographics, political affinity, and the trajectory are all incredibly important here because people who said that they went to these sites regularly and which sites they relied on more or less for news 59 percent of people who say they use X say they get their news there. Fifty-seven percent of users who go to Truth Social say they get their news there. Fifty-two percent of TikTok users say they get news there, and that’s up from 43 percent just in 2023 and 22 percent in 2020. So increasingly people are turning to TikTok for news. I don’t know if you find that comforting or not. I don’t find it especially comforting. So given all of those stats my first question, which I’m going to pitch to both of you, is why do these stats matter for us as, shall I say, legacy media people other than depressing us about the future of our business? You know, how does social media fit into the professional lives of those who do this? You know, is it because we should be covering this because everybody else is getting their information there? Should we be using social media to leverage to get our own work out? Should we be emulating it in some way? You know, why—we know they’re eating our lunch but why should we be paying attention to it? So with that, I think I’ll throw it to Bobby first. ALLYN: Yeah. I had a NPR editor who liked to say, we’re not only competing with commercial news on the radio but we’re competing with Taylor Swift too, right? It’s this idea that it’s the attention economy. If not consuming one of our stories whether on air or on the website you’re going to be doing something else. And I just think there’s this big credibility gap, right? I think increasingly young people find the most authentic way to consume news is through a content creator they already have a relationship with and trust over a legacy media organization, most of which are full of reporters who have been professionally trained to not put their personality first. And I think—I mean, I started my career—my first ten years of my career, you know, I was working for local newspapers and local radio stations, and I think there is a real opportunity to after you file your story go to TikTok and do some version of it. Hit Bluesky and X and Mastodon and all the other social media sites you could think of to do other versions of it. Now, that’s—you can see that’s sort of, like, unpaid additional labor and that’s really not fair. But, increasingly, if you do not do that somebody else will. I mean, I file stories all the time and then go on TikTok and see a twenty-two-year-old in Denver doing a video on it that went viral and it’s better than I could have done and it maybe reached a bigger audience than I would have done. And there’s no reference to my reporting and that’s fine, but the point being if we’re not doing it somebody else will and often when there’s a content creator doing a video aggregation of a story for TikTok the details are wrong or there’s causation explained where the causation didn’t exist, and it just really pollutes the news ecosystem. So especially with TikTok I really, really have been pushing my colleagues to just go and do a direct to camera two-minute explanation of breaking news when you have it because you just never know it might go viral, and if you don’t do it somebody else will. ROBBINS: So mainly what you’re saying is if you don’t do it someone else will so if we do it we at least get it right. ALLYN: Yeah. ROBBINS: But it’s also cannibalizing our work. But maybe our work has already been cannibalized. ALLYN: Yes and no. I mean, I don’t—there’s so many incentives on platform, on TikTok, so that people do not leave the platform. I don’t know that most people who are watching a TikTok of my explanation of some story would have ever gone to or turned on the radio. Our own internal surveys have found that there’s a huge distinction between our broadcast audience and our digital audience and I’d be willing to say that that’s also true on people who primarily get their news from TikTok, and it’s really difficult on TikTok to link out to a story. So it’s just, like—I don’t know. I mean, I just think we have to be putting ourselves out there. We have to be hitting as many platforms as we can. But, again, it’s really, really dicey because the ones who are the most popular tend to have the biggest opinions and the biggest personalities and sometimes that can chafe against the standards and the practices at legacy media institutions that really want you to surface the reporting before you surface your personality, right? So I think that’s caused some internal strife at a number of news organizations. ROBBINS: I want to come back to that, but I want to go over to Elise because I want to talk about the different personalities of the different websites in a minute if we’re going to do this. But, Elise, why should we care about this? LABOTT: Well, I think, you know, Bobby hit the nail on the head in a lot of ways but I think one of the big elephants in the room—there are two elephants in the room. Actually, one of them is, you know—let’s just say Bobby works for NPR. NPR is no longer just radio. You know, it’s a twenty-four-hour digital organization, multiplatform, and I think journalists really need to think of themselves as if you’re with a newspaper, if you’re with the local TV station, you can’t think of yourselves as just that. We are all multimedia journalists now and these are the places where, you know, we’re getting our audience. And it doesn’t matter if you’re listening to the story on the radio or whether you’re, you know, as Bobby said, doing a thing on TikTok. Your audience is where you find them and sometimes we have to go where—we have to meet the audience where they are and if they’re not listening to the radio, you know, as Bobby said, maybe we can go on TikTok and get them to listen to the NPR or, you know, I really like this guy—and that goes back into the whole idea is that, you know, especially young people where I’m really focused now through Zivvy News and also through my—some research I’m doing at the Council young people are turning away from legacy media in droves because they don’t feel, like, a connection to the—these news organizations. They don’t feel that there’s enough authenticity. And so I think this is a real way to get new audiences to meet them on TikTok, trying—you know, they’re looking for personalities. They’re looking for—you know, I like to say, you know, news—they call them news influencers now. We called them newsmakers back when. Influencers aren’t—nowadays they aren’t just, like, booty dancers, you know, doing that TikTok latest craze; they’re people on TikTok that are delivering the news. Some of them are journalists and some of them aren’t. And as you said, people have the greatest—you know, some of the people that have the greatest followers have the greatest opinions. That’s true in some ways but there are others that are just, you know, going on, being their authentic self, deliver the news and particularly young people are really identifying with that. And so if we can go on and we can give—as you said, we know we’re going to do it I’d like to say with legacy media ethics and standard but animated by, you know, what’s new and what’s next. So I think it is a real opportunity to gain new followers and also meet potential followers where they are and also show a little bit more of your personality because nowadays that’s what audiences are looking for. ALLYN: And I’ll just add to that, Elise. I think you made a lot of really good points. If you’re wondering how creators on TikTok may be explaining their stories, one very common way of doing it is talking in front of the green screen feature and they put up on the green screen the article and TikTok— LABOTT: Right. ALLYN: AI can actually read the byline. So you can go onto TikTok and just type your name in and you can see how people are explaining your story. I mean, I did that. At first I was, like, oh my God. Like, there’s really, really talented people. I mean, they are—some people—some of the TikTokers are incredible entertainers, incredible performers. They don’t always get the facts right but there’s something that we can learn from them. I really think there is. ROBBINS: When we talk about what makes them good performers and whether or not that fits within—and I’m not—I mean, Elise has known me a long time. I’m not stuffy despite the place that I work. I will tell you that when I was—I was at the edit page of the Times and Twitter was really taking off I would say to people, you can’t get ahead of the edit page on Twitter. You can’t stake out an editorial position that isn’t the editorial position of the Times. I don’t think that was unreasonable of me. A lot of people hated me but that’s another story for another day. We can talk to my shrink about it. But journalism, obviously, has changed an enormous amount. There are people who complain that journalism is too editorial. Usually it’s if they don’t agree with you. OK. LABOTT: Right. Right. ROBBINS: The people on the left don’t like right opinions. People on the right don’t like left opinions. How do we—what makes the people who are performing your articles, Bobby, or performing your articles, Elise—what makes them compelling, authentic, without—you know, that you could possibly do that would still be within the standards of journalism and that would be not playing into this notion that somehow you were overly politicizing your work? LABOTT: OK. I’m going to give everybody a cautionary tale on this because it is a delicate balance. Some people on this—Carla may remember and maybe Irina does—but years ago in 2015— ROBBINS: (Laughs.) I don’t like the Carla will remember years ago conjunction. LABOTT: Well, you’ll remember—well, only because we are friends. We’ve been longtime friends so you’ll probably remember. (Laughter.) It has a lot of mythic proportions in my head, maybe not in others. I was suspended from CNN for two weeks because I tweeted something that was deemed to be editorializing. And what did I tweet? I tweeted—you know, Bobby’s shaking his head. He may remember too. It was—it was about the Muslim ban or the Syrian ban of all refugees. And I said something like—you know, this was when Twitter was just coming up and just kind of gaining traction, and they were looking for us to be a little voicier—a little bit voicier. And I said someone like, oh, I thought it was un-American. It wasn’t—it wasn’t partisan, but it was a(n) editorial position. This is un-American. The Statue of Liberty is bowing her head in shame, I think I said. Now, at the time it was a little bit provocative but it wasn’t what we’re hearing on TV today or what we’re seeing on Twitter today, and someone from the Washington Post wrote this article on how dare she, she’s editorializing, and this was, like, a cautionary tale of what not to do. And, you know, I felt at the time, like, when everything happened if I’m going to die defending defenseless serious refugees—defenseless Syrian refugees. That may be a good hill to die on but it was editorializing and I learned my lesson, and I used it as an opportunity to never do that again. (Laughter.) Whereas we saw how journalism, especially in the Trump era and with this polarization we have—any journalist can talk about whatever they want. They say whatever they want. There were no guardrails and I really think the public is responding to that—that if you’re going to go to mainstream media you’re not looking for an editorial and you’re—except if you’re looking on the editorial page. And I don’t want to hear an anchor say they’re outraged or I don’t want to hear their anchor say, I’m embarrassed to be an American. They want—they think that the bias is there and so if the bias is there why can’t I listen to the bias from someone who follows my bias? And I like that. ROBBINS: But then how do you square the circle with going back to being authentic and entertaining and getting—pay attention to you? LABOTT: Look—I mean, we’re doing it—we’re doing it right now, right? I mean, when I would go on TV and—you know, we like to say, oh, I’m not a performer but, you know, we’re performing. We’re giving our personality. You can show personality and you can show a little nod or a wink or a, you know, inflection without saying, you know, I feel this way about this person or I feel this way about this story. Look, we’re all making editorial kind of choices based on how we write and how we tell a story so that—we’re already kind of indicating, and we don’t like to admit it, Carla, but the way we tell a story is indicating our bias. We all have biases. The thing is to not, like, beat someone else over the head with it and, unfortunately, what we’re finding on, you know, a lot of these sites is that there is—it’s a free for all in terms of, like, that’s what it is. It’s people giving their opinion and if they don’t like your opinion then they don’t want to hear from you. But there is a way of, I think, showing your personality and showing, like, how unreal this story is or this is crazy or, you know, kind of using emotion and using inflection without taking a side on the story. And I think that’s the delicate balance we all, everyone on this call, is trying to feel right now, and you can’t control what someone else is going to do about your story but you can control how you do it. ALLYN: Yeah. ROBBINS: Bobby, we’ve got a question from Leoneda Inge but—who, which fits in with what I wanted you to answer as well which is what did you learn from watching the person reading it that you should be doing differently and what Leoneda is asking is, I figured out years ago if I produce a story I want it delivered at least three different ways—what ways do you recommend under deadline. So I’m going to kluge onto that my question which is if you’re going to do it three different ways you’re going to—obviously, you’re going to have to package it in three different ways, depending on the medium, and it’s—I would suspect all those three different ways are not going to be the NPR way. So— ALLYN: Yeah. I mean, especially for, you know, YouTube shorts, Instagram reels, TikTok audience it’s not going to be an NPR script where there’s, you know, a twenty-five-second host intro, a question that maybe confuses half the people, and then a very formal answer. Here’s—(laughter)—here’s what’s in it. You saw that thing on the news. ROBBINS: (Inaudible)—public—(audio break). FASKIANOS: We’re trying to get Bobby back on and I’m going to turn it back—oh, here he comes. OK. So, Carla, over to you and we’re going to send out a note to our participants that we’re back on. So why don’t we continue and we’ll get everybody back on? ROBBINS: That’s great. Thank you. Bobby, you were saying? The question, of course, was multiple platforms. The question different platforms, different, you know, norms—esthetic norms for them. How do you do that and how do you still sort of maintain your standards? ALLYN: Yeah. I was just saying it wouldn’t really land if you did a standard NPR two-way, a Q&A for, you know, TikTok or Instagram reels or YouTube shorts audience because they want you to cut to the chase faster and, honestly, NPR should probably do that more often as well. (Laughter.) A lot of, you know, vertical video news videos that you’re seeing on social media it’s people very immediately just saying, you saw this thing in the news. Here’s what’s up. Here’s what it means. Here’s what I have to say. Honestly, often the writing is really sharp, it’s really compelling, and the editing is really fast, and I think everyone in broadcast news has something to learn from content creators on platforms like TikTok. And, again, when it comes to breaking news this does get a little hairy because as any reporter knows when a story is breaking and unfolding there’s a lot of key questions and areas that remain unknown, and when a sort of younger, you know, social media audience will see legacy journalists saying, we know A and B but we don’t yet know C, because of the environment that we’re all in some people automatically assume that the news is hiding something, right—that there’s a conspiracy, that there’s something happening from like, say, the masthead on down that wants a piece of information to be silenced. We all know that is not true but there are many people on social media saying that and they often have very loud megaphones and you’re up against that. So sometimes the question that I’m often asking is do I entertain that to disabuse people of that theory or is that giving it more oxygen. LABOTT: Yeah. I— ALLYN: And reasonable minds can differ on that, right? LABOTT: Yeah. I mean, I have been struggling that with myself and I say am I giving it currency, am I—by even, like, addressing some of the most ridiculous things, like—let’s go back to, like, the Pizzagate or, you know, what are those things where it’s just so utterly ridiculous and people are talking about it do I even start talking about it and say, oh, I—you know, and I find now CNN is or, you know, my former employer or others are engaging in mainstream media, like, they feel that they have to engage to be able to compete with some of the, you know, chatter on social media. Are you covering the fact that there’s a phenomenon on social media or are you actually, you know, engaging and reporting out a story that we know is not true, and I do feel like sometimes giving things currency and, like, even having to say, like, I spoke to my sources and they say that’s not true gives currency to things that, you know, maybe we do have a—if we have a responsibility to kind of, you know, be the adults in the room in terms of some of the journalism that’s going on I think that’s a good way to start is not to go down the rabbit holes of some of the conspiracy theories that are, you know, having oxygen. But, I mean, a recent one that we faced was remember with the dogs and the cats and they’re eating the dogs and they’re eating the cats, and that became such a thing that that became a news story in and of itself and I just—like, I had to disengage for a few days because I was really disturbed by this that it became, like—you know, we’ve talked about this before, I think, amongst all of us but in this age of, you know, where truth is even being questioned we’re having to engage in talking about nontruths. So it’s not just about content, which I do agree with Bobby, like, there needs to be different kinds of content for different types of platforms. You can also play with, you know, kind of graphics and Canva is a great way to, you know, inject some, you know, color and things into some of your content. You know, we could be a little bit more creative with the visuals, I think, on some of these social media platforms that we can’t do on others. But in terms of the stories that we select I think we still need to be, you know, what people look for. Then we’re just, you know, kind of what makes us different than some of these other creators that are out there if we’re not kind of animating our presence on social media with those legacy media ethics and standards. ROBBINS: Well, I want to have other people ask questions of the group. So, please, either put questions in the Q&A or raise your hands so we can have you guys join as well as talking about your experiences with this because I’m sure you guys have questions as well and answers as well to share with us. And while you do that and formulate your questions Andrew Bowen, who’s the Metro reporter at KPBS-FM in San Diego, you had a question which got wiped out when we disappeared. So can you voice your question? Because, I’m sorry, it got wiped out when we—when the gremlins took us away. Unless Andrew had to go back to work. While we wait for Andrew— Q: Yeah. Hi. Can you hear me? ROBBINS: OK, great. Yes, absolutely. Q: Yeah. I’m wondering what the—whether there’s any reason why someone—you know, a public media journalist making a video on TikTok shouldn’t include a call to donate in every single video. Because we already do this on the radio, we do it on TV, and if the news consumer is finding their way to donate to nonprofit media via TikTok instead of FM radio or linear television then what’s the difference? ALLYN: Yeah. That’s— LABOTT: Bobby, you want to take that? ALLYN: Yeah. It’s an interesting idea. I mean, fundraising is a little outside of my bailiwick but I will say on TikTok if you start hawking something the authenticity meter is going to go off pretty fast I think. Even if it’s for, you know, something that we all think is—you know, has value like public media it gets a little dicey because it just looks like we’re sort of there to sell them something, and there’s already a lot of ads on TikTok. So I really just don’t know that that would land. I’d be curious to see what the conversion rate would be. I would imagine it would be extremely low. But, I mean, why not experiment? Why not try new things? Why not try to, you know, make the case that there is value in public media? But, yeah, I don’t—I just think there’s maybe, you know, potential for that to backfire if it becomes overly sales pitchy because that’s not really the vibe of TikTok unless you’re actually looking at an ad. But this is totally outside my expertise, so I don’t know, you can listen to what I’m saying on this. (Laughs.) LABOTT: Yeah. Or another thing you could do is say, if you like this video follow me or link in bio, and then in the link in the bio that’s where you could, like, go to—like, people have a link tree now, which is like a link tree is all of the different platforms that you’re on and that’s where a lot of even creators are asking for, like, here’s my Patreon or if you want to donate. So instead of doing it in the content and being like, hey, how about a few bucks, like, you can say, if you like this follow my, you know, link and bio and that’s where you can find it. So it is good to put it there. Probably maybe not in the video. ROBBINS: Can we talk about the different—I mean, the different platforms, which are all very—you know, three platforms, potentially but many of them have different political coloration to them and we all seem to be splintering into different—into our different ecosystems themselves. Bobby, have you—or Elise, have you ever posted on Truth Social? LABOTT: Never. I don’t even read it. ALLYN: I have an account that I’ll use to confirm that something Trump, you know, supposedly wrote there—he actually wrote but I don’t really go to Truth Social. I mean, you know, X has basically become so extreme that when I occasionally lurk on X I feel like I’m getting some flavor of Truth Social. There’s been a bit of a migration from Truth Social over to X. So I think I’m definitely getting a window into that world just by going through my timeline there, and there’s just such a link penalty on X. People have noticed that—I mean, Elon even admitted it recently that if you tweet or post, I guess, we say now and have a hyperlink in your post it’s going to be—the algorithm down ranks it. So that’s why you’re seeing people write something, they put the link underneath it. But even then there’s a penalty, and the whole—I mean, the whole point—because the whole play in the world of social media is engagement so whenever you have a hyperlink that is basically asking people to leave the platform. The less time on the platform the less advertising revenue they could bring in. So I spend a lot less time on Twitter than I used to. I would say I spend now about 80 percent of my social media time in terms of looking for and sharing news on Bluesky—I really like Bluesky—maybe 10 percent on Threads and 10 percent on X. But Bluesky has been great for journalists in terms of engagement, in terms of—a bunch of news organizations have come out recently and said they’re actually getting more referral traffic from Bluesky than they are X. So I think there’s a lot of hope with Bluesky. A lot of people are excited about it. But it’s still very young, it’s still very small, but I think it has potential. LABOTT: You could offer— ROBBINS: One second, Elise. I just want to follow up with both of you about Bluesky, which is that Bluesky is where people go when they’re fed up with X. So it’s a very self-selected political audience. So, I mean, aren’t we basically just putting ourselves into a news ghetto if we’re just posting on Bluesky? ALLYN: I think that was maybe true in the beginning but Bluesky is becoming more diverse. You know, the so-called shit posters—you know, the kind of people who just post nonsense all day—are increasingly coming to Bluesky. I’m seeing more, you know, right-wing provocateurs on Bluesky. It is a lot of folks part of the so-called exodus—you know, people like you’re saying, people leaving the Elon Musk ecosystem. But increasingly it is not just one type of person. There are other social media platforms that are more ideologically striped but—I don’t know, I find that I’m getting a pretty wide range of opinions and reactions to my posts on Bluesky. I’m not using it as much as I use used to use X but, yeah. No, to your point that’s why sometimes there’s this sort of fallacy in talking about social media and that people just use one. You know, we’re just on this one place. We’re talking to people on this one platform. We’re sharing links. But what you should do is share your link everywhere you can. I mean, I have some colleagues who are now sharing all their links as their first social media site to LinkedIn because they noticed— LABOTT: Yeah. Yeah. That’s what I was going to say. ALLYN: —lots of engagement on LinkedIn. I mean, why not just share it everywhere? I mean, what’s the downside of just trying every single platform? I guess the downside is it’s just really exhausting. (Laughs.) But if you have the energy for it put your link everywhere and see what works and just constantly experiment and iterate, right? LABOTT: Yeah. I would say that I’m using LinkedIn a lot more. Can you hear me? ROBBINS: Mmm hmm. LABOTT: OK. I’m using LinkedIn a lot more and I feel like LinkedIn now—it used to be kind of about getting a job but now I think it’s a lot more of a professional—a place where professionals are discussing and people that want to have a little bit more thoughtful of an engagement are discussing on LinkedIn. So I’m using that a lot more. And then also Substack, you know, isn’t traditionally necessarily a social media platform but I have a Substack. A lot of journalists are moving to Substack to put out their content and they also have a new kind of Twitter-ish feature where it’s called Notes where you can have thoughtful discussion. So I think, you know, Bobby is right that we need to, you know, kind of move out a little bit beyond the Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok and, you know, just post everywhere you can. Usually, I just have a thing is where I’m going to post something I may tweak it a little for each different platform. I’m going to go to Twitter, LinkedIn, Threads, you know, Instagram and TikTok, you know, and, you know, Substack is my primary platform so obviously I’m going to do that. I would also love to know what everybody in the audience is using. If you want to put it in the chat what you guys are using we can—love to hear about that. ROBBINS: Thank you, Elise, for asking that question, which is what—I would love to hear this as well what people are using and I’d also love to hear— LABOTT: And why. What do they like about it. ROBBINS: Yeah, or tell us. You know, speak up. I’d love to hear from you all, and I’d also love to hear whether or not your editors, or if you are an editor, does anyone still have a conversation whether there’s a potential to monetize the use of social media or has everyone just thrown their hands up and said, forget it, we’re not going to be able to monetize this? They’re too big for us. They’ve overwhelmed us. We give up. Because you—both Elise and Bobby said in the beginning of this that somehow as you were saying about the downloading the links in X. But is there any way to create followers to get them to come back to our sites or is this really our job here is that at least we’re depolluting—we’re cleaning up the bay? We’re correcting misinformation. We’re getting more information ourselves to see what people are paying attention to. We’re using this because it’s better to depollute the ecosystem. But there’s no way we can monetize it and even though it’s basically gobbling up our space. ALLYN: Yeah. Again, when it comes to the business side of journalism it’s just really outside of my expertise. I mean, I have thoughts on that but sometimes those thoughts come against, like, institutional priorities. I mean, NPR we’re obviously public media and so because of our public—you know, public interest is supposed to drive our newsroom and, you know, we’re a nonprofit. We don’t have a pay wall. But, you know, my colleagues at other publications who do have hard pay walls because, obviously, journalism costs money they’re constantly up against this question of, do I go to all these social media apps and give a summary of all my reporting and that does actually create a bit of a cannibalization because you’re creating a disincentive for anyone to ever become a subscriber to your publication if you’re doing that for every single story. But it’s a matter of tradeoffs because not doing it means you’re missing a huge and growing audience so what do you do, right? I think one of the questions we’re kind of trying to strike at here is how do we get social media passive consumers to become active participants and people who will pay for our news product, and I think lots of people are trying to figure this out. I don’t have any perfect answers. But it’s a tricky one. It is. I mean, I know myself I’ve been in the news business my entire life, which isn’t that long. I’m thirty-seven. But it’s the only career I’ve had and I sometimes— LABOTT: Me, too. ALLYN: —I’m sent a link and I see a pay wall and I don’t pay. This is what I do for a living. So I have some sympathy with people who see a pay wall and say, well, I want to read this article but I don’t want the publication for a year. (Laughs.) So, I mean, obviously, that’s how it is for a lot of people. LABOTT: Well, yeah. I would say, I mean, it’s—you’re going to—if you’re looking for, you know, people to look for your content it’s going to be on the quality of your engagement on social media. So if people really like you on social media and they want more of you they’re going to go look for your content wherever they can find it. If your content is good people will find you. So creators are making—and by the way, you know, each individual is going to be different with each individual news organization. But people are monetizing on social media and creators are making a lot of money on social media through the platforms. And we’re—you know, someone just asked whether we’re—YouTube is—I think YouTube is a little bit more for an older audience and there’s not as much engagement as some of the others. But certainly I also, you know, put my stuff on Facebook and those—people are making money on Facebook. There’s also YouTube. So, you know, I think if you want an audience it doesn’t—there are two things. You either want an audience and you want to—and/or you want to monetize. If you just want an audience it shouldn’t matter. You’re Carla with the New York Times or Bobby with NPR or Wall Street Journal or whatever, and wherever it is—wherever they find you that’s where it is. If you want to monetize you have to give a little bit of yourself to kind of, like—you know, and in your—maybe we don’t want to say, you know, please donate to NPR but you could be, like, if you really like my work come visit me on NPR. ALLYN: But then— LABOTT: You know what I mean? And that’s an authenticity that, you know— ALLYN: There’s another tension, too, from the institutional perspective because we want legacy media, public media, to be encouraging reporters in the field to become social media personalities. but if they become too good at it they won’t need their institutions and they could probably make more money without their institution. So from the sort of management perspective do you give them a really long leash and then they say, actually I can make more money by monetizing my videos—goodbye? I don’t know. ROBBINS: I don’t think that’s happened to a lot of people. I think most people who’ve ended up on Substack have, shall we say, their newsrooms have been shrinking. ALLYN: There’s also people on Substack making many millions of dollars, so it just depends— LABOTT: Well, or they didn’t like or they didn’t—or they felt—they left mainstream media because a lot of the reasons that audiences are leaving because—you know, like I said, mainstream media has this, like, cachet but let’s not pretend that most of them aren’t as biased as the rest of them anymore. They all have an agenda and, like, some people are more—you know, some of the creators online are more honest about it. So, again, I hear from a lot of young people and, you know, I’m doing this research at the Council on this very topic. I had a focus group with a lot of young people about where you’re getting your news, social media, and they say, look, you know, I—what is—you know, the mainstream news media is biased so what does it matter if I get my content from a biased creator or a biased New York Times? Like, you know, when—again, when truth is—and facts are not really the primary driver people—these young people, a lot of them even know that some of the stuff they’re reading on social media isn’t true. They don’t care. So I think that we need to go. We need to be able to be—we can still be ourselves—accurate, informative, vetted sources. But, you know, as we’ve been talking about we can learn a lot from, you know, some of their creators and what they’re doing. ROBBINS: So John Allison from—he’s the news editor of the Tribune Review. John, you raised a question about Facebook. Would you like to talk a little bit about that or anything else about your experience with social media as an editor? Q: Unmute. Hello. ROBBINS: Hey. Q: Have I reached you? Yes. I brought up Facebook because it feels like the old folks home of social—(laughter)—media and it seems also to be hostile to media. You know, you talk about link death. You put out a news story on Facebook—very little reaction. Put a picture of my cat having a crème brulée, boom—you know, great activity. But are we just chasing one thing after another? Is it—are we just looking for the coolest place to land and is it a mug’s game or are we going to really find a real—we, I say we meaning a traditional newspaper publisher here. Are we really going to find a partner in social media or do we have to build something ourselves again? And I don’t know the answer to that question. I’m raising it. I’m not—I’m puzzled by it. ALLYN: Yeah. I think with Facebook I just know from NPR’s internal numbers on digital story traffic it long ago cratered and that was a decision, you know, made at the executive level to downrank and deprioritize news links across the board. And you know, Facebook justified that by saying this is not why people log on to their apps. They want to know what their friends and family are doing. They don’t want to learn about what’s happening in their city council or what’s happening in Washington. You can quibble with that but it had a huge effect, at least at NPR and probably other places, in terms of the amount of referral traffic that we get from Facebook. But, I mean, it’s still a platform with billions of users. It does skew a little older, John, to your point. I’m reminded of—again, I’m not sure some in this room remember this—my first newspaper job at the Tennessean I started there around 2010, 2011 and the—you know, the now famous sort of pivot to video and it’s, you know, a Gannett newspaper. We were all given these stabilizers for our iPhones and we had a mandate to do four videos a day regardless of quality, upload them to Facebook. They were terrible, right? But we had a grant at the time for Facebook and we were trying this new experiment out. But the news leadership there—I don’t think it was true of just this one newspaper—didn’t take social media seriously. I think a lot of the industry kind of dropped the ball with social media and thinking it was a fad and thinking it was cute and just having a little too much confidence in their own delivery methods and a little too much confidence in the idea that people are always going to log on to to find out what’s happening, and look what happened, right? I mean, I think we kind—that ship has sailed a little bit. We should have been thinking about building our own digital platforms and delivery methods a long time ago and I think we’re so kind of screwed at this point, honestly. And we saw what happens when we become overly dependent on, you know, the Silicon Valley companies. They realize they can make more money elsewhere and they say, screw you. So it’s—not to be overly cynical but I think there was an opportunity a long time ago and we didn’t take social media seriously. LABOTT: I think that the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, and some others are doing a very good job at kind of transitioning to digital. The Washington Post, for instance, has an excellent TikTok account. I think it’s a little—you know, at first it was kind of funny. Now it’s a little gimmicky. But it’s got a million followers. And as, you know, I think, like, people know the guy—they call him the Washington Post TikTok guy. So every time they’re saying Washington Post TikTok guy the name Washington Post is coming up. Are those people going to the Washington Post? Some of them are, you know, and I think now more and more people are getting more referrals from digital than they are from, like, you know, traditional kind of marketing. But, again, I just think we need to think of ourselves as multimedia organizations and nowadays—and, I mean, the thing about X and the link kind of notwithstanding, you know, the name of our media organization is our brand but the distribution is wherever we can get it. And I think as opposed to finding new ways of, you know, distribution we need to find new ways of—our news organizations—the business model needs to change. For instance, the New York Times is making a lot more money now off games or off cooking, and kind of news is more of a public affairs function that’s subsidized by cooking or games or things like that. And so if news is, like, the kind of, you know, haute couture of publishing or broadcasting or news and information then some of these other business models are going to be what subsidizes it and there—and look, there’s a lot of money right now in local journalism to figure these things out and I think—I’ve, you know, been trying to talk to people at some of the foundations and one of the things they’re specifically looking at are business models—sustainable business models. This is what we should be thinking about right now. We shouldn’t be thinking about whether we should be on TikTok or Social or this or that platform. We should all be on all of them, if you feel comfortable. ALLYN: Yeah, I— LABOTT: But we should be thinking about what the business model is. ALLYN: Yeah. No, I agree. But what’s really in vogue now is not even social media but it’s large language models, right? Increasing—I mean, Google search is—has been declining for some time in terms of quality and overall usage, especially with young people. Lots of people now go to ChatGPT, they go to Perplexity, they go to Claude, and they say, what’s that bill that just passed, and they get bullet points, right? So we learned a lesson as a news industry that we didn’t take social media seriously. We let all of these Silicon Valley companies eat our lunch. We should be building our own large language models and the Washington Post, to their credit, unveiled one recently where it is trained on the data of all of our articles and there would be a little pop-up and you can ask it a question and it just pulls from New York Times stories, Washington Post stories, you know, NPR stories. So we know it’s valid. We know it’s vetted. Otherwise, these large language models really are the future. You’re getting analysis. You’re getting, you know, the facts. You’re getting information rapidly, right? So I really think there also needs to be an emphasis on should news organizations be building their own large language models because, as we know, AI is a huge part of the future when it comes to how people are going to be informed and how people are going to, you know, learn how to sort of navigate their world. ROBBINS: I would—we’re almost done. I would make one further argument which is this is—yes, monetizing is sort of an essential notion here. I’m not sure that smaller papers are going to be able to do that. Certainly, smaller papers can’t monetize games. Smaller papers can’t monetize cooking. Smaller papers can’t do the things that might— LABOTT: I just said it to, like, say that we need to be thinking of new— ROBBINS: Yeah. No, certainly I—but I think that this other question here about social media is can we in some way take lessons from them about their definitions of authenticity. I don’t know. I think that’s something that we have to sort of figure out that sort of balance here, particularly because of the lack of trust in institutions generally and how we find that balance and that’s really a hard thing for us. That’s one thing. And the other thing is I think that we need to consider that there is a whole world out there of conversation going on in social media that we as journalists have to cover and that goes back to your question, Elise, about the cats and the dogs. I mean, when do we get to that— LABOTT: When does it become a news story. ROBBINS: Yeah, and when do we—and also when are we missing it? Because I—certainly, if you go back to something like Trayvon Martin, I mean, the Trayvon Martin story was going on for a quite a while on social media before all the big papers and the small papers even noticed it. And I know most organizations can’t afford to have a full time reporter just monitoring and trying to make assessments like that but we are all intuitively on social media anyway and it’s our responsibility to raise this question. There’s a world boiling on out there that we’re not part of quite often—that there is a news conversation and some of it sounds wacky and some of it’s absolutely, utterly legitimate news, and because it’s couched in language that doesn’t sound like news we have a responsibility to translate that into news, and it’s not easy. LABOTT: Yeah. No, it’s not easy at all and my question to you would be on this cats and dogs thing is how do we cover that. I think the decision is—I mean, not how to— ROBBINS: J.D. Vance made it very easy for us. He started talking about it. So, you know, once a politician is talking about it— LABOTT: Well, you know, I mean, but— ROBBINS: It was Vance, wasn’t it? LABOTT: —to me the story was not whether dogs are—whether they’re eating dogs or cats. I mean, it was pretty quickly kind of debunked and then it became about the phenomenon of it, like, with this—with the story of—and I covered both this and the story I’ll get into with the killing of the health care—the United Healthcare CEO. Like, it was a legitimate story that he was killed but the conversation—and it was—and it’s a legitimate thing to talk—you know, it became, like, this whole conversation about, you know, the pitfalls of health care in this country and, you know, people were saying that he deserved it and things like that. That conversation was, I feel like, legitimate news. There was a whole other conversation on social media about how hot the shooter was and that he became this kind of big celebrity on social media. Now, that’s a conversation. I thought the phenomenon was very interesting about it but, like, how do you—that’s a conversation. Like, I think we—it is a real conundrum of what—at what point—like, what are we discussing about these big conversations that are happening. And I think it’s going to be—I think the jobs of editors on what we cover for social media is going to be one of the most important jobs as we continue to work on social media. ROBBINS: We’re running out of time but I did want to—since we did lose a little bit of time I’m going to go a tiny bit over. But I did—wanted to ask Bobby and I wanted to ask everybody else who’s with us how many of you actually covered the phenomenon of the hot shooter, you know, of how it was being experienced particularly with young people. Because I also teach and that’s the way my students were talking about it. Bobby, did you cover that? ALLYN: No. I’m on NPR’s business desk so that kind of was outside of our lane a little bit. But, I mean, sort of zooming out from that I think culture happens on the internet. As some people like to say, the internet’s going to internet, right? There’s going to be outrageous and over the top, things that go viral, the meme-ification of everything. Often this is tawdry. Often this is inappropriate. Often it causes legacy media to clutch their pearls. But look, increasingly culture happens digitally. It happens online and I think we have to grapple with that and incorporate that into our reporting but in sensitive ways, right? I mean, only focusing coverage, obviously, on people who think the shooter is hot or some of the really, you know, lurid assessments of that case is missing the story. But that’s not to say it’s not part of the story, right? It just has to be dealt with sensitively. But I don’t think we can look away from digital culture. ROBBINS: And it is not a culture separate from us and that’s sort of the challenge of it, and how we balance that is really challenging. Well, I want to thank Elise and I want to thank Bobby and I want to thank everybody else. I don’t think we’ve answered—we certainly raised—(laughs)—it’s a conversation we could come back to. Irina, I want to turn it over to you. Thank you. FASKIANOS: And I second the thanks to Elise Labott, Bobby Allyn, and Carla Anne Robbins. We will be sending out the transcript and the video. We’ll splice it together for the part that we missed for our technical glitch to you all so you can share it with your colleagues. I’m not sure whether I should share your X handles or not but I will @Elise Labott, @Bobby Allyn, and @robbinscarla, and, of course, I’m sure other social media sites, and you should subscribe to Elise’s Substack and Zivvy News. ROBBINS: I signed up to Zivvy News this week. FASKIANOS: I did, too, in advance of this. LABOTT: Thank you. Thank you. FASKIANOS: And listen to Bobby for his great reports on NPR. And as always we encourage you to visit,, and for the latest developments and analysis on international trends and how they’re affecting the United States. We welcome your suggestions for speakers and future topics we should cover. You can email [email protected]. We appreciate your being with us today, for the work that you’re doing, and happy holidays, and we will reconvene in 2025. ROBBINS: Thank you, Irina. LABOTT: Thank you. ALLYN: Thanks, everyone. LABOTT: Thank you, everyone. ROBBINS: Elise, thank the—thank the Panera. (Laughter.) ALLYN: Thank you very much. LABOTT: (Laughs.) Thank you. (END)    
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This webinar is part of CFR’s Local Journalists Initiative, created to help you draw connections between the local issues you cover and national and international dynamics. Our programming puts you in touch with CFR resources and expertise on international issues and provides a forum for sharing best practices. We are delighted to have over forty journalists from twenty-six states and U.S. territories with us today for this discussion on “Press Freedom and Digital Safety.” The webinar is on the record. The video and transcript will be posted on our website after the fact at, and we will circulate it as well. We are pleased to have Ela Stapley, Tat Bellamy-Walker, and host Carla Anne Robbins with us for this discussion. I have shared their bios, but I’ll give you a few highlights. Ela Stapley is a digital security advisor working with the International Women’s Media Foundation. She is the coordinator of the course “Online Harassment: Strategies for Journalists’ Defense.” Ms. Stapley trains journalists around the world on digital security issues and provides one-on-one support for media workers in need of emergency assistance. Tat Bellamy-Walker is a communities reporter at the Seattle Times. Their work focuses on social justice, race, economics, and LGBTQIA+ issues in the Pacific Northwest. Tat also serves on the National Association of Hispanic Journalists LGBTQIA+ Task Force, as a member of the Seattle Times Committee on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. And Carla Anne Robbins is a senior fellow at CFR and co-host of the CFR podcast “The World Next Week.” She also serves as the faculty director of the Master of International Affairs Program and clinical professor of national security studies at Baruch College’s Marxe School of Public and International Affairs. And previously, she was deputy editorial page editor at the New York Times and chief diplomatic correspondent at the Wall Street Journal. Welcome, Ela, Tat, and Carla. Thank you very much for being with us today. And let me turn the conversation now over to Carla. ROBBINS: Irina, thank you so much. And, Ela and Tat, thank you so much for doing this. And thank you, everybody who’s here today. We’re going to chat among us just for about twenty, twenty-five minutes, and then questions. You’re all journalists; I’m sure you’re going to have a lot of questions. So, Ela, can we start with you by talking about the threat environment, as we national security people refer to it? The IWMF announcement on your safety training—and I want to talk about that—referred to, quote, a “spike in physical and digital violence” directed against U.S. newsrooms in particular. And it said, “This year alone, thirty journalists have been assaulted and eight have been arrested in the U.S., all following a surge of anti-media rhetoric.” And you also said that the U.S. currently ranks forty-fifth on the World Press Freedom Index, down from thirty-two just a decade ago; and also that this abuse disproportionately affects women and diverse journalists, who are often reluctant to speak out for fear of jeopardizing their careers. Can you talk a little bit about the threat environment here in the U.S., what’s driving it, and the different forms it’s taking—it’s taking? STAPLEY: Yeah, sure. So I’m Ela Stapley. I’m a digital security advisor. So when I look at the threat environment, I’m looking at it from a digital safety standpoint. What we do see in the U.S., and we have seen now for a number of years, is a massive uptick in online abuse—or online violence, as it’s now called, in order to get across the seriousness of the situation. So when we’re talking about online abuse/online violence, what we’re really saying there is attacks on journalists that are now so serious that it’s really limiting their ability to do their work. And it’s really having—I don’t say this lightly—an impact on democratic conversation. So one of the biggest issues that you see in the U.S. is this, along with common tactics that are used with online harassment and online violence. And that includes the publishing of journalists’ personal information online, known as doxing. This includes the home address or personal contact, such as a personal email or personal phone number for example, with an intent to do them some kind of harm. And we do see that being used against journalists in the U.S., especially if they’re covering particular beats. That includes so—kind of far-right or alt-right groups, for example, who—one of their tactics is doxing journalists online or people who talk about them in a way that they don’t agree with. So that is one of the biggest threats we’re seeing. And we’re in an election year. I do think we did see this during the last election. There will be an increase in online abuse and harassment during that time, and all the other threats that come with it, which include doxing but also things such as phishing attacks, for example; malware attacks; and possible hacking attacks of accounts, for example, could also be something that we see an uptick in. Other threats that journalists are facing. If they’re going out and they’re covering the election—so some of these rallies or places where they’re going—the chance of a physical confrontation might be quite high. So you’re seeing there kind of damaged equipment, which it sounds like a physical safety issue but is actually a digital security issue as well. So journalists quite often carrying their personal devices instead of work devices, that’s very common, especially for freelancers. And you know, if you haven’t backed those devices up, the content on them; or if you’re detained and those devices are searched, for example; what about the content that you have on them? How safe is that content? Not very. And do you have sensitive contacts on there or content that could put you or your sources at risk is something I’ll say that journalists, you know, need to be thinking about, I would say. And we do see that across the U.S. Obviously, some areas, some states may be more complicated than others. ROBBINS: So I want to get to Tat and talk about your experiences and that of your colleagues, and then want to talk to both of you, because it seems like there’s this intrinsic tension here because—I mean, I’m going to really date myself—back in the day, when I started in the business, the idea that we would want to not share our emails or not share our phone numbers with people who we would want to be reaching out with us, we wouldn’t want to hide from potential—people who could be potential sources. So I understand there has to be, you know, a separation between the public and the private because the private can really be a vulnerability, but it's certainly a very different world from the world in which—when I started. And I will add I started writing with a typewriter back in the—Tat, there used to be typewriters. For you young’uns. OK. So, Tat, can you talk about your experience and that of your colleagues, in Seattle but also the people that you deal with in the groups that you work with? BELLAMY-WALKER: Yeah. So I’ll talk a little bit about, like, my, like, personal experience. So last year I was covering, like, the local response to, like, the national, like, uptick in anti-drag legislation, and I interviewed, like, several, like, trans drag performers about, you know, how that had an impact on them. Like, it severely, like, limited their, you know—in terms of, like, violence, they were experiencing violence, and it was, like, difficult for them to navigate this, like, increasingly, like, hostile climate where, like, anti-drag, like, legislation was just going through the U.S. So from me, like, writing that story, I started to get, like, a lot of, like, transphobic emails targeting me and my sources. And then from, you know, the, you know, transphobic emails and messages, later on, there ended up being, like, at this conservative Facebook page that also seen, like, the stories that I cover. And I’ve been covering, like, LGBTQ issues for a very long time including writing, you know, personal essays about my experiences as, like, a trans person. And they—like, they wrote this whole—this whole Facebook post about, you know, like calling me, like, a girl, like—it was, like, this whole thing. And they included, like, you know, that I work at the—at the Seattle Times. Like, it was, like, this very intense situation. And it ended up escalating even more to the Blaze writing a story about me. And it just—like, it just escalated from me. You know, I wrote the story. Then, you know, there was the conservative Facebook page. And then, you know. You know, it ended up in a story being written about me. And so, like, things like that are very—are very serious, and really do you have, like, a negative impact on how, like, trans journalists, like, do our work. And for me, like, at that time, it did make me feel pretty, like, traumatized to see, like, how, you know, my story was, like, taken—like, it was—it just—it felt like it was just being used as this—like, this negative force, when I was trying to write about, like, why these drag performers were pushing for their craft, and why they—you know, be felt so intensely to push for their craft, at a time of such hostility targeting drag performers. So for me, at that time, what was most important was to, like, assess, like, my online presence, and see how far was this going. Like, how far was this harassment going? So I made sure to, like, lock down my accounts. You know, that was very important for me to do. Also, having a friend document the abusive language that was coming up under the different post was very helpful. And just kind of like logging what was happening to me on, like, a day-to-day basis. Yeah, so that's essentially what I experienced. And it made me want to—I guess, in some way it made me want to make sure that I'm very careful about the information that I put out there about myself. So I have since, like, removed, like, my email address, you know, from the Seattle Times website. I try to be pretty careful about what I put online about myself. Yeah, so that—I would say those—that is how that had, like, an impact on me and my role in journalism. ROBBINS: So before you wrote that story—because, of course, you were writing about people being harassed because of what they did—did you think about the fact that you were going to be harassed for what you did in writing about them? BELLAMY-WALKER: At that time, I did not—I did not think about that, about how, like, writing about this story would have an impact on me. At that time, I did not think about that. But now, like, in hindsight, I know that it's important to be prepared for those, like, online attacks. And, like, vitriol and in everything. But yeah, it just—like, I didn't realize, like, how far it would go. Because at that time I was also pretty vocal about, you know, the lack of diversity of trans journalists in—just in journalism and the industry in general. So that also caught fire online with folks, you know, targeting me for that as well. So, I feel like all of those situations started to make me, like, a very big target for—you know, for these for these folks. But I know now in the future that it's important for me to prepare for these online attacks and everything. ROBBINS: So you're talking about you preparing. Ela, I want to go back to the training that IWMF does, and this handbook, that we're going to share with everybody, that you all have developed. Which has really, I think, absolutely fabulous worksheets. This is one which I have here, which is an online violence risk assessment, which talks about things like have you previously been targeted. You know, questions that you want to ask yourself, that newsrooms want to ask themselves before the work starts. Can you talk about the training that you all have done, and some of the—some of the things that take place in that training, that that makes—preemptively, as well as once things have happened? Some of them are big changes—raising awareness in the newsroom—and some of them are actually technical changes. Like some of the things Tat’s talking about, training people about how to even reel back their information. When I read this I thought to myself, God, there’s so much information out there. Is it even possible to pull that back? STAPLEY: Yeah, so, unfortunately, Tat’s story is pretty familiar to me. It’s a story I’ve heard many times. And what we used to see—so I’ll talk a little bit about how online harassment kind of came to be and where it is now, just very briefly. So it used to be in the newsroom, online violence or harassment was seen as, you know, something that happened to normally women journalists, so nobody really paid that much attention, if I’m honest with you. It’s only in the last few years that newsrooms have started more seriously to pay attention to online violence as an issue in terms of protecting their journalists. So online harassers were also seen as kind of just a guy in a hoodie in their basement attacking a person over and over. And that stereotype still exists. That person still exists. But now there’s a whole other layer, there’s a whole array of other actors involved, including state-sponsored actors, particular groups online who are hacking groups, but also other groups who feel very passionately about particular topics on the internet. And I use the word “passionate” there not in—not in a positive sense but also negative. So they have strong opinions about it. And they will target journalists that publish on these issues. And I think before we could predict who those journalists would be. So if you were covering particular beats you were more likely to get harassment. But now we’re seeing it as just a general attack against journalists, regardless of the beat. So if you’re a sports journalist, you’re likely to get attacked by sports fans equal if you’re covering—you know, the journalists who are covering LGBTQ+ issues, anything to do with women, anything to do with race—disproportionately likely to face attacks. And if they are from that community themselves, even more so. There’s a lot of academic research that’s been done on this. So Tat’s situation, unfortunately, for me in my position, I would see Tat, I would think: This is a story that Tat’s covering. The likelihood of Tat getting abuse is incredibly high. Now, from our work with newsrooms, what we began to see is that newsrooms started to think about how they could better protect their staff. In some newsrooms, you know, that conversation needed to be had. But some newsrooms were reaching out to us proactively. And I have to say, the Seattle Times was one of those. And I have to give a big shoutout to the Seattle Times for their interest in the safety and security of their journalists. And we’ve worked very closely with the Seattle Times on this guide, actually. So part of the pre-emptive support is not only raising awareness with upper management, because if upper management are not on board it’s very difficult to implement changes, but also putting good practices in place. So the more you can do in advance of an online attack, the better it is for you. Because it’s very difficult to be putting best practices in place when you’re in the middle of a firestorm. So the more pre-emptive steps you can take, the better it is for you, as a newsroom but also as an individual journalist within that newsroom, especially if you fit into one of those categories that are more high risk. So we, at the IWMF, we've been working very closely with journalists. We started training journalists and newsrooms in data protection. So how to best protect your data online? This is the kind of information Tat was talking about—your email address, your cellphone, your home address. But what we realized was the training wasn't enough, because after the training the journalist would go, well, now what? And the newsrooms would be, like, well, we don't have anything. So what we needed was policy. We needed best practices that journalists could access easily and, ideally, roll out fairly easily to staff. Now, I will say that a lot of content for this does exist. There are other organizations that have been working on this topic also for an equally long number of times, and they do amazing work. But what we were hearing from journalists was: There's a lot of information and we need short, simple one-pagers that will really help us protect ourselves. And also. editors were saying: We need it to help protect our staff. So they didn't want to read a fifty-page document. What they wanted was a one-page checklist, for example. So the guide that we created came out of a pilot that we ran with ten newsrooms in the U.S. and internationally, where we worked with—and the Seattle Times was one of those—we worked with the newsroom very closely, with a particular person in that newsroom. to think: What do they need and how could we implement that for them? In some cases, in the Seattle Times, they created their online—their own guide for online harassment. In some cases, it was newsrooms that they only could really manage to have a checklist that would help them protect staff data as quickly as possible. So it really depends. Different newsrooms have different needs. There's no really one-size-fits-all when it comes to protecting staff. I can't say to this newsroom, you need to do this. I can say, what is your capacity? Because a lot of newsrooms are overstretched, both financially but also in terms of people. And how many cooks in the kitchen? Generally, the bigger the newsroom, the more difficult it is to roll out change quickly because you need more buy-in from different areas within the newsroom. And the most successful pre-emptive support we see is from newsrooms where there is, what we call, a newsroom—a champion in the newsroom. Someone who pushes for this. Someone who maintains that momentum and is also able to communicate with HR, for example. Because some support needs to come from HR. What do you do if you've got a journalist who needs time off, for example because they've been getting death threats? Support from IT departments. Traditionally, IT departments in newsrooms are responsible for the website, for making sure your email is running. They're not generally resourced and trained in how to deal with a journalist who's receiving thousands of death threats via their Twitter feed. So getting newsrooms to think about that, and also getting newsrooms to think about you have journalists who are using their personal social media for work-related content. And you request them to do this. But you are not responsible for protecting those accounts. And that’s a real gray area that leaves a lot of journalists very vulnerable. So their work email may have all the digital security measures in place and helped along by their IT team, but their personal Instagram account or their Facebook account has no security measures on it at all. And that is where they will be most vulnerable. Because online attackers, they don’t just look at the journalist in the newsroom. They look at the journalists, the whole picture. So your data that you have on the internet is really your calling card to the world. So when people Google you, what they see is how you are to them. So they make no distinction there. There’s no distinction for them in terms of work and personal. So at the IWMF what we’ve been doing is really working with newsrooms to help them roll out these best practices, best as possible, to put them together, to help them write them, and then to sit with them and try and figure out how they can roll it out. And some do it quicker than others, but there’s been a lot of interest. Especially now, during the election. ROBBINS: So, Tat, can you—what’s changed since your experience? What do you do differently now? BELLAMY-WALKER: Yeah. I would say maybe like one of the main things that I—that I do differently is, like, trying to prepare ahead of these potential attacks. So that includes like, doxing myself and removing personal info about myself, like, online. So like signing up for, like, Delete Me, sending takedown requests to data broker sites, submitting info removal requests to Google. Sometimes that works. Sometimes it doesn’t. But trying to, like, take away that, like, personal information about myself. I would also say, locking down my accounts and using more two-factor authentication. For, like, my passwords in the past, I have just used very simple, easy-to-remember passwords. But I have learned, like, since the training that it’s really important to have a password that’s way more secure. Even for me on the go, I just want something that’s easy to remember. So using, like, a password manager, like one password. So that has also been helpful for me. And also paying attention to my privacy settings. You know, on, like, Facebook or Twitter. You know, making sure that it’s only me that can look up, like, my phone or my personal, like. email address. So that is helpful. And just generally, like, using the resources from IWMF’s online violence response hub. That has been very helpful as well, and making sure that I have a good self-care practice. And having, like, a team of folks that I can process these different challenges with, because unfortunately, like, you know, this won’t probably be, like, you know, the last time that I experience threats like this, given the nature of my reporting. So it’s really important for me to also have, like, a self-care practice in place. ROBBINS: So maybe, Ela, you want to go through some of that a little bit more deeply, although Tat sounds like Tat’s really on top of it. So these online data brokers, can you just—do you have to pay them to delete yourself? Or are they legally—you know, do they have to respond to a request like that? STAPLEY: OK. So let me start by saying that the U.S. has some of the worst data privacy laws I’ve ever seen. ROBBINS: We’ve noticed that before. STAPLEY: So it’s very difficult for a journalist to protect their personal information, just because so much information in the U.S. has to exist in a public-facing database, which, for me, is quite astounding really. If you buy a house—I don’t know if this is statewide or if it’s just in certain states— ROBBINS: Let me just say, as journalists, we are ambivalent about this, OK? On a certain level, we want to protect ourselves. But on another level, that’s really useful if a corrupt person is buying that house, OK? So we’re—you know, we’re not really crazy about the ability to erase yourself that exists in Europe. So we’re ambivalent about this. But please, go on. STAPLEY: Yeah, but I think from a personal safety standpoint it makes you very vulnerable. And the reason for this is that journalists are public-facing. So but you don't have any of the protection that is normally offered to kind of public-facing people. If you work in government, for example, if you're incredibly famous and have a lot of money, for example, you can hire people. So a lot of journalists don't have that. So it makes them very vulnerable. And they're also reporting on things people have strong opinions about, or they don't want to hear. And they're also very—they're very visible. So and they give—this gives people something to focus on. And when they start digging, they start to find more and more information. So and when I talk about journalists having information on the internet, I’m not saying that they shouldn’t have anything. Because a journalist has to exist on the internet in some form, otherwise they don’t exist and they can’t get work, right? So it’s more about the type of information that they have on the internet. So ideally, if I were to look a journalist up online, I would only find professional information about them, their professional work email, where they work, probably the town they live in. But I shouldn’t be finding, ideally, pictures of their family. I shouldn’t be finding pictures of their dog in their home. I shouldn’t be finding photos of them on holiday last year, ideally. So it’s more about controlling the information and feeling that the journalists themselves is in control of that information that they have on the internet, rather than people putting information on the internet about you. So data brokers sites, you’re very familiar with them. As journalists, you use them to look up sources, I’m sure. But people are also using them to look up you. If I was a citizen, never mind just a journalist, in the United States, I would be signing up to a service. There are a number of them available. One of them is called Delete Me. And they will remove you from these data aggregate sites. Now you can remove yourself from these data aggregate sites, but they are basically scraping public data. So they just keep repopulating with the information. So it’s basically a constant wheel, basically, of you requesting the information to be taken down, and them taking it down, but six months later putting it back up. So companies will do this for you. And there’s a whole industry now in the U.S. around that. Now the information that they contain also is very personal. So it includes your home address, your phone number, your email. But also, people you live with, and family members, et cetera. And what we do see is people who harass online, if they can't find data on you they may well go after family members. I've had journalists where this has happened to them before. They've gone after parents, siblings. And so it was a bit about educating your family on what you're happy and not happy sharing online, especially if you live or have experienced already harassment. So that's a little bit about data broker sites. We don't really see this in any other country. It's very unique to the United States. With all the good and bad that they bring. But in terms of privacy for data for journalists' protection, they're not great. Other preemptive things that journalists can do is just Google yourself, and other search engines. Look yourself up regularly and just know what the internet says about you—whether it’s negative, whether it’s positive. Just have a reading of what the internet is saying about you. I would sign up to get Google Alerts for your name, and that will alert you if anything comes up—on Google only—about you. And when you look yourself up online, just map if there’s anything there that you’re slightly uncomfortable with. And that varies depending on the journalist. It could be that some are happier with certain information being out there and some are less happy. But that’s really a personal decision that the journalist makes themselves. And it really depends on, what we call in the industry, their risk profile. So what do I mean by that? That’s a little bit what I was talking about earlier, when I was talking about Tat’s case. The kind of beat you cover, whether you’ve experienced harassment previously, or any other digital threats previously, who those attackers may be. So it’s very different the far right or alt-right, to a government, to, you know, a group on the internet of Taylor Swift fans, for example. So knowing who the threat is can be helpful because it helps you gauge how more or less the harassment will be and also other digital threats. Do they do hacking? Are they going to commit identity theft in your name? So getting a read on that is very important. Identity theft, a lot of groups like to attack in that way, take out credit cards in your name. So it’s quite good to do a credit check on yourself and put a block on your credit if you are at high risk for that. And you don’t need to have this all the time. It could just be during periods of high levels of harassment. For example, during an election period where we see often a spike in online harassment. Once you have seen information about yourself online, you want to take it down. If you are the owner of that information, it’s on your social media, et cetera, you take it down. The internet pulls through, it removes it. Please bear in mind that once you have something on the internet it’s very difficult to guarantee it’s completely gone. The reason for that is people take screenshots and there are also services such as the Internet Archive, services like the Wayback Machine. These types of services are very good at taking down data, actually, if you request. You have to go and request that they remove your personal data. So you may have deleted information from Google or from your own personal Facebook, but maybe a copy of it exists in the Wayback Machine. And quite often, attackers will go there and search for that information and put it online. So if somebody has put information about you on what we call a third-party platform—they’ve written a horrible blog about you, or it exists in a public database—then it’s very difficult to get that data taken down. It will depend on laws and legislation, and that varies from state to state in the U.S., and can be quite complicated. I’ve had journalists who’ve been quite successful in kind of copyright. So if people are using their image, they’ve—instead of pursuing it through—there are very few laws in place to protect journalists from this, which is something else that that’s an issue. If you do receive online harassment, who do you go to legally? Or maybe even it’s the authorities themselves that harassing you, in certain states. So maybe you don’t want to go to the authorities. But there’s very little legal protection really there for you to get that data taken down and protected. So once you’ve done kind of knowing what the internet says about you, then you just need to make sure you have good account security. What do I mean by that? That means having something called two-factor authentication turned on. Most people are familiar with this these days. They weren’t when I was doing this five years ago. Nobody had heard of it. Most people are using it now. Most people are familiar with this through internet banking, where you log into your account and a text message comes to your phone or an email with a code. Most online services offer this now. Please, please turn on two-factor authentication. There are different types. Most people use SMS. If you are covering anything to do with alt-right, far right, anything where—or hacking groups, or particular—if you’re covering foreign news, I don’t know if there’s here, and you’re covering countries that like to hack a lot, you want to be looking at something a bit more secure, such as an app or a security key. And then making sure yeah, and Tat mentioned a password manager. The most important thing about passwords is that they're long. They should be at least fifteen, one-five, characters. And they should be different for each account. Sorry, everyone. And the reason for that is if you are using the same password on many accounts, and one of those services that you have signed up for gets hacked, they've been keeping your password in an Excel sheet on their server instead of an encrypted form, then everyone will have your password for your Gmail account, your Instagram account, et cetera. That's why it's really important to have different passwords for different accounts. How you can do that? Using a password manager or, it is statistically safer to write them down and keep them safe in your home. If you feel safe in your home, if you're not at risk of arrest and detention and you don't cross borders, statistically it's much safer to write them down. Don't obviously stick them to your computer, but you can keep them somewhere safe in your home. Much safer than having passwords that are very short or reusing the same password on many accounts. Or, on any other account. That will prevent hacking, basically. Which online abusers do like to do? So that's kind of a little bit of a very quick walkthrough on that. And we do have resources that we can send out which will guide you through that. ROBBINS: So I want to turn it over to the group. I’m sure you guys have questions. You’re journalists. So if you could raise your hands or put it in the Q&A, please. I’m sure you have many questions for our experts here. While you’re doing that, I’m just looking at the participant list. If not, I’m going to start calling on people. It’s something I do all the time. It’s the professor side of me that does that. Well, while people decide what they’re going to ask, Tat, so since I said Ela said that your newsroom is actually one that’s been trained in, and that’s actually quite good, how much support they give you? And what sort of support? I mean, if something costs money, did they pay for it, for example? You know, have they—you know, have they given—paid for password manager? Have they given you, you know? And what’s the—what’s the support they gave you, and what do you wish they gave you? BELLAMY-WALKER: That’s a really good question. Well, I would say, maybe the first thing that they had—like, you know, they sent over the different, like, resources, and, you know, for, like, online harassment. And also, they recommended that I take out my, like, email address from the bio online. Since so many of my—since so many of the messages were coming to my email. But in terms of, like, money towards, you know, getting, like, a password manager or, you know, trying to delete some of these, you know, information about me from the internet, I was not provided, like, support with that. And I think just, like, in the future, I—you know, at the time of these stories I was very new to my position. And I think it’s, like, you know, it would be great if, like, news organizations, like, give more trainings on online, like, risk. I think that would be very, like, helpful. Like, alongside having a guide, like a training as well, for, like, new employees. I think that would be very helpful. ROBBINS: So sort of basic onboarding? I mean, this should be a required—a required part of—a required part of it. Ela, are there newsrooms that are doing that now? They've just sort of included this as part of the onboarding process. STAPLEY: Well, ideally, it would be included in the onboarding process. A lot of newsrooms we’ve worked with have included it within the onboarding manual. But obviously, training is money. Newsrooms are short on money these days. So it can be quite difficult. And also, if there’s a high staff turnover, one of the issues we’ve noticed is you can create the best practice, you can train journalists, but journalists leave. New journalists come. Who’s staying on top of that and managing that? And that’s why it’s important to get HR involved from the beginning because maybe HR—in some newsrooms, HR is the editor and also the IT person. So it really depends on the size of the newsroom and how much support they can offer, in terms of financially as well, how much support they can offer. Delete Me is expensive if you add it up for many journalists within your newsroom, or other data broker removal services. One Password actually does free accounts for journalists. So I would recommend that you have a look at that. They have One Password for journalism. And you can—and you can sign up for that. But obviously, it costs money. You know, and there are bigger issues newsrooms need to think about as well. So one of the things we encourage them to think about is how much support can you offer, and also to be honest about that support. So what you don’t want is a journalist who’s been doxed, their home addresses all over the internet, they’ve had to move out, but they find out their newsroom can’t pay for that. So where did they go? Do they still have to work during that period, for example? So getting newsrooms to think through these issues in advance is really helpful for the newsroom because then they can say, look, if this happens we are able to provide this for this amount of time, and after that, you know, we can do this, this, and this. Some newsrooms can't afford to pay for journalists to move out of their home because their budget is too small, but maybe they can offer time off, for example, paid time off, or mental health support through insurance. Maybe they can start to build community networks in the newsroom. This is increasingly more important, as newsrooms—we were speaking about this earlier—are more remote. So people aren't coming into the office so much. So you're not connected to people as much. There's no kind of chatting to people around the water cooler like they used to. So, you know, this kind of self—almost kind of exchanging information between journalists around, like, how to protect against issues or which issues are causing more conflict or—could be tricky. It may not be being picked up, on especially for younger journalists coming into the newsroom because, you know, they're just starting out on their journalism career. They don't have years of experience behind them. And they can often be vulnerable to attacks and, you know, I, on several occasions, spoke to editors at newsrooms, small local newsrooms, who had sent out, you know, like, a young reporter or just a reporter—junior reporter to cover a protest, which was actually a far-right, or alt-right march. And then that journalists would be doxed. And the journalists were completely unprepared for that. The newsroom was completely unprepared for that. Because they hadn’t assessed the risk. They hadn’t seen what the risk, and they wouldn’t have known that doxing was a very common tactic used by these groups. So planning for that in advance is really important. That’s why risk assessment can be really great—a great tool. Getting newsrooms to think through risk assessment processes. ROBBINS: So we have two questions. One from someone named Theo. I’m not sure, I don’t have a list in front of me. Do you recommend any apps for password managers? This person says: I went to a seminar that suggested LastPass, and then LastPass had its data stolen a few months later. This has always made me actually nervous about password managers. I sort of wondered how secure they are. It seems to me every time I get my snail mail I’m getting another warning that, like, something else of mine has been hacked. And we’re going to give you a year of, you know, protection. Are there any of these apps—are they actually secure? STAPLEY: So, one of the things about digital security and safety that journalists really hate is that it’s a changing environment. So, something that was safe, you know, yesterday, isn’t safe today. And the reason for this is, is that tech changes, vulnerabilities become open. Hackers attack. Governments and other groups are always looking for ways to attack and find access. And people in my industry are always looking for ways to protect. So it’s always in a kind of constant change, which is frustrating for journalists because they just want to say use this tool, it’ll work forever, and it’ll be fine. And I’m afraid digital safety is not like that. So nothing you use that is connected to the internet in any shape or form is 100 percent safe, or any device. And the reason for that is, is there is always a possibility that there is a vulnerability that in some area that could be leveraged. So what you’re looking for is really for journalists to stay up to date with the latest tech information. And you’re all journalists. So this, you know, it’s just research. So it should be pretty OK for you to do. The best way to do it is just to sign up to the tech section of a big newspaper, national newspaper, and just get it coming into your inbox. And you’ll just stay up on, like, who’s buying who, what data breaches have there been, who’s been hacked, what hacking groups are out there. You don’t have to investigate in depth. You just have to have a general read of what’s happening in the global sphere around this issue. I think Elon Musk's buyout of Twitter, for example, is a very good example of, you know, what happens when a tech tool that we all depend on changes hands, right? I know journalists who built their entire careers on Twitter and are now just really floundering because it's so difficult to access audiences and get the information. So in order to answer your question, no, nothing is 100 percent safe. But if you're looking to use something, there are certain things that you should look for. Like, who owns this tool? What are they doing with your data? And how are they storing that data? So in terms of password managers, for example, password managers are currently the industry best practice for passwords for the majority of people. There are certain groups within that who may be advised not to use them, most of them are the more high-risk ones. So they—password managers are keeping your passwords in encrypted form on their servers. What does that mean? If someone hacks a password manager, they can't gain access to those passwords. In terms of LastPass, what we saw was security breaches but no actual passwords being accessed. But the fact that they'd have several security breaches made people very unsettled. And, you know, people have been migrating off LastPass, basically. It means their general security ethos may not be as secure as people want. So, you know, you have to move elsewhere. And that is for any tech tool that you use. So now maybe people aren't using Twitter; they’re moving over to LinkedIn. You may be using iMessage one day but may have to migrate over to WhatsApp another. So having many options in play is always—is always good as well. So don’t just rely on one thing and expect it to work forever in the world of tech. Generally, it doesn’t. ROBBINS: We are we have—so, Theo, I’m just going to answer your question really quickly, because that’s one that I actually know something about. This is—Theo asked whether there’s any suggestions—and Theo, I believe, is Theo Greenly, senior reporter at KUCB. Suggestions when finding/choosing a fixer on a reporting trip, especially abroad? Questions to ask or things to look for when initially assessing risk before a trip. I would just say, for finding a fixer, find somebody who’s worked in that country already and ask their advice. That’s the only way you can do it. It’s just—the same way if you’re going down a road and whether or not you think there are mines on that road, ask people who know. There’s, like, no—you just have to rely on the kindness of people who’ve already worked in that environment. And it’s just—that’s what I did for years and years and years working abroad, is that I always relied on people who knew more. I can tell you the first trip I had was in Haiti. The overthrow of Baby Doc. Yes, I’m that old. And I was flipping out. And I called my husband, a very experienced foreign correspondent. And he said to me, find Alfonso Chardy from the Miami Herald, and do everything that he’s already doing. He was completely right. And that’s how I learned how to do it. So that’s—you know, there’s no secret here. It’s just find more experienced reporters. And they’re usually really kind, and they’re really, really helpful. So there’s a question from—is it Steve Doyle? StDoyle. What suggestions do you have for journalists facing physical threats? How should journalists be prepared for that? Ela, Tat? I don’t know if you—this is focused on digital, but do you guys—have you heard of any training? I know that when my reporters at the Journal went overseas, they had a lot of training on security, particularly the ones who went to Afghanistan and Iraq. And we had to pay for it. We went to security companies that trained them. Have you heard anything about people being trained for physical protection in the United States? STAPLEY: Yeah, the IWMF is currently actually on their U.S. safety tour. So they’re visiting states and training them in physical and digital safety. So you can go to the website and check that out. So they do do also the HEFAT training as well. I’m not a physical security expert, so I can’t really speak to that. But, yes, there are organizations that offer this. But there’s a lot more that are obviously paid for than are actually free. But, yes, there are organizations out there that do offer this type of training, press freedom organizations. ROBBINS: Tat, have you done any training on physical security? Because you’re out and about in the community all the time. BELLAMY-WALKER: Hmm. Yeah. So I would also echo the IWMF’s HEFAT training. During the training, like, we learned how to, like, you know, if we’re in a protest and it gets extremely, like, hostile, we learned how to navigate ourselves, like, out of that situation. We learned how to navigate—if there’s a mass shooting, like, what to do. If—you know, if we’re, you know, getting kidnapped or something, we learned how to navigate that situation. So I would definitely recommend IWMF’s HEFAT training has something for folks to use to learn how to navigate these different physical threats that can come up in the field. ROBBINS: Great. Well, we will share a link to that as well when we send out our follow up—our follow-up emails. That's great to know, that that's available. Also never go in the center of a crowd. Hug the buildings. You don't want to get trampled. It's another thing my husband taught me in the early days. These are all really useful things. Question: For a reporter who covers a remote minority community in a news desert, she must be visible on social media for sources to reach her. At the same time, she’s getting harassed/doxed. We provided Delete Me, but she still needs to be findable. Best practices? That was—I mean, it seems to me, sort of that’s the great paradox here. You know, how can you be visible so people can find you, but at the same time you don’t want to get people—the wrong people finding you? How do we balance that? STAPLEY: Yeah. And, like I said, it’s different for each journalist. Depends on the degree of harassment, and how comfortable, and who’s harassing you as well. So generally, if the people who live close to you are harassing you, the physical threat level is higher. So that’s something to be mindful of. So, you know, if you’re—some of the most challenging cases are journalists who report on the communities that they are living in, and those communities are hostile to them in some form. And it can be very, very difficult for them to stay safe, because they also know where you live. Because, you know, they know your aunt or whoever, like they live three doors down. But I think really it's then about putting best practices in place. So having a plan for what if this happens, what will we do as a newsroom to support this journalist? And maybe seeing—asking the journalist what they feel that they need. So when it comes to harassment on social media, I'm afraid—a lot of responsibility for managing that harassment should come from the platforms, but it doesn't. And there are very few practices now in place, especially, you know, what we've seen with X, or what was previously Twitter. You know, the security there is not as efficient as it once was. I think I could say that. So you can be reporting things, but nothing's happening. Or they say that it adheres to their community guidelines. Often we hear that from Facebook, for example, or Instagram. One thing you should know, if you’re reporting harassment, is you should read the community guidelines and see how that harassment—you need—you need to parrot the same language back to them. So you need to show them how the harassment is violating their community standards, and just use the same words in your—in your report. And document it. So keep a spreadsheet of who—what platform it happened on, take a screenshot of the abuse. Don’t just have the URL, because people delete it. So make sure you have the handle name, the date, the time, et cetera. And the harassment, the platform it happened on, whether you reported it, who you reported it to, have you heard back from them. Why would you document it? Well, it really depends. Maybe, you know, it’s just personal, so you can track it. Maybe it’s for you to show editors. Maybe it’s to take to the authorities. But that’s not always appropriate for everybody. You may or may not want to document—and you can’t document everything. So you’re just looking for threat to life there, I would say. And it can be helpful to get—I know Tat mentioned this—to have, like, a community of people who can help you with that. So in the case of this journalist, like, what’s their external support network like? Are there other journalists that journalists can be in contact with? What can you offer that journalist in terms of support? So does that journalist need time every week to kind of document this during work hours so she doesn’t—or, he—doesn’t have to spend their time doing it on the weekend? Do they need access to mental health provision? Do they need an IT team? So it sounds like it's a small outlet, you probably don't have—maybe have an IT team? Or, you know, the owner's probably the IT person. That's normally how that works. So what can you do there to make sure their accounts are secure, and make sure they know that they don't always have to be online? So one of the most important things for journalists is for people to contact them. But if you're on a device all the time, and that device is just blowing up with hatred, it can be quite useful to have a different device, a different phone number that you use for personal use. And that, you know, maybe you don't work on the weekend, you switch your work phone off so you don't have to be reading all this abuse. I know switching the phone off for a journalist is like never going to happen, but in some cases it could be useful. If you’re in the middle of a sustained, like, vicious attack, you know, just having your phone explode with calls, messages, emails, all just coming at you 24/7, is really not great. And it really impedes your ability to do work as well. So, you know, putting a bit of separation there, and helping that journalist—letting that journalist know that you support that journalist doing that is really helpful. That’s a really good, important step for a newsroom to do, kind of giving them that support. ROBBINS: So one of the things that Ela said, and, Tat, I want to ask you about it. Ela said something about knowing something about who your attacker is, because then you might know more about whether they just—they’re just going to dox you—I don’t mean “just”—but if they’re going to focus on doxing, versus they maybe want to hack your personal accounts, or they want to go after your aunt, or they may actually come to your newsroom and physically threaten you. That people have patterns of their attacks. When you were getting attacked over the story you were doing about drag laws, did you have a sense—did you know who was attacking you? Did you research it? BELLAMY-WALKER: Yeah, I did. At first, it just seemed like it was just, like, random folks, you know, from, you know, the internet. But I started to see that there was definitely this, like, conservative Facebook page. Like, everyone from that conservative Facebook page. They were all definitely emailing me. You know, I’m definitely maybe not 100 percent sure about that, but it seemed like the Facebook page took the harassment to a whole different level, especially because they included, like, where I work. They, you know, had spoke about like a tweet that I had wrote about, like, the journalism industry in general, in terms of diversity. So many of the attacks started to heighten from the Facebook page, and then the article that was written about me. And so for me, it’s really important for me to, you know, check, you know, what is being, you know, written about me through either Google searches or I will search Facebook, and that’s how I came across this, you know, conservative Facebook page. I think they were called, like, the Whiskey Cowboys, or something like that. Yeah, yeah. So that’s how I look at—that’s how I came across them. It was after I had done, like, a search of my name in Facebook. And if I had not done that search of my name, I would not have realized, like, why it was becoming so intense. Because before then, I did—you know, definitely I get some emails here and there, but never something as targeted as it was. I’m like, whoa, like, these are getting, like, really, really personal. And then with the Facebook page, it was very, very personal attacks on me. ROBBINS: So, Ela, I think my final question to you is, sometimes a Facebook page isn’t necessarily who we think it is. I mean, it could be the Iranians. It could be somebody in New Jersey. It’s not—I mean, there’s Donald Trump, it’s some 300-pound guy in a basement in Newark, New Jersey. OK, well, that’s a story for another day. Do you guys or does someone else have—you know, has done more forensic research so that if we’re getting—we’re getting attacked we can say: That looks like X group, and we know that they tend to mainly focus on doxing, or you probably should be more aware that they’re going to go after your financial resources? Is there some sort of a guide for particular groups in the way they do their work? STAPLEY: Not a guide, as such. But, yes, there are journalists who’ve researched the people who have harassed them. And it also makes very good stories—I know journalists who have written good stories about that. And, obviously, there are tech professionals, IT professionals, who can also look into that. They can study things like IP addresses and things. And it helps build up a picture of who the attackers are. But I think here, the important thing is if you are writing on a particular story—on a particular topic or on a particular region of the world, knowing who’s active online with regards to that topic and regards to that region of the world, and what they can do in terms of their tech capacity, is important. Ideally, before anything happens, so that you can put steps in place. ROBBINS: But how would I, if I work at a medium-sized or small newspaper—you know, where would I turn for help for that sort of risk assessment, as I’m launching into that? You know, how would I know that if I’m going to go down this road that I might draw the ire of X, Y, or Z that has this capacity? Where would I look for that? STAPLEY: Yeah, speaking to other reporters who cover the same beat is very helpful, whether in your state or just, like, if you have reporters in other areas of the country or in other countries. You know, if you’re covering international news, like, speaking to them and finding out if they—what digital threats they’ve faced is a really useful step. So connecting to that network, like we talked about fixers in different countries. Like, getting a feel for it. But ideally, this should come from the newsroom themselves. So, you know, ideally, newsrooms should be proactive about doing risk assessments. And ideally, they should train managers. They should train editors on this. So a lot of responsibility does kind of fall to the editor, but a lot of them haven’t been trained in how to, like, roll out a risk assessment appropriately. And so getting newsrooms to really be proactive about this, training their editors, and being—you know, looking at the risk assessments, putting them in front of people, and getting them to—and asking them to fill them out. Because the risk assessment really is about mitigating risk. It’s getting you thinking, what are the risks? How can you reduce them in a way that makes it safer for you to go about your daily life, but also to continue reporting? Which at the end of the day, is what all journalists want to do. ROBBINS: Has anybody—like Pew or anybody else—brought together sort of a compendium of, you know, significant online attacks that journalists have suffered, sort of organized by topic or something? That would be really useful. STAPLEY: Yeah, there’s a number of organizations that have published on this. There’s been a lot of academic research done. The ICFJ and UNESCO did one, The Chilling it’s called. That was a global look, against women journalists, and involved a lot of case studies. We have our online violence response hub—which Tat mentioned earlier, which I’m very pleased to know that Tat was using—which is a one-stop shop for all things online harassment-related. And there you will find the latest research. So you can go there and search for academic research, but it also has, like, digital safety guides, guidance for newsrooms, as well as for journalists and for those who want to support journalists to better protect themselves. ROBBINS: That’s great. Ela, Tat, thank you both for this. I’m going to turn it back to Irina. We’re going to push out these resources. And this has just been—I’m fascinated. This has been a great conversation. Thank you so much, both of you. STAPLEY: Thank you. FASKIANOS: Yes. And I echo that. Ela Stapley and Tat Bellamy-Walker, and, of course, Carla Anne Robbins, thank you very much for this conversation. We will send out the resources and the link to this webinar and transcript. As always, we encourage you to visit,, and for the latest developments and analysis on international trends and how they are affecting the United States. And of course, you can email us to share suggestions for future webinars by sending an email to [email protected]. So thank you for being with us today. And thanks to all of you for your time. We appreciate it. ROBBINS: Ela and Tat, thank you for the work you do. Thanks, Irina. (END)
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