4,831 Results for:

February 22, 2017

United States
U.S. Manufacturing Exports—Excluding NAFTA—Are Surprisingly Small

Take out U.S. exports of manufactures to Canada and Mexico, and the United States manufacturing exports to the world are about 3 percent of U.S. GDP.* Non-NAFTA manufacturing imports are over 7 pe…

U.S. Manufacturing Exports—Excluding NAFTA—Are Surprisingly Small

August 15, 2024

United States
Reimagining American Cities: RealEcon Visits Western Pennsylvania and New York

On the latest leg of its listening tour, RealEcon walks through the transformation of industrial cities in the Northeast.

Matthew P. Goodman at a steel plant during the Listening Tour.

July 19, 2005

A manufacturing boom?

Tim Duy highlighted a Wall Street Journal story on Monday that puts forward the case that the US manufacturing sector is booming. I did not find Journal's argument entirely convincing. After all, th…

January 8, 2019

Why Haven't U.S. Exports of Manufactures Kept Pace with China's Growth?

China is a big country, and, at least until recently, it was growing relatively fast. So it stands to reason that it should have been among the most rapidly growing markets for U.S. exports.  The …

Why Haven't U.S. Exports of Manufactures Kept Pace with China's Growth?

January 27, 2012

Elections and Voting
Manufacturing and the Middle Class

Rick Santorum deserves credit for trying to draw attention to the fate of U.S. manufacturing. As he pointed out at last night’s GOP presidential debate in Tampa, manufacturing has long been a source …

Workers from Ford's Chicago Assembly Plant push a full-size Legoland edition Ford Explorer, made with more than 380,000 Lego blocks. (Frank Polich/courtesy Reuters)

May 2, 2024

The President’s Inbox Recap: A Second China Shock

A surge in Chinese manufacturing exports is threatening jobs in many countries, not just the United States.

Three electric vehicles as viewed on a lift in a port.