202 Results for:

March 20, 2009

Monetary Policy
Did the Fed bail out China by buying Treasuries?

No. Not really. At least not in the sense that is usually argued. China has no need to sell foreign assets like Treasuries to finance its domestic fiscal stimulus so long as it is running a lar…

July 26, 2007

It is now (almost) official: q1 dollar reserve growth exceeded the US current account deficit …

The BIS reported data on central banks’ accumulation of dollars in the international banking system today (Table 5c).    Central banks added $24.5b to their dollar holdings – but also repaid $53.5b i…

July 10, 2007

Monetary Policy
BRIC reserve growth … $200b, $400b, $800b, even bigger?

As Felix notes, I am reserve-obsessed.   For good reason, I would argue.  Right now, central bank reserve accumulation is driving the global flow of capital.  Private markets have been out-gunned.We …


April 11, 2019

Global Outlook

As the opening session of the 2019 College and University Educators Workshop, Reuben E. Brigety II, Elizabeth C. Economy, and Suzanne Maloney discuss the global outlook for the year ahead, with James…

Play 2019 Educators Workshop Opening Session

April 1, 2011

Ivory Coast
Ending Ivory Coast’s Stand-Off

Conflict in Ivory Coast appears to be nearing a head, with internationally recognized presidential winner Alassane Ouattara poised to triumph. But CFR’s Jendayi Frazer notes that inaction by the Secu…