• Germany
    On the Ukraine War, Germany Has a Leadership Problem. Here’s Why.
    Germany is providing critical weapon systems to Ukraine in the grinding war with Russia, but it remains reluctant to lead on European security.
  • Germany
    Germany, Russia, and Ukraine, With Liana Fix
    Liana Fix, a CFR fellow for Europe, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss how German foreign policy has changed in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and whether the Kremlin’s decision to halt natural gas exports will force Berlin to end its support for Kyiv.
  • Germany
    Virtual Term Member Meeting: Weathering the Storm - The Future of German Foreign and Economic Policy
    After sixteen years of coalitions led by Chancellor Angela Merkel and the Christian Democrats, Germany elected a new coalition government in 2021 of Social Democrats, Greens, and Free Democrats under the leadership of Olaf Scholz. Against a backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia’s war in Ukraine, this new government has faced a steep learning curve and has called for major shifts in German foreign, security, and energy policy. Our panelists discuss how Germany’s foreign policy is evolving post-Chancellor Scholz's Zeitenwende speech and if the government is effectively addressing rising energy costs and concerns about inflation and economic stagnation.  CFR's Stephen M. Kellen Term Member Program is pleased to be hosting this event with the American Council on Germany's Young Leaders Program. **This is a virtual meeting through Zoom. Log-in information and instructions on how to participate during the question and answer portion will be provided the evening before the event to those who register.