Books & Reports
Hundreds of thousands of young Jews have drifted away from the American Jewish community and many more may follow. This book explains to Jewish parents, donors, and organizations how Jewish education, Jewish summer camping, and time spent in Israel can revive and strengthen Jewish identity.
Rush Doshi’s testimony to the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs addresses conflicts of interest in federal contracting.
Mr. Chairman and Members of the Subcommittee: Thank you for your invitation to testify today on “Israel and the Middle East at a Crossroads: How Tehran’s Terror Campaign Threatens the U.S. and…
Son of the Midwest, movie star, and mesmerizing politician—America’s fortieth president comes to three-dimensional life in this gripping and profoundly revisionist biography.
Thomas Graham argues that cooperation between European member states, as well as U.S. commitment to its allies in the region, can create a freer, more secure, and more prosperous Europe.
Coordination is needed on growing transnational challenges, but domestic political priorities could hinder reaching consensus on managing global challenges.
Hearing co-chairs Commissioner Cliff Sims and Vice Chair Reva Price, Commission members, and staff, thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. I commend the Commission for calling a h…
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
The war in Ukraine marks a new era of instability in Europe. Countering Russia’s efforts will require a stronger, more coordinated NATO. -
Robert D. Blackwill and Richard Fontaine evaluate the limitations of the Pivot to Asia and offer a compelling vision for the future of U.S. foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific.
A clear-headed vision for the United States' role in the Middle East that highlights the changing nature of U.S. national interests and the challenges of grand strategizing at a time of profound change in the international order.
Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Violence around U.S. elections in 2024 could not only destabilize American democracy but also embolden autocrats across the world. Jacob Ware recommends that political leaders take steps to shore up civic trust and remove the opportunity for violence ahead of the 2024 election season. -
Paul J. Angelo provides the first headlining case studies of Plan Colombia and the Mérida Initiative.