
Latin America’s Moment

Latin America’s Moment analyzes economic, political, and social issues and trends throughout the Western Hemisphere.

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A Brazilian wildcat miner, or garimpeiro, pans for gold at a wildcat gold mine in a deforested area of the Amazon rainforest.
A Brazilian wildcat miner, or garimpeiro, pans for gold at a wildcat gold mine in a deforested area of the Amazon rainforest. Nacho Doce/ Reuters

Brazil’s Other Deforestation Threat Plus Benefits of Blue Collar Immigration

Deforestation progress in the Amazon offset by losses in the Cerrado; Blue collar immigration’s fiscal and economic benefits. Read More

South America’s Minimum Consensus on Democracy is Gone
Forget regional integration. Basic diplomacy will remain an uphill battle until the region’s leaders return to a shared definition of democracy.
Latin America
Latin America This Week: May 30, 2023
Debt-for-nature swaps gain traction in Latin America; To fix U.S. migration woes, the government needs to go big; Venezuelan organized crime now stretches across the continent.
Latin America This Week: May 22, 2023
Opposition, not ideology, wins elections; Chinese foreign direct investment moves beyond natural resources and Brazil; Livent-Allkem merger bets on lithium in the Americas.
  • Latin America
    Latin America’s Moment Returns
    The Council on Foreign Relations’ blog on Latin America and the world will again feature regular analysis and updates on trends shaping the region.
  • Ecuador
    Crisis in Quito: President Guillermo Lasso Heads to Impeachment Vote 
    Polarization is pushing Ecuador to the brink of a constitutional crisis