
Latin America’s Moment

Latin America’s Moment analyzes economic, political, and social issues and trends throughout the Western Hemisphere.

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A Brazilian wildcat miner, or garimpeiro, pans for gold at a wildcat gold mine in a deforested area of the Amazon rainforest.
A Brazilian wildcat miner, or garimpeiro, pans for gold at a wildcat gold mine in a deforested area of the Amazon rainforest. Nacho Doce/ Reuters

Brazil’s Other Deforestation Threat Plus Benefits of Blue Collar Immigration

Deforestation progress in the Amazon offset by losses in the Cerrado; Blue collar immigration’s fiscal and economic benefits. Read More

Latin America
The Fight Against Corruption in Central America Needs to Get Ugly
When the region’s governments are such problematic partners, going around and after them is the only solution.
Chile’s Constitutional Rewrite: A Difficult Path Ahead, but a Recipe for Inclusion
Regardless of the challenges to meeting demands for an overhaul of Chile’s neoliberal economic system, the country’s new constitution could facilitate the lasting inclusion of marginalized groups in political processes.  
More Than a Few Good Women: Improving Hemispheric Security by Advancing Gender Inclusivity in Military and Police
Latin America and the Caribbean remains the most violent region in the world. Overwhelmed police and military forces stand to improve their effectiveness and accountability by unleashing a secret weapon: more female recruits.
  • Central America
    Making Anti-Corruption Reforms Stick in the Northern Triangle
    The Biden administration made a bold commitment to support the region’s prosecutors in their fight against impunity. But corrupt courts, business associations, and legislatures could derail the progress if they are not reformed in time.    
  • Argentina
    Argentina’s Latest Anti-Speech Scandal: Free Press on the Rocks?
    Already the most dangerous region in the world for journalists, press freedom in Latin America is under attack. A recent case in Argentina underscores the pressures journalists face in speaking truth to power.