
Latin America’s Moment

Latin America’s Moment analyzes economic, political, and social issues and trends throughout the Western Hemisphere.

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A Brazilian wildcat miner, or garimpeiro, pans for gold at a wildcat gold mine in a deforested area of the Amazon rainforest.
A Brazilian wildcat miner, or garimpeiro, pans for gold at a wildcat gold mine in a deforested area of the Amazon rainforest. Nacho Doce/ Reuters

Brazil’s Other Deforestation Threat Plus Benefits of Blue Collar Immigration

Deforestation progress in the Amazon offset by losses in the Cerrado; Blue collar immigration’s fiscal and economic benefits. Read More

Latin America
Latin America This Week: June 26, 2023
Bolsonaro’s legal troubles begin; Guatemalan presidential candidates Torres and Arévalo head for second round.
Latin America
Latin America This Week: June 20, 2023
Investment inflows perpetuate Mexico’s north-south divides; Washington fetes Uruguay.
A Surge in Crime and Violence Has Ecuador Reeling
Ecuadorians say crime and public authorities’ inability, or unwillingness, to stop it is what they are most worried about. 
  • Latin America
    Latin America This Week: June 12, 2023
    Mexico’s 2024 campaign season officially begins; Petro’s window for reform narrows further; Latin American economies will stagnate through 2025.
  • Latin America
    Latin America This Week: June 5, 2023
    Lula’s promise to reindustrialize Brazil won’t be easy; As Milei gains momentum, dollarization gets a second look.