
Latin America’s Moment

Latin America’s Moment analyzes economic, political, and social issues and trends throughout the Western Hemisphere.

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A Brazilian wildcat miner, or garimpeiro, pans for gold at a wildcat gold mine in a deforested area of the Amazon rainforest.
A Brazilian wildcat miner, or garimpeiro, pans for gold at a wildcat gold mine in a deforested area of the Amazon rainforest. Nacho Doce/ Reuters

Brazil’s Other Deforestation Threat Plus Benefits of Blue Collar Immigration

Deforestation progress in the Amazon offset by losses in the Cerrado; Blue collar immigration’s fiscal and economic benefits. Read More

Latin America
Latin America This Week: August 2, 2023
Petro’s response to son’s arrest proves his commitment to democracy; Chile’s constitutional rewrite is becoming a headache for the right; Kenya’s promise to lead Haiti mission wins praise abroad.
Latin America
Latin America This Week: July 25, 2023
Peru shows no economy is insulated from politics forever; Panama and few others bat above the average on anticorruption; Xóchitl Gálvez puts opposition on the map ahead of Mexico’s 2024 presidential elections.
In Peru, Opposition to Democratic Backsliding Is Growing. Without Leaders, it Might Not Get Far.
Peru's President Dina Boluarte and Congress have eroded democratic norms in the country, spurring protests. However, unless an opposition leader emerges, this new wave of protests will fall short. 
  • Latin America
    Latin America This Week: July 18, 2023
    A new conservative government in Spain would keep Latin America on the EU agenda; falling U.S.-China trade makes Mexico top U.S. partner; Guerrero’s violence spurred by poverty, corruption, and shifting U.S. drug demand.
  • Latin America
    Latin America This Week: July 11, 2023
    Guatemala’s first round election upset stands; Brazil’s non-alignment has a democracy blind spot; Remittances to Mexico hit a record $5.7 billion in May.