
Latin America’s Moment

Latin America’s Moment analyzes economic, political, and social issues and trends throughout the Western Hemisphere.

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A Brazilian wildcat miner, or garimpeiro, pans for gold at a wildcat gold mine in a deforested area of the Amazon rainforest.
A Brazilian wildcat miner, or garimpeiro, pans for gold at a wildcat gold mine in a deforested area of the Amazon rainforest. Nacho Doce/ Reuters

Brazil’s Other Deforestation Threat Plus Benefits of Blue Collar Immigration

Deforestation progress in the Amazon offset by losses in the Cerrado; Blue collar immigration’s fiscal and economic benefits. Read More

Latin America
The GOP's Posturing Will Push Latin America Into China's Arms
Reviving the Monroe Doctrine would take a time machine.
Latin America This Week: September 20, 2023
At 32 years old, Mercosur faces an existential crisis; Petro signals a big shift on drug policy; Massa’s last-ditch election spending will hobble the next government.
Latin America This Week: September 14, 2023
AMLO ups spending, favoring the middle class and the military; Uruguay’s financial stability attracts investment—and crime follows; Peru’s democratic backsliding is passing the point of no return.
  • Latin America Studies Program
    Latin America This Week: September 7, 2023
    Petro’s latest scandal could reenergize Colombia’s lackluster conservative opposition; foreign direct investment in Latin America defies global downturn.
  • Argentina
    Latin America This Week: August 31, 2023
    BRICS becomes BRICS+, though not all may join; Latin America looks West, not East, for its technology; more frequent droughts promise more slow downs in the Panama Canal.
  • Colombia
    Petro’s Total Peace Plan Turns One: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
    Petro’s peace plan is neither a total failure nor a total success, for now.
  • Guatemala
    Guatemala Chose a New Pro-Reform President. Can He Stem Corruption and Migration?
    Guatemala’s outsider, pro-reform candidate won against the odds, but can he govern?
  • Latin America Studies Program
    Latin America This Week: August 22, 2023
    In Guatemala, money can’t buy elections; external factors drive Latin America’s economic upside.
  • Latin America
    Latin America This Week: August 16, 2023
    Latin America’s anti-incumbency wave rolls through Argentina; Governments look to lithium to spur industrialization; assassination of Ecuadorian presidential candidate reveals state capture by organized crime.
  • Latin America
    Latin America This Week: August 9, 2023
    Hot winters in the Andes and Southern Cone threaten Latin America’s advantages; Panama, Costa Rica, Mexico aim to ride U.S. semiconductor industrial policy coattails; Colombia’s new ceasefire agreement remains fragile.