
The Internationalist

Stewart M. Patrick assesses the future of world order, state sovereignty, and multilateral cooperation.

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Cristina Mamani walks near an unused boat in Lake Poopo, Bolivia's second largest lake which has dried up due to water diversion for regional irrigation needs and a warmer, drier climate, according to local residents and scientists on July 24, 2021.
Cristina Mamani walks near an unused boat in Lake Poopo, Bolivia's second largest lake which has dried up due to water diversion for regional irrigation needs and a warmer, drier climate, according to local residents and scientists on July 24, 2021. REUTERS/Claudia Morales

The Crisis of the Century: How the United States Can Protect Climate Migrants

The disastrous effects of climate change could displace more than a billion people in the next thirty years. International and domestic legal systems cannot continue to let climate migrants slip through the cracks. Read More

Diplomacy and International Institutions
Biden and Johnson’s ‘New Atlantic Charter’ Has Big Shoes to Fill
The New Atlantic Charter seeks to rally the West at a time of global crisis. Whether it has a similar, enduring influence is likely to depend more on domestic U.S. political developments than on global geopolitical trends.
Diplomacy and International Institutions
Biden Seeks to Revive U.S.-Europe Relations
Is America back and able to make the West once again the core of an open, rules-based world order? Biden and his counterparts have an opportunity to prove skeptics wrong this week.
Global Governance
The Four Contending Approaches to Multilateralism Under Biden
The debate between going it alone versus working with others has ended. The debate over alternative forms of multilateralism has just begun.
  • Global Governance
    When Assessing Geopolitical Risks of Geoengineering, Don’t Assume the Future Will Look Like the Past
    Attempting to shut down discussion of the potential weaponization of geoengineering is unwise. We can only see a short way into the future.
  • Global Governance
    Preventing the Next Pandemic Will Take More Than Good Ideas
    COVID-19 has been a pandemic of inequalities and inequities. A new report offers useful recommendations going forward but offers too few details and no roadmap on how to achieve them.