
The Internationalist

Stewart M. Patrick assesses the future of world order, state sovereignty, and multilateral cooperation.

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Cristina Mamani walks near an unused boat in Lake Poopo, Bolivia's second largest lake which has dried up due to water diversion for regional irrigation needs and a warmer, drier climate, according to local residents and scientists on July 24, 2021.
Cristina Mamani walks near an unused boat in Lake Poopo, Bolivia's second largest lake which has dried up due to water diversion for regional irrigation needs and a warmer, drier climate, according to local residents and scientists on July 24, 2021. REUTERS/Claudia Morales

The Crisis of the Century: How the United States Can Protect Climate Migrants

The disastrous effects of climate change could displace more than a billion people in the next thirty years. International and domestic legal systems cannot continue to let climate migrants slip through the cracks. Read More

Global Governance
To Prevent Future Pandemics, Start by Protecting Nature
We have entered a new era of infectious disease. The path to global health security begins with protecting nature.
Energy and Environment
To Save the Natural World, Put a Price on It
Collapsing biodiversity is a major ecological emergency. In the wake of Earth Day, it’s worth stepping back to consider the financial value of biodiversity's ecosystem services.
Global Governance
Can Solar Geoengineering Be Used as a Weapon?
The premise that solar geoengineering is weaponizable is either false or grossly overstated. It is time to leave such distractions behind and focus more squarely on the real dilemmas of this otherwise promising technology.
  • Europe
    The Belt and Road Initiative: Forcing Europe to Reckon with China?
    In addition to undermining European unity, BRI may also work to cleave the transatlantic alliance. To head off these dilemmas, Europe will need to provide clear alternatives to Chinese infrastructure spending.
  • Energy and Environment
    Biden’s Climate Pledge Puts U.S. Credibility on the Line
    Biden’s Earth Day summit leaves important, lingering questions, the most important of these being the feasibility and credibility of his plans.