
The Internationalist

Stewart M. Patrick assesses the future of world order, state sovereignty, and multilateral cooperation.

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Cristina Mamani walks near an unused boat in Lake Poopo, Bolivia's second largest lake which has dried up due to water diversion for regional irrigation needs and a warmer, drier climate, according to local residents and scientists on July 24, 2021.
Cristina Mamani walks near an unused boat in Lake Poopo, Bolivia's second largest lake which has dried up due to water diversion for regional irrigation needs and a warmer, drier climate, according to local residents and scientists on July 24, 2021. REUTERS/Claudia Morales

The Crisis of the Century: How the United States Can Protect Climate Migrants

The disastrous effects of climate change could displace more than a billion people in the next thirty years. International and domestic legal systems cannot continue to let climate migrants slip through the cracks. Read More

COVID-19 Poses the Greatest Challenge Yet to the U.N. Humanitarian System
COVID-19 is a global menace, but its impact falls heaviest on the most vulnerable. The world needs to close the yawning gap between urgent humanitarian needs and funds available to meet them.
Transition 2021
Biden’s Environmental Agenda Must Go Beyond Climate Change
The cost of humanity’s assault on the planet is astronomical. Biden has a golden opportunity to help the world change its disastrous trajectory by elevating biodiversity conservation in U.S. foreign policy.
Transition 2021
How Biden can Reinvigorate American Leadership Within the UN
Biden should reinvigorate American leadership within the United Nations and invest more energy and resources into multilateral diplomacy. 
  • Human Rights
    Biden and the Future of U.S. Human Rights Policy
    The United States can only promote human rights abroad if it begins from a position of humility, acknowledging that the struggle to make America a more perfect union is ongoing.
  • Climate Change
    To Address Climate Change While Protecting Workers, the United States Needs a Border-Adjusted Carbon Tax
    The only way to take effective and far-reaching action to combat climate change while also preserving American competitive advantage is the imposition of a carbon tax with border adjustments.