
The Internationalist

Stewart M. Patrick assesses the future of world order, state sovereignty, and multilateral cooperation.

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Cristina Mamani walks near an unused boat in Lake Poopo, Bolivia's second largest lake which has dried up due to water diversion for regional irrigation needs and a warmer, drier climate, according to local residents and scientists on July 24, 2021.
Cristina Mamani walks near an unused boat in Lake Poopo, Bolivia's second largest lake which has dried up due to water diversion for regional irrigation needs and a warmer, drier climate, according to local residents and scientists on July 24, 2021. REUTERS/Claudia Morales

The Crisis of the Century: How the United States Can Protect Climate Migrants

The disastrous effects of climate change could displace more than a billion people in the next thirty years. International and domestic legal systems cannot continue to let climate migrants slip through the cracks. Read More

Paris Climate Agreement
Rejoining the Paris Agreement Is the Easy Part
Biden’s election victory is a huge win for all who care about the living planet. The hard part will be delivering on his ambitious agenda.
Election 2020
An Open World Is in the Balance—and on the Ballot
As Americans cast their ballots, they are voting for the future not just of their own country, but of the open world that the United States helped create.
Election 2020
The Future of Multilateralism is on the Ballot
A Biden triumph would repudiate the “America First” platform, but can it overcome the lasting damage Trump has done to America’s standing and credibility?
  • Disasters
    The World Is Unprepared for Climate-Driven Natural Disasters
    Disaster preparedness is hard, expensive, time-consuming and often thankless work. Failure to invest in it can be catastrophic, however.
  • COVID-19
    The Time to Start Preparing for the Next Pandemic Is Now
    The fallout from COVID-19 demonstrates that pandemics have broader economic, political and security implications that require multilateral attention.