
The Internationalist

Stewart M. Patrick assesses the future of world order, state sovereignty, and multilateral cooperation.

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Cristina Mamani walks near an unused boat in Lake Poopo, Bolivia's second largest lake which has dried up due to water diversion for regional irrigation needs and a warmer, drier climate, according to local residents and scientists on July 24, 2021.
Cristina Mamani walks near an unused boat in Lake Poopo, Bolivia's second largest lake which has dried up due to water diversion for regional irrigation needs and a warmer, drier climate, according to local residents and scientists on July 24, 2021. REUTERS/Claudia Morales

The Crisis of the Century: How the United States Can Protect Climate Migrants

The disastrous effects of climate change could displace more than a billion people in the next thirty years. International and domestic legal systems cannot continue to let climate migrants slip through the cracks. Read More

Global Governance
Up in the Air: Ten Global Summits That Will Test Joe Biden in 2021
Ten major summits in 2021 will help determine the future of international security, freedom, prosperity, development, health, and indeed of the planet itself.
Climate Change
Can We Use Geoengineering to Defend Ourselves?
The world needs to consider geoengineering uses now before we are forced into a hasty decision with potentially disastrous consequences.
Energy and Climate Policy
It’s Time for a New Concept of Development Adapted to the Anthropocene
Our economic models have failed to adjust to dire ecological realities, placing humans and the planet on a collision course.
  • Space
    Biden Will Have to Confront a New and Perhaps More Dangerous Space Race
    The cooperative vision of space is under stress. Biden should commit the United States to forge new norms and rules of collective security to manage the shared risks and advance the common purposes of all peace-loving nations.
  • United States
    Bipolarity is the Wrong Concept for U.S.-China Relations
    When it comes to crafting policy, an all-consuming focus on bipolarity could be utterly disastrous. The Biden administration should junk the concept.