
Energy, Security, and Climate

CFR experts examine the science and foreign policy surrounding climate change, energy, and nuclear security.

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Why We Still Need Innovation in Successful Clean Energy Technologies

Today is my last day at CFR. I’m joining ReNew Power, India’s largest renewable energy firm, as their CTO. I’m excited for a new adventure but sad to leave the Council, which has given me support and autonomy to study the innovations needed for global decarbonization. Read More

Climate Change
New Article: How Asia is Shaping the Future of Energy
What caused the big oil crash of 2014? If you said the U.S. oil boom or Saudi strategy, you’re only partly right. As I argue in a new essay in the July/August issue of Foreign Affairs, if you want to understand current energy developments and future prospects – whether you’re talking about oil or gas or coal or renewables, and about economics or security or environment – you need to pay attention to Asia. Here’s a deep dive into one of the facts I mention in the article. (There’s nothing this technical in the actual piece!) The chart below shows Asia and Oceana oil consumption over the last fifteen years along with U.S. government projections for the next year or so. (All data is from here.) From the end of 2009 through the end of 2012, consumption increased by an average of 1.36 million barrels a day each year. From the end of 2012 through the end of 2014, in contrast, consumption was essentially flat. Why does this matter? The Energy Information Administration estimates that global production exceeded global consumption by about 1.8 million barrels a day during the fourth quarter of 2014. That glut is why oil prices crashed. Had Asian oil consumption growth maintained its pre-2012 pace over 2013 and 2014, global consumption (all else equal) would have been 33.6 million barrels a day in the fourth quarter last year – 2.7 million barrels a day higher than it actually was. There would have been no oil glut and no price crash. Even if Asian consumption had grown at half its previous pace, the production surplus would have been small. These claims remain true even if one excludes 2010 (which featured recovery from the financial crisis) and 2011 (when Japan imported more oil to cope with the Fukushima disaster). Oil consumption is only one way in which Asia remains central to global energy despite all the headlines generated by changes in the United States. This link to my Foreign Affairs article should get you free access for a while. I welcome readers’ thoughts.
Technology and Innovation
To Succeed, Solar Perovskites Need to Escape the Ivory Tower
What will tomorrow’s solar panels look like? This week, along with colleagues from Oxford and MIT, I published a feature in Scientific American making the case for cheap and colorful solar coatings derived from a new class of solar materials: perovskites. In this post, I’ll critically examine prospects for commercialization of solar perovskites, building on our article’s claim that this technology could represent a significant improvement over current silicon solar panels. We argue: Perovskites are tantalizing for several reasons. The ingredients are abundant, and researchers can combine them easily and inexpensively, at low temperature, into thin films that have a highly crystalline structure similar to that achieved in silicon wafers after costly, high-temperature processing. Rolls of perovskite film that are thin and flexible, instead of thick and rigid like silicon wafers, could one day be rapidly spooled from a special printer to make lightweight, bendable, and even colorful solar sheets and coatings. Still, to challenge silicon’s dominance, perovskite cells will have to overcome some significant hurdles. The prototypes today are only as large as a fingernail; researchers have to find ways to make them much bigger if the technology is to compete with silicon panels. They also have to greatly improve the safety and long-term stability of the cells—an uphill battle. We wanted to write for a popular science magazine, with a general audience in mind, to share an exciting story of scientific discovery that has largely been confined to specialist journals. Indeed, for solar perovskites to overcome the odds stacked against an upstart clean technology breaking into the market, we believe the academic, private, and public sectors really need to pay more attention to each other. The lack of awareness by the clean energy industry about solar perovskites, despite the commotion in the scientific community, demonstrates how scientific research can proceed in a bubble. Following the big announcement of a highly efficient solar perovskite from our research group in Oxford, hundreds of laboratories around the world jumped on the perovskite bandwagon, in many cases abandoning their research into other solar technologies. The race among labs to publish record solar efficiencies in the top journals involved international intrigue—the UK banded with Italy, trading records with the Swiss-Chinese coalition, and everyone was eventually upstaged by the South Koreans when they reported a 20 percent efficient solar cell late last year (for reference, silicon solar cells have plateaued at 25 percent efficiency, a target solar perovskites should soon surpass). The excitement and drama reflect the gravity of the perovskite discovery—time will tell, but many of us believe this is the field’s biggest breakthrough since the original invention of the solar cell sixty years ago. Certified solar cell record efficiencies for silicon and perovskite technologies (date axis truncated to better show perovskite efficiency trajectory—silicon solar cells were invented in 1954; data from National Renewable Energy Laboratory) However, when I talk to industry executives at major solar manufacturers and developers, very few have even heard of solar perovskites. This does not bother scientists, many of whom narrowly focus on demonstrating a higher efficiency solar perovskite, even if it is a fingernail-sized cell that degrades in hours. Some might argue that a scientist’s value is in basic inquiry and complementary to industry’s expertise, and they have a point. But aloof regard for real markets from the ivory tower leads many academics to naïvely assume that a superior technology will naturally make the leap from prototype to profitability. In fact, broader feedback from professionals outside of research labs is integral to commercializing solar perovskites. Currently, solar perovskites can be worryingly unstable (although we’ve demonstrated longevity if they are properly sealed away from moisture). That’s a red flag for investors familiar with a mature, 50 billion dollar silicon solar panel industry in which every panel comes with a 25-year performance warranty. And because solar perovskites contain lead, a toxic element, any commercial product will need to undergo extensive safety testing, with which private industry veterans have experience. These professionals can guide research into the stability, safety, and real-world performance of solar perovskites, which are every bit as important as the efficiency under idealized lab conditions, the paramount academic metric. Elsewhere in the physical sciences, the transition from basic research to product development is better institutionalized. This is one of the reasons why I have argued that Moore’s Law for computer chips, which predicts rapid deployment of scientific advances, does not apply to the solar panel industry, whose products have improved at a comparatively plodding pace. Whereas in computer chip development there are established conferences at every step of commercialization from basic device physics to chip integration that bring together scientists and industry, advanced solar technology development is confined almost exclusively to the realm of academia. Fortunately, leading researchers in the United States and Europe are making a concerted effort to bridge the gap between academia and industry. For example, one of my co-authors and the leader of the Oxford research group, Henry Snaith, founded a company to tackle real-world deployment and commercialize solar perovskites. His strategy is actually to partner with the silicon solar panel companies, adding a perovskite coating on top of silicon to boost its performance. That approach seems prudent, because allying with powerful incumbents is easier than fighting them for market access. And through a partnership, his company will benefit from gaining access to experienced solar engineers, investors, and developers to guide the design and delivery of a compelling product. Solar perovskites on glass—researchers can vary the color and transparency of the coatings, enabling new applications (Plamen Petkov) My co-authors and I do hope our article will bring professionals in the solar industry up to speed on the latest research, but our target audience is even broader. We envision architects reimagining the aesthetics and functionality of windows, roof shingles, and facades; policymakers tweaking green building codes and incentives; and the military investigating the use of solar perovskite coatings to power forward deployed bases. These applications may seem far-fetched, and they are—solar perovskites are still a risky bet to succeed in a monolithic market. But if scientists continue to broadly communicate our progress, those odds can only improve. Read our feature, “Outshining Silicon,” in Scientific American’s July 2015 issue, here
G7 (Group of Seven)
What Matters (And What Doesn’t) in the G7 Climate Declaration
The G7 leaders concluded their annual summit yesterday with a declaration that put climate change front and center. As with all G7 communiqués, most of the content reaffirms steps that the leaders have already promised to take and, in many cases, are already taking. But, as usual, there are some interesting wrinkles. I’m struck in particular the parts that seem to be the most important are different from those that have generated the most headlines. Here are a couple highlights in each category. Interesting and Overlooked   “[A Paris] agreement should enhance transparency and accountability including through binding rules at its core to track progress towards achieving targets…. This should enable all countries to follow a low-carbon and resilient development pathway….”   The United States has long pressed for a shift away from binding emissions reduction commitments and toward a mix of nationally grounded emission-cutting efforts and binding international commitments to transparency and verification. European countries have often taken the other side, emphasizing the importance of binding targets (or at least policies) for cutting emissions. Now it looks like the big developed countries are on the same page as the United States. The language above is all about binding countries to transparency – and there isn’t anything elsewhere in the communiqué about binding them to actual emissions goals. This doesn’t guarantee a smooth landing in Paris – China, India, and others will resist some of the binding transparency and accountability measures that the G7 leaders want – but at least the big developed countries appear to be forming a fairly united front.   “We will intensify our support particularly for vulnerable countries own efforts to manage climate change related disaster risk and to build resilience. We will aim to increase by up to 400 million the number of people in the most vulnerable developing countries who have access to direct or indirect insurance coverage against the negative impact of climate change related hazards by 2020 and support the development of early warning systems in the most vulnerable countries.”   This is the most substantive portion of the climate part of the communiqué. It reflects an increasing focus on adaptation in general and on insurance in particular. Existing institutions – notably the World Bank – are decently positioned to deliver on these goals (though meeting them by 2020 will be challenging). Indeed this part of the communiqué is unusually straightforward, and therefore well suited to clear follow-through. The mushiest bit is the undefined “climate change related hazards”. Ideally G7 countries would help vulnerable populations get access to insurance against extreme weather hazards of all origins – whether or not those are generated by climate change – and, in practice, that’s presumably what insurance would do. Headline Grabbing But Less Than Meets the Eye   “We emphasize the deep cuts in global greenhouse gas emissions are required with a decarbonization of the global economy over the source of this century…. As a common vision for a global goal of greenhouse gas emissions reductions we support sharing with all parties to the UNFCCC the upper end of the latest IPCC recommendation of 40 to 70% reductions by 2050 compared to 2010 recognizing that this challenge can only be met by a global response.”   This statement generated the biggest headlines (“G7 leaders agree to phase out fossil fuels”), but it’s also the least consequential. Most reactions ignore the fact that the G8 leaders already agreed to “the goal of achieving at least a 50% reduction of global emissions by 2050” in advance of the Copenhagen climate summit in 2009. (You judge the results.) And the idea that an 85-year goal will have much impact on present policy or investment is a bit ridiculous. (Had you told a physicist in 1905 that a fifth of U.S. electricity would be generated by nuclear fission within 85 years, they would have said, “What’s a nucleus or fission?”) News reports have experts debating whether Paris can assure the world of cuts this deep. The answer should be obvious: it can’t. No decisions made today will assure any particular outcome in 2050 or 2100. For all practical purposes, the two-degree target that diplomats have talked about for the last five or so years has always been understood by policymakers to correspond to roughly a halving of global emissions by midcentury. If the-two degree target didn’t motivate deep enough emissions cuts to actually meet it, recasting it in terms of global emissions won’t change that. Having a basic guide is useful, but beyond that, the details are pretty unimportant. Bottom line: Fiddling with distant targets is a great way to generate headlines, but doesn’t do much to affect policy and emissions themselves; at best it’s marginally irrelevant, at worst it lets people feel good without doing anything.   “We reaffirm our strong commitment to the Copenhagen Accord to mobilizing jointly USD 100 billion a year from a wide variety of sources, both public and private in the context of meaningful mitigation actions and transparency on implementation.”   This superficially sounds big: the United States and others pledged in 2009 to mobilize massive amounts of money for developing countries; observers have been skeptical that they would deliver; but now G7 leaders are emphasizing their “strong commitment” to follow through. In practice, this is mostly an exercise in redefining the original pledge so that more private financial flows get counted toward the $100 billion. This isn’t necessarily bad as a matter of policy, but the political reality is that leaders from many developing countries want (and, at Copenhagen, thought they were getting) something else. It will be up to them in Paris to decide whether they’re ok with this redefinition of the goalposts. If they are, the conference is far more likely to be successful. But what will ultimately matter politically is not whether G7 leaders claim that they’re meeting their financial pledges; it’s whether developing country leaders are willing to go along.
  • Technology and Innovation
    The World Needs Post-Silicon Solar Technologies
    In his 2007 keynote address to the Materials Research Society, Caltech Professor Nate Lewis surveyed global energy consumption and concluded that out of all the renewable options, only solar power could meaningfully displace human consumption of fossil fuels. However, he warned, the cost of solar would need to fall dramatically to make this possible—Lewis targeted less than a penny per kilowatt-hour (kWh) of energy and dismissed any prospect of existing silicon solar technology meeting that goal.[1] Solar, he argued, “would have to cost not much more than painting a house or buying carpet…Do not think ‘silicon chip,’ think ‘potato chip.’ ” Very few seem to remember that distinction. Since Professor Lewis’ talk, the price of silicon solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, which account for over 90 percent of the market, has fallen by over 80 percent, and the final installed cost of solar power continues to decline with regularity. If one believes commentators captivated by solar’s heady ascent, a recent solar deal in Dubai, which pegged the price of solar at 6 ¢/kWh, heralds a coming-of-age for solar power, set to displace fossil fuels around the world. Indeed, the Department of Energy’s (DOE) goal by 2020, through the SunShot program, is to bring U.S. solar costs down to the same 6 ¢/kWh mark achieved in Dubai—DOE’s funding strategy therefore concentrates on bringing down the soft costs (permitting, installation, equipment) of solar, implicitly assuming that the underlying solar panel technology is a largely solved issue. But last week, my colleague Michael Levi posted a piece on this blog warning that clean energy cost-competitiveness targets are not static if clean energy is to “take a massive share of the market rather than just nip at its fringes.” And earlier this month, “The Future of Solar” report from the MIT Energy Institute presented an excellent rejoinder to advocacy of deployment at the expense of innovation in solar PV energy. Their argument, unpacked below, is that solar panels face a moving target for achieving cost-competitiveness with fossil-fuel based power that becomes more difficult as more solar panels are installed. As a result, even after the expected cost reductions that accompany increased experience with silicon technology, solar PV cannot seriously challenge and replace fossil-fuel generation without advancing beyond the economics of silicon. Today, unsubsidized silicon solar panels are not cost-competitive with conventional generation in the United States. To seriously challenge fossil fuels around the world, solar PV must achieve “grid parity,” or a cost that is competitive with other power sources on an unsubsidized basis—the MIT report first seeks to establish that solar in the United States fails this test today. To do so, for each generation option the authors calculate the “levelized cost of electricity” (LCOE), or the cost per kWh of energy produced. By standardizing the costs of different generators, LCOE serves as the traditional method to enable an apples-to-apples comparison of generators with different up-front vs. ongoing cash flows—for example, solar panels cost a lot to install initially but then each kWh of power costs next to nothing to generate, whereas a natural gas plant has some initial costs and also considerable ongoing O&M and fuel costs. The authors find that a large, utility-scale solar installation is not competitive with a combined-cycle thermal plan—a common natural gas generator—regardless of whether the solar is sited in a sunnier location (they use California and Massachusetts as representative cases of sunny and cloudy climates). Just to stress-test this conclusion, they then tack on a CO2 externality cost to the natural gas plant, and they also discount the solar LCOE to account for a potential 50% reduction in solar panel prices as well as the fact that solar power tends to be generated at more valuable hours of the day and therefore offsets expensive power, resulting in a lower effective cost to the utility. But even with this generous set of assumptions that stacks the calculation in solar’s favor, the LCOE of solar remains higher than that of natural gas in California’s sunny climate (Figure 1).   2014 LCOE Estimates for Utility-scale Solar Installations and Natural Gas Plants in California (Source: MIT Energy Institute)   As the penetration of solar power increases, solar will become less valuable. Figure 1 may suggest that, under a generous set of assumptions, the cost of silicon solar panels is at least pretty close to that of conventional generation. But the 8 ¢/kWh target is deceptive—as more solar panels are deployed, the cost of solar must drop considerably in order to stay competitive. The reason for this moving target is that the marginal value of one more solar panel on the grid depends on the existing set of generation options already in play. If there are very few solar panels installed, then each new one is actually more valuable than its LCOE might suggest, because solar generates power during periods of high electricity demand—in other words, the utility avoids the cost of dispatching expensive on-demand generators and should therefore discount the LCOE of solar, as displayed in Figure 1.[2] But if there is already a high penetration of solar power on the grid (e.g., greater than 20% of generated energy), then there is already a surplus of cheap energy supply at times of high demand, because the variable cost of solar power is zero. Now, the situation is reversed—the utility will perceive a higher effective cost of procuring more solar power, and the LCOE will be an underestimate. As a result, in the wholesale market where different generators compete to sell power to the electricity grid, owners of solar panels will face falling prices—revenues to solar owners could fall by over half, because utilities will bid a lower price for solar under double-digit percentage penetration (Figure 2). Simulated Wholesale Market Prices for Texas Regional Grid Under Increasing Solar Penetration (Source: MIT Energy Institute)   This causes a negative feedback loop—as more solar is developed, the price for solar falls, discouraging further deployment. Moreover, the falling market price for solar only partially represents the full decline in value that solar presents to a utility as solar penetration increases. More solar on the grid actually increases the need for cycling thermal power plants, resulting in accelerated degradation of the equipment and more expensive and inefficient operation. In fact, after a certain penetration, additional energy from solar power does not displace thermal generation at all, since more thermal capacity must be added to compensate for the fact that solar is an intermittent, unpredictable power source. This is evident from Figure 3, which illustrates that beyond a 20 percent solar penetration, new solar does not reduce the requirement for new thermal generation. One might argue that solar has successfully achieved very high penetrations in countries like Germany—there, solar can compose 80 percent of peak system demand on a sunny day. However, in Germany, owners of solar panels are guaranteed a fixed rate (a “Feed-in Tariff”), so they do not experience the moving target of falling wholesale prices. As a result, other generators face plummeting wholesale prices since solar’s price is fixed, putting severe strain on utilities. In a global context, for solar to really make a dent in electricity production and displace double digit percentages of fossil fuel power, it cannot rely on one-off government policies that shield it from market forces. Projections of New Generating Capacity in the Texas Regional Grid Under Increasing Solar Penetration (Source: MIT Energy Institute)   In summary, an LCOE comparison may appear to place the cost of solar within striking distance of that of conventional fossil-fuel generation. However, after taking into account market supply and demand dynamics and the inferior generating characteristics of solar, the marginal value of solar will fall with increasing deployment. Even if the cost of silicon solar panels drops by 50% in the future and improved experience drives down the total installation costs, halved wholesale solar prices and increased strain on other generators will incentivize neither solar developers nor utilities to push penetration further. Storage is not a magic bullet that will make the economics of silicon solar panels work. Some commentators point to the rapidly falling costs of batteries as a sign that in the future, cheap energy storage will neutralize the downsides of intermittent solar generation—by enabling solar installations to store and sell power when valuable to the grid, storage could stabilize the moving target for solar cost-competitiveness. Indeed, storage does improve the economics of solar at high penetration—but not enough to stabilize the moving target. Evidence for this conclusion comes from a 2013 paper by Hirth simulating the German electricity system—the MIT report drew inspiration from this paper to conclude that the value of solar drops with increasing penetration. Hirth studies the effect of pumped hydro storage on the economics of solar at high penetration and finds that by using storage to shift the time of day that solar installations sell back their energy to the wholesale market, the market’s discount on the value of solar drops. However, that discount does not drop very much, and even after doubling the amount of storage capacity in Germany, owners of solar panels would still face declining wholesale prices with increasing penetration (Figure 4).[3] Effect of Storage on the Value of Solar Power in German Electricity System (Source: Hirth, 2013)   New technologies are necessary for solar to compete—and promising candidates exist The MIT report concludes that “beyond modest levels of penetration and absent substantial  government support or a carbon policy that favors renewables, contemporary solar technologies remain too expensive for large-scale deployment…[large] cost reductions may be achieved through the development of novel, inherently less costly PV technologies, some of which are now only in the research stage.” There is plenty of material in the report assessing emerging, promising technologies. But for the impatient, here’s a teaser: the picture at the top of this post is of a PV coating with fundamental economics not too different from carpets or wall paint. Watch this space for a closer look at the technology and why a solar revolution, though difficult, may not be impossible.   Footnotes [1] The target of <1 ¢/kWh is my conversion of Prof. Lewis’ cost target of “$10/m2” for solar power. Assuming solar efficiency somewhere between 15–50 percent turns that cost target into 2–7 ¢/Wp (between one and two orders of magnitude below current costs) and an LCOE of well below 1 ¢/kWh. [2] The MIT report leverages the concept of “Value Factors,” (VF) derived from Hirth, to assess the value of a generator from its generation profile. In essence, the value factor weights the power production profile by the wholesale price at the time of production to determine if the generator on average produces more or less valuable power (VF > 1 and < 1, respectively) than the average wholesale price. Then, by dividing the LCOE by the VF, one can determine an adjusted cost that better represents the utility’s valuation of the generation source (although this still does not take into account dispatchability and dependable capacity). The MIT report finds VF values in the vicinity of 1.1–1.2. The VF concept is closely linked to EIA’s “Levelized Avoided Cost of Energy” (LACE). [3] Note that Figure 4 measures solar penetration differently from Figures 1–3. Figure 4 uses the amount of energy generated by solar (units of kWh) compared to the total system consumption to calculate penetration—this enables a sensible comparison with the amount of storage (ten percent of system consumption) considered in the simulation. Figures 1–3 use the power capacity of solar generation (units of kW) compared with the peak system demand to measure penetration. In the German example explored in Figure 4, five percent penetration in kWh corresponds to roughly fifty percent penetration by kW—note that the relationship does not scale linearly.
  • Fossil Fuels
    A Clean Energy Revolution is Tougher than You Think
    Had you asked most analysts a year ago what it would take to decarbonize the transportation system without aggressive new policy you’d have got an answer something like this: You need low-carbon technologies that can beat $100 oil on its own terms. And if you ask the same question today about electric power, you’ll usually hear that zero-carbon technologies need to come in at costs under the ever-rising cost of grid-distributed, fossil fuel generated electricity, a rather fat (and growing) target. Both answers are wrong. The fundamental problem is that substantial initial success in displacing fossil fuels with zero-carbon energy will drive down the price of the remaining fossil fuel energy. (The supply-driven fall in oil prices hasn’t helped either.)  This means that, absent policy, clean energy will face an ever-tougher economic challenge as it increasingly succeeds. Consider transportation fuels. A surge in oil production has driven prices well below where people previously expected them to be. But the same thing would have happened to prices had there been a surge in deployment of ultra-efficient cars or low-carbon biofuels that had the same impact on the supply-demand balance. And – this is the critical thing – effecting such a surge is exactly what people who want a clean energy revolution envision. If the world shaved, say, ten million barrels a day off its oil consumption over the next decade, oil prices would be far lower that if that didn’t happen. That would make the next ten million barrel a day reduction considerably more difficult. Something similar applies to electricity. If you’re only expecting a little distributed solar penetration, then it’s reasonable to assume (as a widely circulated recent Rocky Mountain Institute report does) that it’s competing with grid-generated electricity that needs to charge ever-more over time in order to pay for investment in transmission, distribution, and new generation capacity. But if you’ve got massive penetration of distributed solar in mind – say, the kind of stuff that might trigger “death spirals” and utility bankruptcies – then you’re not going to see those same price increases. (Bankrupt utilities don’t invest in new anything, and they certainly don’t generate revenues that recover all their costs.) You’ve already seen a variation on this with coal to gas switching: cheap gas displaced some coal-fired generation, but once it had done that, the remaining marginal unit of coal-fired power was a lot cheaper; as a result, gas stopped making such radical inroads. Once again, for a new technology to take a massive share of the market rather than just nip at its fringes, that new technology will either need to have steadily (and often sharply) declining costs, or will need a helping hand from policy. Some models, of course, capture these equilibrium dynamics. But too much thinking about what it takes to effect large-scale change implicitly assumes that large-scale change won’t actually happen. That’s a recipe for understating what a big transition would require.