
Asia Unbound

CFR fellows and other experts assess the latest issues emerging in Asia today.

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Top Row: Hayashi Yoshimasa, Motegi Toshimitsu, Koizumi Shinjiro Bottom Row: Takaichi Sanae, Kato Katsunobu, Kamikawa Yoko
Top Row: Hayashi Yoshimasa, Motegi Toshimitsu, Koizumi Shinjiro Bottom Row: Takaichi Sanae, Kato Katsunobu, Kamikawa Yoko Reuters

The LDP Leadership Race: Six More Join, a Field of Nine

September has brought six more candidates to the race, creating the largest field of candidates in the party’s history. Read More

How Nguyen Phu Trong Transformed Vietnamese Politics
Nguyen Phu Trong’s consolidation of power marked a departure from the traditional consensus-based authoritarianism of the Vietnamese Communist Party. 
Japan in Focus
I am fortunate to participate in projects on Japan or Asia hosted by other experts. Each month, I will share these with you in Japan in Focus. This month, we have three highlights to share.
Slowing Protests Reveal Deep-Rooted Political Challenges in Bangladesh
Violent protests in Dhaka may have subsided, but Bangladeshis’ underlying grievances have not.
  • Japan
    Japan’s Response to Campaign Violence
    The recent assassination attempt against Republican Party presidential candidate Donald J. Trump shocked Americans and reminded Japanese of their own experience with violence on the campaign trail.
  • Bangladesh
    Bangladesh’s Student Protests Are the Latest Sign of Sheikh Hasina’s Increasingly Brittle Autocracy
    Student-led protests in Dhaka demonstrate popular discontent toward Sheikh Hasina’s repressive governance.
  • Vietnam
    What Nguyen Phu Trong's Death Means for Vietnam
    Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong strengthened Vietnam’s place on the world stage while increasingly consolidating control and limiting dissent.
  • Taiwan
    Taiwan’s Trump Conundrum
    Taiwan should not dismiss Donald Trump’s recent comments about the island.
  • China
    Review of "Countering China’s Great Game: A Strategy For American Dominance"
    Michael Sobolik’s new book Countering China’s Great Game promotes an assertive approach to China policy that would frustrate Beijing's Belt and Road Initiative and leave no room for bilateral cooperation.
  • Japan
    Tokyo Voters Make Their Choice
    As the world watched critical national elections in the UK and France last week, Tokyoites prepared to vote for their governor.
  • Japan
    Japan’s Debate Over LGBTQ+ Rights: The Courts
    Japan’s debate over LGBTQ+ rights has come to the fore in the past several years, and both the courts and the Diet have been venues for social change.