
Asia Unbound

CFR fellows and other experts assess the latest issues emerging in Asia today.

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Top Row: Hayashi Yoshimasa, Motegi Toshimitsu, Koizumi Shinjiro Bottom Row: Takaichi Sanae, Kato Katsunobu, Kamikawa Yoko
Top Row: Hayashi Yoshimasa, Motegi Toshimitsu, Koizumi Shinjiro Bottom Row: Takaichi Sanae, Kato Katsunobu, Kamikawa Yoko Reuters

The LDP Leadership Race: Six More Join, a Field of Nine

September has brought six more candidates to the race, creating the largest field of candidates in the party’s history. Read More

Studying Landpower in the Indo-Pacific
The China Landpower Studies Center at the U.S. Army War College produces research and analysis of China's strategic landpower for U.S. policymakers and military leaders. 
What to Expect From Indonesia Under President-elect Prabowo Subianto
Despite expectations that incoming President Prabowo Subianto will continue the policies of his popular predecessor, he will chart his own course on foreign and domestic policy.
Myanmar's Junta Is Increasingly Isolated
The junta’s grip on power is continuing to deteriorate.
  • North Korea
    The Significance of the Putin-Kim Summit
    Russian President Vladimir Putin's 2024 visit to North Korea, his first since 2000, signifies the ongoing strengthening of bilateral ties. Whether this is a short-term expedience or the start of a true security alliance remains to be seen.
  • Thailand
    King Maha Vajiralongkorn's Controlling Style Belies a Weak Monarch
    King Maha Vajiralongkorn of Thailand has reverted from the quieter, behind-closed-doors style of his much-loved father and directly involved himself in Thai domestic politics and the economy. 
  • Malaysia
    Anwar Struggles With Foreign Policy—and at Home
    Despite his reformist credentials, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has struggled to enact the policy transformation he promised.
  • India
    Modi’s Historic, Sobering Elections and His Economic Challenge
    The third term win for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi was an unsurprising result, but the loss of Parliament seats means his party will need to work with a fragile coalition government to enact polices effectively.
  • Thailand
    Thailand’s Draconian 112 Lèse-majesté Law: Any Hope for Change?
    A repressive law limiting criticism of the Thai monarchy has placed the current king beyond reproach, but popular discontent with the legislation and the monarchy is growing. 
  • Thailand
    Has the King of Thailand Split With Thaksin?
    The king of Thailand had seemingly allied with Thailand’s most powerful civilian politician, Thaksin Shinawatra. Now, the alliance may be collapsing—again showing the vast, hidden power of the Thai monarchy.   
  • North Korea
    The North Korean and Chinese Threats Are Growing. But so Is the Trilateral Response.
    With renewed support from Russia and China, there are fears that a North Korean crisis is coming. In light of this, the trilateral security relationship among the United States, Japan, and South Korea has reached a new level of cooperation.