Women's Political Leadership

  • Women and Women's Rights
    Biden-Harris Should Lead on Women’s Rights and Help End Syrian Conflict
    Including the SDF-held Northeast in the UN peace talks would be a way to accomplish both.
  • Women and Women's Rights
    More Than a Few Good Women: Improving Hemispheric Security by Advancing Gender Inclusivity in Military and Police
    Latin America and the Caribbean remains the most violent region in the world. Overwhelmed police and military forces stand to improve their effectiveness and accountability by unleashing a secret weapon: more female recruits.
  • Human Rights
    The Biden Administration Agenda on Global Women’s Issues
    The Joe Biden administration has announced it will establish the first-ever White House Gender Policy Council to coordinate federal efforts to advance gender equity and equality at home and abroad.  How will this new Council shape U.S. foreign policy and national security strategy and address the devastating effects of COVID-19 on women and girls globally? Jennifer Klein, the incoming co-chair of the Gender Policy Council, will speak about the administration’s priorities and plans to advance women’s issues around the world.
  • Women and Women's Rights
    Global Progress Toward Gender Equality, With Rachel B. Vogelstein
    Rachel B. Vogelstein, CFR’s Douglas Dillon senior fellow and director of the Women and Foreign Policy program, sits down with James M. Lindsay to discuss women’s rights, gender equality, and the significance of International Women’s Day, which is marked on March 8th.
  • International Organizations
    Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala: A Well-Qualified New Leader for the WTO
    When Robert Azevedo stepped down last year from the post of director general of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the trade body’s top leadership position, former Nigerian Finance Minister Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala quickly became the universal favorite to land the job—except for among members of the Trump administration. Because the WTO operates on the basis of consensus, the Trump administration's opposition effectively vetoed her in favor of the current South Korean Trade Minister Yoo Myung-hee. In an interview with the Financial Times, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer outlined the Trump administration’s objection, claiming that Okonjo-Iweala is “somebody from the World Bank who does development” with no “real trade experience.” (Okonjo-Iweala previously held the number-two position at the Bank.) However, Lighthizer’s comments are not altogether credible, given Okonjo-Iweala’s experience with trade issues as finance minister. Nevertheless, the WTO and its membership could read a calendar as well as anyone else, and so the debate over the next director general remained frozen until after the U.S. presidential elections. After consulting with U.S. officials earlier this month, Myung-hee withdrew her candidacy. The Biden administration then formally expressed its support for Okonjo-Iweala. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala is, among other things, board chair of Gavi, a global alliance to ensure low-income countries can access life-saving vaccines. She has already signaled that high on her agenda at the WTO will be to promote and facilitate the enhanced distribution of COVID-19 vaccines and protective equipment. In traditional and social media, the focus on Okonjo-Iweala has been that she is the first woman and the first African to head the WTO. As such she is a symbol, and symbols are important: many Africans see her as validating the competency and leadership skills of African women.  With the popular focus on Okonjo-Iweala’s gender, race, and country of origin, overlooked could be her competency and expertise, regularly demonstrated during her career at the World Bank and twice as Nigeria's finance minister. Demonstrated competency accounts, at least in part, for her strong support from the beginning within the WTO.  Okonjo-Iweala self-identifies as foremost a Nigerian, and in public always wears Igbo dress. She worked as a cook for rebels on the frontlines in the 1967–70 civil war between Nigeria and Igbo-dominated Biafra. That said, her higher education was at Harvard and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She worked in Washington, D.C. for twenty-five years. Her husband is a physician practicing in Washington, D.C. She became an American citizen in 2019.
  • Defense and Security
    CFR Fellows' Book Launch Series Guest Event With Gayle Tzemach Lemmon
    Gayle Tzemach Lemmon discusses her new book, The Daughters of Kobani: A Story of Rebellion, Courage, and Justice. In an unlikely showdown in northeastern Syria in 2014, an all-female militia faced off against ISIS in the little-known town of Kobani. From this conflict emerged a fighting force that would wage war against ISIS across northern Syria. The Daughters of Kobani introduces the women fighting on the front lines, playing a central role in the territorial defeat of ISIS and, in the process, they worked to make women’s equality a reality. The Daughters of Kobani shines a light on a group of women intent on not only defeating the Islamic State on the battlefield, but also changing women’s lives in their corner of the Middle East and beyond. The CFR Fellows’ Book Launch series highlights new books by CFR fellows.
  • Women and Women's Rights
    There Will Be Another Pandemic. Women Can Stop It.
    This article was written by Lois Quam, president and chief executive officer of Pathfinder International, and Rachel Vogelstein, Douglas Dillon senior fellow and director of the Women and Foreign Policy program.  The coronavirus pandemic has revealed the limitations of the United States and Europe’s current approach to global health. Experts had long predicted the rapid spread of a contagious respiratory virus. But while global health spending increased at an average annual rate of 3.9 percent from 2000 to 2017, countries around the world were ill-prepared for the coronavirus pandemic, global shutdowns, and the economic shocks that followed. Women experience unique challenges during global health crises, and COVID-19 has exacerbated preexisting gender inequalities, including domestic violence and access to critical health care. Women’s economic participation has also suffered. According to the International Labor Organization and U.N. Women, 41 percent of women work in the sectors hardest hit by the pandemic: hospitality, real estate, business, manufacturing, and retail. A recent McKinsey study found that the pandemic has adversely affected women, particularly women of color; one in four women are considering downshifting their career or leaving the workforce entirely. While policymakers often see women as vulnerable, they rarely view them as agents of change critical to crisis preparedness and response. The few women accorded leadership roles during the pandemic have performed better on average than their male counterparts: Witness the resounding reelection of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern last October on the back of her successful COVID-19 response. Still, women remain dramatically underrepresented in positions of power in government and across the global health system. Responding effectively to the current pandemic and preparing for the next one will require a new strategy to shore up health systems, including investing in women. It is imperative to ensure women’s representation in the global health system and political leadership. To win the fight against the coronavirus and any future infectious disease, the global health community and national governments must capitalize on all of the world’s talent and experience—not half. Too often, government officials and health systems overlook the critical role of women as health-care workers and first responders in their own communities. Women make up a majority of frontline health-care workers globally: 70 percent of community health and social workers are female. Through both paid and unpaid work, women contribute over $3 trillion annually to the global health sector. These contributions are significant, not least because female health workers are remarkably successful in changing household practices, such as increasing family-planning uptake and vaccination, improving sanitation, and addressing the spread of disease. Consider, for example, the effects of the Women’s Development Army (WDA) in Ethiopia and the Female Community Health Volunteers Program (FCHV) in Nepal. Both initiatives established a grassroots network of women volunteers to plug gaps between the formal health system and the community, disseminate vital information, and improve health-care referrals. Between 1991 and 2001, there was an 80 percent reduction in Nepal’s maternal mortality rate after the introduction of the FCHV program. The women leading the WDA in Ethiopia similarly achieved remarkable success, reducing Ethiopia’s under-five mortality rate by 69 percent by 2013, two years ahead of the deadline set by the Millennium Development Goals. Despite their overrepresentation on the front lines of global health response teams, women remain undervalued by the national governments that rely on their contributions to ensure their health systems function. Of the $3 trillion that female health-care workers contribute to the global economy annually, an estimated 50 percent is in the form of unpaid labor. Government officials must do more than applaud the women on the front lines; they should also ensure fair working conditions, including fair compensation. Women also play crucial roles in the health of their households, which are ground zero for disease identification and eradication. During a pandemic, the first sign of illness is typically reported to a female household leader—a mother, aunt, or grandmother—who serves as primary decision-maker regarding treatment, isolation, and reporting. Pandemic preparedness strategies should fund, develop, and distribute digital tools to capture this data. Systems that capitalize on household-level information, rather than wait for individuals to report their illness or present themselves for treatment, could help global health systems control transmission. Training and digital tools, provided by national health systems and tailored to women’s roles as front-line workers and household leaders, could lead to more targeted use of medical facilities—preventing overburdening with conditions that could be treated virtually. It would also improve timely reporting to health-care authorities, which in turn would advance early disease detection, control, and prevention. Artificial intelligence-enabled systems that are gender-sensitive could improve health systems, too. For example, these systems could build in medical advice in responses that explicitly reflect women’s role as health-care givers in their families. Such reforms would benefit women and their families. Women being able to provide care to extended family members based on better medical evidence would increase the quality of care and health outcomes, as well as lower costs—and provide women with new marketable skills. Furthermore, women represent a massive, untapped group of leaders the world over. In addition to underrepresentation in political leadership, gender inequity is a persistent problem across global health organizations: in ministries of health; delegations to global bodies; and donor institutions. Research shows that gender diversity correlates with better governance, decreased corruption, and increased support for public health reforms. Women’s participation in governance is also linked to increased likelihood of finding common ground across political divides—an advantage in an era in which even wearing a facemask has become controversial. Amid the peak of the first wave of the pandemic, in May 2020, countries with women in positions of leadership had death rates that were six times lower than countries led by men. Women-led countries locked down earlier and had higher rates of testing and lower absolute COVID-19 cases than peer countries led by men. Finally, women leaders are more likely to address concerns related to gender equality—a perspective that is critical to recovery, given the pandemic’s disproportionate effect on women. But this is all too rare: A recent CARE study found that the majority of 30 countries examined did not have a gender-inclusive COVID-19 response. Government failure to implement gender-equitable reactions leaves issues such as gender-based violence and reduced access to sexual and reproductive health services largely unaddressed, despite their effects on community well-being. COVID-19 will not be the last pandemic. As the world seeks to recover from the current health crisis and strives to prepare for the next one, the global health community should capitalize on the talents and strategies of women—from the household level to the national stage. Investing in women’s full participation in and leadership of global health response efforts promises a healthier, more prosperous, and more secure future for all.
  • Women and Women's Rights
    Women This Week: Equality in Estonia
    Welcome to “Women Around the World: This Week,” a series that highlights noteworthy news related to women and U.S. foreign policy. This week’s post covers January 22 to January 29.
  • Women and Women's Rights
    From Rhetoric to Reality: Advancing Women’s Participation in Peace Processes
      This post is part of the Council on Foreign Relations’ blog series on women's leadership in peacebuilding and non-violent movements, in which CFR fellows, scholars, and practitioners highlight new security strategies. This post was authored by Dr. Marlene Spoerri, Independent Diplomat's Director of Inclusive Diplomacy and Systems Change.
  • Women and Women's Rights
    Women This Week: Denmark Strengthens Rape Law
    Welcome to “Women Around the World: This Week,” a series that highlights noteworthy news related to women and U.S. foreign policy. This week’s post covers December 21 to December 28.
  • Europe
    Women This Week: Feminist Foreign Policy in Europe
    Welcome to “Women Around the World: This Week,” a series that highlights noteworthy news related to women and U.S. foreign policy. This week’s post covers December 7 to December 11.