

Visual stories that delve into some of the world’s most pressing issues.

Explainers Video Filters and Cards

Energy and Climate Policy
Morse: Addressing Disruptions in Oil and Energy
Energy Analyst Ed Morse discusses the impact of turmoil in the Middle East on energy production with Foreign Affairs Editor Gideon Rose.
Restoring Nigeria’s Zoning Following 2011 Elections
Following Goodluck Jonathan’s victory in Nigeria’s April 16 presidential elections, John Campbell, Senior Fellow for Africa Policy Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, discusses the implications for political power sharing in a divided country.
Emerging Markets
Spence: Emerging Market Investment Boom Ahead
Economist A. Michael Spence says emerging market growth is going to produce a boom in investment, which in turn may lead to higher interest rates globally, and a tendency to intervene in international capital flows. Spence spoke to Robert Rubin, Former Treasury Secretary and Co-Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations, at CFR’s 2011 Corporate Conference.
Back From Egypt’s Tahrir Square: CFR’s Steven Cook Reflects on the Protests that Rock Egypt
http://blogs.cfr.org/cook/ - Just back from Egypt, the Council on Foreign Relations’ Steven A. Cook reflects on the dramatic experience of being in Tahrir Square when protests began and the most recent clashes between pro- and anti-government demonstrators in the Egyptian capital of Cairo.
Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Is Not al-Qaeda, Says CFR Senior Fellow Ed Husain
Senior Fellow Ed Husain discusses Egypt’s largest Islamist organization, and how it may be more willing to engage in diplomacy than al-Qaeda.
United States
Why Global Food Prices Are Rising: CFR’s Laurie Garrett Explains
CFR’s Senior Fellow for Global Health, Laurie Garrett, discusses the drivers of rising global food prices, including increasing demand for meat, biofuels, price speculation, and severe weather events.
Food and Water Security
Health Impact of Rising Food Prices
CFR’s Senior Fellow for Global Health, Laurie Garrett, discusses the implications of rising food prices on global health.
Restrepo: Documenting a Year in Afghanistan
Journalists Sebastian Junger and Tim Hetherington discuss their sojourn in the Korengal Valley of Afghanistan filming a platoon of U.S. soldiers for their documentary "Restrepo."
Rule of Law
U.S.-Pakistan Relations and the Raymond Davis Crisis
Daniel Markey, Senior Fellow for India, Pakistan, and South Asia at the Council on Foreign Relations discusses the diplomatic spat between the United States and Pakistan over U.S. Embassy employee Raymond Davis’s arrest by Pakistani authorities on murder charges.
Terrorism and Counterterrorism
Victims Counter Terrorism: Carie Lemack on the Global Survivors Network
Carie Lemack, Co-Founder of the Global Survivors Network discusses the organization’s advocacy work, as well as the Oscar nominated documentary film "Killing in the Name," which highlights the experiences of those affected by terrorism.
Political Movements
Is Iran Benefiting from Middle East Revolutions?
Reza Aslan, author of ’No God but God,’ discusses how the uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa influences the balance of power in the region, and whether it is benefiting Iran.
Defense and Security
Mexico Not A ’Failed State’ As It Faces Drugs, Guns and Violence
Former Ambassador James Jones discusses U.S.-Mexico relations and Mexico’s most pressing problems as President Felipe Calderón continues his "War on Drugs" and combats the resulting violence.
Municipal Debt: Global Economic Implications and Policy Options
Former New York Lieutenant Governor Richard Ravitch discusses the potential global economic implications of U.S. municipal debt.
Energy and Climate Policy
Libya Rocks Oil Markets
As fighting continues across Libya, CFR’s Senior Fellow for Energy and the Environment, Michael Levi, says the main cause of volatility in oil markets hasn’t been the physical impact on oil production. So long as oil prices do not remain high over time, Levi does not expect economic growth to be impacted.
Intervention in Libya: ’No Simple Solution’
Senior Vice President of CFR, James M. Lindsay, responds to comments to his post on CNN’s GPS Blog. Here’s the blog post - http://globalpublicsquare.blogs.cnn.com/2011/03/09/7-ugly-options-for-the-u-s...