• Sudan
    A Trip Report: Sudan
    Upon their return from Sudan, please join George Clooney and John Prendergast to assess the in-country situation in advance of southern Sudan's independence referendum this January.
  • Sudan
    A Trip Report: Sudan
    Upon their return from Sudan, George Clooney and John Prendergast assess the in-country situation in advance of southern Sudan's independence referendum this January.
  • Sudan
    Sudan’s Fractured Internal Politics
    Experts say instability in south Sudan should be looked at in tandem with the crisis in Darfur, and some call for addressing Sudan’s problems in a more unified way to help forestall an escalation of violence.
  • Sudan
    Intensifying Diplomacy on Sudan
    A new round of talks on Sudan this week reflects stepped-up U.S. diplomacy ahead of two high-stakes votes scheduled for January. Success will hinge on sustained effort and a strategy for Darfur, says CFR’s Payton Knopf.
  • Sudan
    Renewed Conflict in Sudan
    Overview Sudan faces the prospect of renewed violence between north and south over the next twelve to eighteen months. Overwhelmingly in favor of independence, the south will either secede peacefully through a credible referendum process as agreed to in the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement or pursue this by force if the agreement should collapse. This Center for Preventive Action Contingency Planning Memorandum by Katherine Almquist presents the likely triggers of renewed civil war and discusses the U.S. policy options for preventing it from happening and mitigating its consequences in the event that it does. Almquist concludes that U.S.-led international support for self-determination should be unambiguously affirmed without prejudice toward unity, and that it must be backed by preparations to recognize and assist an independent southern Sudan.
  • Sudan
    Seeking a New Path to Stability in Sudan, and Africa
    Johnnie Carson, the top State department official on Africa, says new policy on Sudan stresses the need for progress on Darfur, the North-South peace agreement and anti-terror efforts.
  • Human Rights
    Stopping Bashir: Obama’s "Never Again" Moment of Truth
    CFR’s Stewart Patrick and Kaysie Brown argue that the United States must take a hard line with Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir if it hopes to end the crisis in Darfur.  
  • Sudan
    State Sponsors: Sudan
    Despite its recent willingness to combat terrorism, Sudan is still considered a state sponsor because of its ties to Hamas, the Iraqi insurgency, and violence in Darfur.
  • International Organizations
    Eliasson: Peacekeeping ‘Futile’ Without a Peace to Keep
    Jan Eliasson, the UN secretary-general’s special envoy for Darfur, says any new political agreement on Darfur must reflect the realities on the ground.
  • Sudan
    Structuring A Peace Process for Darfur
    An increasingly chaotic political situation in Darfur may require a more inclusive round of negotiations than currently envisioned.
  • International Organizations
    Lute: Hybrid Peacekeeping Force in Darfur an ‘Unprecedented’ Operation
    Jane Holl Lute, assistant secretary-general for UN peacekeeping operations, says the joint United Nations/African Union peacekeeping force for Darfur is an “unprecedented” operation and the full force will not be deployed until 2008.
  • Sudan
    Darfur’s Peace Process
    While attention is focused on deploying UN peacekeepers to Darfur, most experts say a negotiated peace agreement remains the only way to settle the crisis.
  • Rwanda
    Preventing Mass Atrocities
    In 2005, the members of the United Nations embraced the idea of a “responsibility to protect” populations from genocide and other mass atrocities. Join us as UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour discusses the role her office plays in helping states and the international community fulfill this responsibility. Having recently returned from a visit to Burundi, the Democratic RepublicofCongo, and Rwanda, she will talk about her office’s fieldwork there, as well as share her thoughts on the work of the UN Human Rights Council. **Please note special time and location.**11:00 - 11:30 a.m. Reception11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Meeting
  • Peacekeeping
    Sudan’s U.S. Ambassador Says Darfur Crisis Exaggerated
    Sudan’s U.S. ambassador says Western states need to give the National Unity Government space to solve the Darfur crisis.
  • Genocide and Mass Atrocities
    Crisis Guide: Darfur
    CFR.org’s Emmy Award-winning multimedia exploration of the crisis in Darfur and its policy implications.