• Somalia
    Smarter Measures in Fight against Piracy
    Somali pirates have been resilient against efforts to stop them, but a new approach that includes legal measures, controlling financial flows, building regional capacity and more could be the combination that defeats piracy, writes CFR’s Michael Lyon Baker.
  • Defense and Security
    Building African Partnerships to Defeat Piracy
    A global naval coalition has failed to halt Somali-based piracy. More effective would be a broader approach to maritime policing that integrates African authorities, writes CFR’s Michael L. Baker.
  • Terrorism and Counterterrorism
    Terrorism Havens: Somalia
    This publication is now archived. A Condensed HistorySomalia was created in 1960 by the merger of British Somaliland Protectorate and the colony of Italian Somaliland. The United Republic of Somalia was ruled by a democratic government for nine years until it was toppled by a military coup and Major General Muhammad Siad Barre took power. Barre established a socialist state, which lasted until 1991 when opposition clans overthrew him. After Barre’s expulsion, northern clans formed the de-facto, self-declared Republic of Somaliland, which, though internationally unrecognized, has maintained a relatively stable existence. In the south, violence between rival warlords killed thousands of civilians, prompting the UN Security Council to sponsor a U.S.-led intervention in 1993. The intervention ended shortly after a brutal firefight in the streets of Mogadishu led to an unsuccessful incident that has become known as Black Hawk Down. The revolving-door politics of Somalia brought the country fourteen separate governments between 1991 and 2010. On June 5, 2006, the Islamic Courts Union (ICU) defeated a group of CIA-backed warlords and took control of Mogadishu, instigating what, for the first time, became a period of relative peace. Bronwyn Bruton, working at the time with about fifty local NGOs in Somalia, says, "Groups operating in Mogadishu were consistently telling me they had never had a better operating environment." However, fringe extremist voices within the ICU--particularly from terrorist group al-Shabaab that claimed affiliation with al-Qaeda--worried many in the West. In December 2006, Ethiopia, with U.S. backing, intervened to end the ICU’s rule and instated the Transitional Federal Government (TFG). The courts fell in a day; however, the coup drastically stoked extremist flames and catapulted al-Shabaab--previously a mere fringe movement--into a full-blown insurgency. In 2008, alarmed by the prospect of Somalia "deteriorating into an Afghanistan like cauldron of militant Islamism" (NYT), the United States, the UN, the African Union, the League of Arab States, and other actors endorsed the UN-sponsored Djibouti Peace Process. This led to the election of Shaykh Sharif Shaykh Ahmad, a moderate figure in the ICU, as president of the TFG. However, these efforts backfired. Al-Shabaab and other hardliners quickly and successfully labeled Ahmad a Western puppet, and his appointment triggered the creation of a new fundamentalist Islamist group, Hisbul Islamiyya (HI), led by Shaykh Aweys, allied with al-Shabaab but with a more nationalist agenda. In January 2009, Ethiopian soldiers withdrew from Somalia, leaving behind African Union forces (AMISOM) to help protect the coalition government and enforce its authority. On May 7, the opposition rebels attacked and captured most of the capital of Mogadishu. AMISOM managed to halt the opposition forces and protect a few square kilometers of government buildings, now the only territory under TFG authority. In June 2009, the TFG government declared a state of emergency (BBC) and requested immediate international support. The TFG is currently organizing its last stand. Ethnic Somalis living in Djibouti, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, and Sudan--some reportedly recruited from refugee camps--have been trained abroad and most are now back in the capital, waiting to fight (NYT). As many as 6,700 Ugandan and Burundian peacekeepers will reinforce the effort, and the United States is providing funding and some tactical support. Is Somalia a safe haven for terrorists?On one hand, Somalia is a chaotic, poor, battle-weary Muslim country with no central government and a long, unguarded coastline. Its porous borders mean that individuals can enter without visas, and once inside the country, enjoy an almost complete lack of law enforcement. Somalia has long served as a passageway from Africa to the Middle East based on its coastal location on the Horn of Africa, just a boat ride away from Yemen. These aspects make Somalia a desirable haven for transnational terrorists, something al-Qaeda has tried to capitalize on before, and is trying again now. On the other hand, Somalia is different from other failed states in several ways. While it is roughly the size of Afghanistan, its landscape lacks Afghanistan’s many natural hiding places and does not offer the topographical haven of other states like Yemen. It is also a fiercely clan-oriented culture with an aversion to foreign presence of any kind, including Arab jihadi organizations. "When you get these extremist ideologies, the Somalis look at them and they are immediately perceived as foreign," says Bruton, "They’re perceived as Arab. It’s an Arab ideology. And just as the Somalis are hostile to American ideology, they’re hostile to Arab ideology as well." Finally, the Somalis--Sufi Muslims since the birth of Islam in the seventh century--have moderate religious views; until recently, Taliban-style fundamentalism was unfamiliar in the country. These factors were responsible for al-Qaeda’s failure in the 1990s, when it tried working closely with al-Ittihad al-Islami (AIAI). Al-Qaeda was unable to root itself in Somalia’s clan system, and, according to former ambassador to Ethiopia David Shinn, "overestimated the degree to which Somalis would become jihadists." The experience of the al-Qaeda operatives was so treacherous that Bruton says: "U.S. intelligence officials came up with a verdict that Somalia was actually inoculated from foreign terrorist groups, that it’s just fundamentally inhospitable, that the clan system is so closed to foreigners that there’s just no way that these groups can operate." Since the Ethiopian invasion, al-Qaeda has seen a resurgent connection to the country, and HI and al-Shabaab control most of the territory. However, experts disagree over whether Somalia could be the base for an international attack or whether the group will continue its domestic focus. "Personally, my view is that they don’t have much to gain by [partnering with al-Qaeda to conduct an international attack]," Bruton says. "And they probably don’t have the capacity to do it. But it’s worrisome that they’re making the threats, so I think it’s something to be watched and assessed very carefully. But right now, I would say the odds of a transnational attack are very, very low." However, a publication of the Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute investigated the credibility of the Shabaab threat, stating that since the Ethiopian invasion, "the group’s rhetoric and behavior have shifted ... reflecting an eagerness to strike internationally." It added that "the group has made clear its desire and intention to strike beyond the borders of Somalia, and it currently has the means to prepare and execute such an attack. It is partners with and loyal to al-Qaeda." What is the terror group al-Shabaab?The principal terrorist threat in Somalia comes from al Shabaab--meaning literally "the Youth" in Arabic and designated a terror group by the United States in February 2008. Originally the militant wing of the Islamic Courts Union, the group imposes strict Sharia law in the southern territories it controls. It has claimed responsibility for several suicide attacks, including one in February 2009, which killed eleven Burundian soldiers in the deadliest attack on AU peacekeepers since their deployment. And following the lethal U.S. attack on Saleh Ali Nabhan, a top al-Qaeda leader, Shabaab launched a suicide attack that killed seventeen peacekeepers and a number of civilians. Western Ties Shabaab’s recruitment of Western operatives, partly through the Internet, heightens the organization’s threat. In late 2009, over twenty Somali-Americans disappeared from Saint Paul, MN, and similar disappearances have been reported in Ohio, Oregon, Toronto, and the Netherlands. Director of the National Counterterrorism Center Michael Leiter reported to Congress in 2009 that al-Shabaab sent "dozens" of Somali Americans and American Muslims through training conducted by al-Qaeda, and that seven have been killed in fighting so far. These Americans that leave to fight for al-Shabaab are fighting for solely Somali nationalist reasons, and have shown no anti-U.S. sentiment. Andrew Liepman, deputy director for intelligence at the Counterterrorism Center, affirms this fact, "They are going to Somalia to fight for their homeland, not to join al-Qaeda’s jihad against the United States, so far." Nonetheless, according to a Committee on Foreign Relations report (PDF) to the Senate in 2010, Senator John Kerry states that "the prospect that U.S. citizens are being trained at al-Qaeda camps [in Somalia] deepens our concern and emphasizes the need to understand the nature of the evolving dangers." Al-Qaeda Influence in Somalia In the same report, Senator Kerry states that estimates of al-Qaeda fighters in Somalia vary widely, from a low of twenty to a high of three hundred. Al-Shabaab and al-Qaeda appear to coordinate the administration of training camps in the south. According to Andre Le Sage from the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, "Some of these are reserved for imparting basic ideological precepts and infantry skills to newly enlisted Somali militia members, while others provide more advanced training in guerilla warfare, explosives, and assassination." However, other than training and funding, it is not clear what operational control or connection exists between the two organizations. The strongest tie between Shabaab and al-Qaeda seems to be ideological. In September 2008, a senior Shabaab leader released a video in which he pledged allegiance (LongWarJournal) to Osama bin Laden and called for Muslim youth to come to Somalia. In February 2009, Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda’s second-in-command, released a video that began by praising Shabaab’s seizure of the Somali town of Baidoa. The group will "engage in Jihad against the American-made government in the same way they engaged in Jihad against the Ethiopians and the warlords before them," Zawahiri said. However, although al-Qaeda appears to support Shabaab’s jihad, it’s unclear whether Shabaab has ambitions beyond Somalia. The December 2008 International Crisis Group report labels the group a "self-radicalizing movement, whose aims are local and national." Bruton agrees, saying that "there’s probably a flow of weapons and funds, certainly al-Qaeda is providing some training for the Shabaab, but is al-Shabaab a tool that al-Qaeda can use to launch transnational attacks? That’s a really big question and so far there is no indication that it is." In March 2009, Liepman said (Reuters) al-Qaeda did not have strong organizational links to al-Shabaab, despite the leadership ties. Do the Somali pirates have a relationship with jihadi terror groups?No direct connection exists between al-Shabaab and Somali pirates, and the pirates show no interest in having any ideological affiliation with the jihadis. Western diplomats and military officials believe this is largely due to clan differences--the pirates hail from Somalia’s Majourteen clan, which is based in Puntland and Somaliland in the central and northern parts of the country. Al-Shabaab is made up of Somalis of various clans from Mogadishu and southern Somalia. While al-Shabaab seeks to be less xenophobic and accept foreign fighters, so far the pirates prioritize their clan affiliations above any other alliance. The pirates, who now form a structured Mafia, are first and foremost businessmen, says Bruton, concerned with money. However, she says, "If there is a danger of transnational terrorism, I would say that the potential linkage with piracy is it." The fear is that al-Qaeda could piggyback on these pirate activities, or could adopt pirate tactics in order to take a ship and sink it. She notes that al-Qaeda is currently threatening an economic blockade of a few of the straights in the Gulf of Aden, but they don’t have the capacity to achieve that. "It is a worry that they’ll start using the tactics, and they’ll start taking various ships and their actions will be confused with piracy. Potentially, there would be a crackdown by naval forces on the pirates that then encourages the pirates to do something ridiculous like join forces with al-Qaeda." Additionally, while the two groups are not directly affiliated, since 2009, the pirates have had to pay rent in order to operate out of southern ports controlled by Shabaab. Has America intervened in Somalia before?In 1992, President George H.W. Bush sent U.S. troops to Somalia to spearhead a UN-backed humanitarian mission to relieve famine. But the United States has kept its distance from Somalia since an October 1993 operation in pursuit of Somali warlord Muhammad Farah Aidid left eighteen U.S. soldiers dead--an episode dramatized in the film Black Hawk Down. The death toll and graphic TV images of an American soldier being dragged through Mogadishu led the Clinton administration to withdraw U.S. forces. However, the events of 9/11 brought renewed attention on the country. U.S. Navy planes based in Oman have been flying reconnaissance missions over Somalia, and an international fleet is monitoring sea traffic. Meanwhile, the U.S. military has stationed an aircraft carrier and three other warships off the coast to patrol the waters, and in 2007 it began conducting "targeted killings," or air strikes on senior al-Qaeda leaders within the country. On May 1, 2008, American war planes reportedly killed Aden Hashi Ayro, the former leader of al-Shabaab. The U.S. backs the TFG, and supplies weapons and support to the AMISOM forces. Under the Bush administration, the American military used long-range Tomahawk cruise missiles and AC-130 gunships to carry out strikes against terrorism suspects in Somalia. The military has learned from its experiences in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and the Obama administration favors commando missions using special-ops forces to reduce collateral damage. For example, on September 14, 2009, the United States attacked Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan (NYT)--an al-Qaeda trainer of Shabaab forces and a ringleader responsible for the 2002 bombing of an Israeli hotel on the Kenyan coast (NYT). This targeted killing was conducted by commando forces operating from helicopters rather than by remotely operated missiles, and if occurred during broad daylight to ensure a zero civilian casualty count and to be sure of the mission’s success.
  • Somalia
    Disengaging From Somalia
    Instead of fighting jihad in Somalia by supporting the weak transitional government, the United States would have more success focusing on humanitarian aid and development, says democracy and governance expert Bronwyn Bruton.
  • Somalia
    Overview Even among failed states—those countries unable to exercise authority over their territory and provide the most basic services to their people—Somalia stands apart. A country of some nine million, it has lacked a central government since the fall of Mohamed Siad Barre's regime in 1991. Poverty and insecurity are endemic. Less than 40 percent of Somalis are literate, more than one in ten children dies before turning five, and a person born in Somalia today cannot assume with any confidence that he or she will reach the age of fifty. Failed states provide fertile ground for terrorism, drug trafficking, and a host of other ills that threaten to spill beyond their borders. Somalia is thus a problem not just for Somalis but for the United States and the world. In particular, the specter of Somalia's providing a sanctuary for al-Qaeda has become an important concern, and piracy off Somalia's coast, which affects vital international shipping lanes, remains a menace. In this Council Special Report, Bronwyn E. Bruton proposes a strategy to combat terrorism and promote development and stability in Somalia. She first outlines the recent political history involving the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) formed in 2004 and its Islamist opponents, chiefly the Shabaab, which has declared allegiance to al-Qaeda. She then analyzes U.S. interests in the country, including counterterrorism, piracy, and humanitarian concerns, as well as the prospect of broader regional instability. Bruton argues that the current U.S. policy of supporting the TFG is proving ineffective and costly. The TFG is unable to improve security, deliver basic services, or move toward an agreement with Somalia's clans and opposition groups that would provide a stronger basis for governance. She also cites flaws in two alternative policies—a reinforced international military intervention to bolster the TFG or an offshore approach that seeks to contain terrorist threats with missiles and drones. Instead, Bruton advances a strategy of "constructive disengagement." Notably, this calls for the United States to signal that it will accept an Islamist authority in Somalia—including the Shabaab—as long as it does not impede international humanitarian activities and refrains from both regional aggression and support for international jihad. As regards terrorism, the report recommends continued airstrikes to target al-Qaeda and other foreign terrorists while taking care to minimize civilian casualties. It argues for a decentralized approach to distributing U.S. foreign aid that works with existing local authorities and does not seek to build formal institutions. And the report counsels against an aggressive military response to piracy, making the case instead for initiatives to mobilize Somalis themselves against pirates. Somalia: A New Approach takes on one of today's most vexing foreign policy challenges, offering concise analysis and thoughtful recommendations grounded in a realistic assessment of U.S. and international interests and capabilities. It is an important contribution to the debate over how to proceed in this most failed of states.
  • Yemen
    Are ’Ungoverned Spaces’ a Threat?
    The Christmas bomb attempt on a Detroit-bound plane has raised new concerns about "ungoverned spaces." But CFR’s Stewart Patrick argues that the term fails to address the real security concerns presented by nations like Yemen.
  • Ethiopia
    U.S. Policy Shift Needed in the Horn of Africa
    CFR’s Bronwyn Bruton says the U.S.-Ethiopia security partnership is undermining U.S. counterterror goals in Somalia. If the United States hopes to play a constructive role in Somalia, it must address democracy backsliding in Ethiopia, she says.
  • Somalia
    Secretary Clinton’s ’Important Trip’ to Africa
    Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s seven-nation trip to Africa will highlight U.S. security concerns from Somalia to Nigeria and expand on efforts to engage leading African states on governance and trade issues.
  • Somalia
    The United States Should Avoid ’Grand Schemes’ in Somalia
    CFR’s Bronwyn Bruton says the United States will not be able to end piracy in Somalia by using force and should take a modest approach that avoids grand schemes to reconstruct the government.
  • Rule of Law
    Somalia’s Transitional Government
    Though international observers had hoped Somalia’s transitional federal government would bring stability to the war-torn nation after sixteen years of “failed state” status, by mid-2008 experts said it was fraught by internal divisions.
  • Ethiopia
    The Capital Interview: Envoy Seeks Support for Ethiopia, Aid for Somalia
    Ethiopia’s U.S. ambassador says his government needs more international help in securing Somalia and is wrongly blamed by Congress for rights abuses.
  • Somalia
    U.S. Special Envoy Cites Widespread ’Lack of Confidence’ in Somali Government
    Ambassador John M. Yates, U.S. special envoy to Somalia, says the security situation remains dismal in Mogadishu and the Somali people lack confidence in the Transitional Federal Government.
  • Eritrea
    Lyons: Ethiopia-Eritrea Conflict Fueling Somalia Crisis
    Terrence Lyons, an expert on the Horn of Africa, says despite U.S. concerns about al-Qaeda, it is local rivalries driving conflicts in Somalia and elsewhere in the region.
  • Somalia
    Somalia's Future
    Overview On January 17, 2007, the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), in collaboration with the Council on Foreign Relations, the U.S. Institute of Peace, and the Woodrow Wilson International Center, hosted a major conference in Washington, DC, entitled "Somalia's Future: Options for Diplomacy, Assistance, and Peace Operations." The conference brought together observers from Mogadishu, senior U.S. policymakers, representatives from humanitarian assistance organizations, and regional analysts to convey to a U.S. audience the current situation in Somalia and to lay out the challenges facing the United States and the broader international community. Conference participants agreed that there is a window of opportunity for the United States, in collaboration with Somalis and the broader international community, to effect positive change in Somalia but that this window may close in the near future. After 12 years of policy disengagement that followed the failed U.S. military intervention of 1993, the United States has an opportunity to forge a forward-looking, comprehensive strategy to address immediate security concerns and the longer-term threat of regional instability. In his opening remarks to the conference, Senator Russell Feingold (D-Wis.), chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Africa Subcommittee, summarized the challenge: “We cannot allow our past to overshadow the pressing security concerns we face in the [Horn of Africa] today. We have an opportunity to help the Somalia people dig themselves out of almost two decades of chaos and to strengthen U.S. national security at the same time. But if our government does not move quickly and aggressively on all fronts, we can be sure Somalia will continue to be a haven for terrorist networks and a source of instability that poses a direct threat to the United States.”
  • Somalia
    Somalia's Second Chance?
    Recent weeks have witnessed a dramatic turn of events in Somalia, including the defeat of the Islamic Courts in the capital, international economic and development assistance to stabilize the country, and the introduction of an African peacekeeping force to replace Ethiopian troops. Join us for an in-depth discussion of the challenges and opportunities the country faces in the year ahead.View the Council Special Report Avoiding Conflict in the Horn of Africa: U.S. Policy Toward Ethiopia.