18,414 Results for:

August 15, 2014

United States
Ballistic Missile Defense

U.S. missile defense in the twenty-first century is focused on emerging threats from North Korea and Iran, but critics say these systems are too costly and largely unproven.

Ballistic Missile Defense

February 2, 2010

Budget, Debt, and Deficits
Rebalancing and Reforming Defense: Quadrennial Defense Review 2010

Watch Michèle Flournoy, undersecretary of defense for policy, walk through the Department of Defense's review of national defense strategy and priorities.


August 8, 2022

Justice Department’s Russia Indictment Reminds to Look Beyond Online Influence

Russian interference in U.S. elections through cyberspace has been a major source of concern for U.S. officials, but they should also ensure the United States is prepared for non-digital influence op…

Maria Butina leans on the shoulder of her father, Valery Butin.

September 12, 2024

The LDP Leadership Race: Six More Join, a Field of Nine

September has brought six more candidates to the race, creating the largest field of candidates in the party’s history.

Hayashi, Motegi, Koizumi, Takaichi, Kato, Kamikawa

December 13, 2019

U.S. Defense Priorities and Policies: A Conversation With Secretary Mark T. Esper

Secretary Esper discusses U.S. relations with China and Russia, implementation of the National Defense Strategy, and modernization of the U.S. military.

Play Esper

August 13, 2024

Carrots Need Sticks: The Biden Administration and the Case of Venezuela 

The Biden administration appears to be offering Venezuelan dictator Maduro amnesty if he will leave power, but sticks as well as carrots will be needed to persuade him.