643 Results for:

December 2, 2016

Thinking About Fidel

What are we to make of the death of Fidel Castro, and the eulogies that flowed from all too many places? I’ve explored that subject in a podcast--an interview of me by Bill Kristol--and in an article…

October 19, 2012

Diplomacy and International Institutions
The World Next Week: Obama and Romney Debate Foreign Policy, Turkey and Syria Spar, Brahimi Negotiates, and the World Health Summit Convenes

The World Next Week podcast is up. Bob McMahon and I discussed the final presidential debate; increasing tensions between Turkey and Syria; Lakhdar Brahimi’s effort to negotiate a cease-fire in Syria…

CBS anchorman and debate moderator Bob Schieffer talks to the audience during the final 2008 presidential debate. (Jim Young/ courtesy Reuters)

June 8, 2023

United States
U.S. Temporary Foreign Worker Visa Programs

The United States accepts hundreds of thousands of foreign workers each year in a variety of industries. Persistent U.S. labor shortages and accusations of abuse have reenergized the debate over the scale of these programs.

Agricultural workers from Bud Farms harvest celery on March 26, 2020, in Oxnard, California.

December 17, 2014

What Did President Obama Trade for Alan Gross?

There is wonderful news this morning: that Alan Gross is finally free, out of a Cuban prison and back on American soil. For his family, this is the answer to prayers and the right outcome to a long s…

February 9, 2015

Analyzing Obama’s Cuba Policy

The shortcomings of the new Obama administration policy toward Cuba have been sharply described in a recent blog post at the Cuban civil society web site SATS, by Antonio G. Rodiles. Rodiles, a human…