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October 18, 2021

Cameroon Presidential Succession Looms Large in Solving Country's Political Crises

In Cameroon, an incident last week in which a gendarme shot and killed a young child in Buea—a regional capital that has been the site of clashes between anglophone separatists and federal government forces—is the most recent outrage to make international headlines. Yet every day, the country’s civil conflict inflicts a brutal toll on the population, with surprisingly little outside attention. For five years, a deepening crisis has pit anglophone separatists against federal authorities, leading to thousands of lives lost and hundreds of thousands of civilians displaced—disrupting the education of hundreds of thousands of children in the process.

Soldiers brandishing rifles sit in the back of a camouflaged pickup truck. An election advertisement board of Cameroon President Paul Biya is seen behind them alongside another billboard with an advertisement.

April 18, 2011

United States
TWE Remembers: The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere

  All revolutions begin with a single act that changes everything. America’s began on April 18, 1775, when British General Thomas Gage ordered 700 British Army regulars under the command of Lt. Co…

Paul Revere

November 28, 2017

United States
U.S. Needs a Preventive Strategy to Avoid Costly Conflicts and Preserve America’s Global Standing, Says Paul B. Stares

November 28, 2017—To remain the preeminent global power, the United States must avoid costly conflicts that drain its resources and distract its leadership from addressing pressing domestic prioritie…

December 4, 2017

United States
Preventive Engagement: How America Can Avoid War, Stay Strong, and Keep the Peace by Paul B. Stares

Paul Stares discusses his new book, Preventive Engagement: How America Can Avoid War, Stay Strong, and Keep the Peace. Stares proposes a comprehensive new strategy for how the United States can manag…

Play American flag and the capital