708 Results for:

August 12, 2009

World Opinion on International Institutions

This page is part of Public Opinion on Global Issues. This publication is now archived. Assessments of the United Nations as an Institution International polling reveals a majority of natio…

February 3, 2005

AFRICA: The Darfur Crisis

This publication is now archived. Will the U.N. Security Council’s recent actions help resolve the humanitarian crisis in Darfur?That remains to be seen. On September 18, the Security Council passed …

March 13, 2012

A Trip Report: Sudan

Upon their return from South Sudan with the Enough Project, please join George Clooney, John Prendergast, and special guests to assess the in-country situation in the year since southern Sudan's inde…


October 7, 2010

Sudan’s Fractured Internal Politics

Experts say instability in south Sudan should be looked at in tandem with the crisis in Darfur, and some call for addressing Sudan’s problems in a more unified way to help forestall an escalation of …

December 23, 2019

Ten Most Significant World Events in 2019

As 2019 comes to a close, here are the top ten most notable world events of the past year.

Hong Kong Protests