3,558 Results for:

May 3, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
Bin Laden Peace Dividend for Middle East?

Osama bin Laden’s death has given the United States greater credibility in the Middle East, which President Obama can use to broadly frame an approach to Israeli-Palestinian peace within the context …

May 2, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
Bin Laden’s Symbolic Death Won’t End Extremism

Steven Cook, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations, expects that bin Laden’s death will not have a significant impact on al-Qaeda or organizations like it. Ex…

June 13, 2011

United States
Fazul Abdullah Mohammed’s Death: An Overdue Counterterror Victory in Somalia

Civilians look at the suspected body of Fazul Abdullah Mohammed (L), one of Africa's most wanted al Qaeda operatives, and an unidentified colleague killed at a police checkpoint in Somalia's capital …

Fazul Abdullah Mohammed’s Death: An Overdue Counterterror Victory in Somalia

August 2, 2011

United States
Osama Bin Laden: What Did Pakistan Know?

Did Pakistani government officials know Bin Laden was living in Abbottabad, and did they provide shelter to him and his support network?

A newspaper stand displays magazines and posters bearing the pictures of al Qaeda leader bin Laden and U.S. President Obama in Karachi

August 6, 2024

Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Is the “Two-State Solution” Still Viable?

Is the longstanding proposal to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the “two-state solution,” still viable? A recent debate took on all the issues, and I argued for “no.”

August 20, 2012

Defense and Security
Armed Drones and the Hunt for bin Laden

Today is the fourteenth anniversary of the best chance the United States had to kill Osama bin Laden before he led al-Qaeda to plan and carry out the terrorist attacks of 9/11. In addition to failing…

Nairobi bombing