16,612 Results for:

May 20, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
President Obama’s Middle East Speech

I was unfavorably impressed by President Obama’s speech yesterday, and explained why both at the CFR web site and at greater length in National Review. The President’s remarks on the Israeli-Palesti…

February 9, 2016

Middle East and North Africa
Religious Persecution in the Middle East

Andrew Doran, senior advisor to In Defense of Christians, discusses the historical and cultural context of Christianity in the Middle East and provides an overview of the persecution faced by Christi…


July 22, 2014

Middle East and North Africa
Town Hall: Middle East Update

CFR fellows discuss the current situation in the Middle East.


About CFR

The Future of the Middle East

The Future of the Middle East symposium gathers together CFR scholars and outside experts to examine the current political, economic and security challenges in the Middle East. Issues under examination include the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan and Iran's influence in Syria, Iraq, and the Gulf.

April 4, 2013

Middle East and North Africa
Natural Gas Changes the Middle East

Last Saturday (March 30) Israel took a large step toward energy independence, as natural gas from the smaller of its newly discovered Mediterranean gas fields began to flow. By the end of this decad…