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September 6, 2024

United States
C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics With John C. Williams

John C. Williams of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York discusses monetary policy and the economic outlook for the year ahead. The C. Peter McColough Series on International Economics brings the …

Play John C. Williams, President and CEO of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, speaks at a conference in California, U.S.

February 24, 2021

Democratic Republic of Congo
The Democratic Republic of Congo is Back on the Front Page

The killing of the Italian ambassador to the DRC and the lifting of U.S. Treasury sanctions against an Israeli businessman in the final hours of the Trump administration has again focused international attention on the interlocking crises in the DRC.

Four UN vehicles are seen parked on a dirt road, protected by armed UN soldiers, in eastern DRC. Two motorcycles are also seen driving on the road, going in opposite directions.

December 14, 2011

Elections and Voting
Congo Standoff Requires African Solution

The United States should withhold its support for the Kabila government until the situation in Congo clarifies, says CFR’s Africa expert John Campbell.

January 9, 2024

Political History and Theory
New Book Examines the Colorful and Tumultuous Political Career of Henry Wallace 

In a new book filled with political drama and intrigue, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Senior Fellow Benn Steil offers the richest and deepest biographical study to date of Henry A. Wallace—a “fa…

March 8, 2019

Democratic Republic of Congo
Global Conflict This Week: New Reforms and Transitions in the DRC

Developments in conflicts across the world that you might have missed this week.

DRC outgoing President Kabila and his successor Felix Tshisekedi stand during Tshisekedi's inauguration ceremony

June 20, 2018

Democratic Republic of Congo
Podcast: Scene Setter for Planned December Election in Congo

Though Prime Minister Bruno Tshibala of Democratic Republic of Congo officially announced on June 12 that President Joseph Kabila would not stand for a controversial third term, this has not ended speculation that Kabila, whose term of office expired in 2016, will find a way to continue to stay in power. Shortly thereafter, in what will surely complicate the election, the International Criminal Court acquitted Jean-Pierre Bemba, the former Congolese vice president, an ex-warlord, and a fierce rival of Kabila.
