6,465 Results for:

April 23, 2015

Islam, Women, and Public Policy in Indonesia

Bernie Adeney-Risakotta and Siti Syamsiyatun of Gadjah Mada University's Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies discuss the role of gender and Islam in Indonesian public policy, as part of CFR's…

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October 4, 2016

South and Southeast Asia—The Islamic State’s New Front?

Over the past year, as the Islamic State (ISIS) has suffered multiple losses in Syria and Iraq, the group has clearly been looking to widen its impact, taking the fight to countries outside of the Mi…


June 29, 2010

The Organization of the Islamic Conference

The Obama administration sees the Organization of the Islamic Conference as a venue through which to court Muslims globally, but the group’s controversial positions on some issues could pose problems.

December 2, 2015

How to Defeat the Islamic State

Testifying before the House Committee on Foreign Affairs, Senior Fellow for National Security Studies Max Boot discussed current weaknesses of the U.S. position on Iraq and Syria, as well as what can…

June 2, 2011

Islam in America

CALVIN G. SIMS: Good afternoon. Thank you for coming. I want to welcome to the Council on Foreign Relations. I'm Calvin Sims. I am a program officer at the Ford Foundation and a member of the counci…
