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December 1, 2017

South Africa
Mugabe Falls as Zuma Struggles to Hold on

Will Zuma be able to continue his control of the ANC party machinery at the December party convention? If he can, then Dlamini-Zuma will probably win the party leadership, buying Zuma the ability to fill-out his presidential term, which ends in 2019.


July 1, 2021

Nigeria’s Northern Elders Forum: Keeping the Igbo is Not Worth a Civil War

On June 9, following a closed-door meeting, the Northern Elders Forum (NEF) issued a public statement that the Igbo-dominated southeast should be allowed to secede from the Federal Republic of Nigeria if it was necessary to avoid a civil war. NEF spokesman Hakeem Baba-Ahmed said “the Forum has arrived at the difficult conclusion that if support for secession among the Igbo is as widespread as it is being made to look, and Igbo leadership appears to be in support of it, then the country should be advised not to stand in the way.”

A black and white photo of soldiers marching with rifles. Civilians crowd them to the side of the street.

January 10, 2017

Elections and Voting
Costs and Consequences of South Korea’s Political Vacuum

On December 9, the South Korean National Assembly passed a motion of impeachment against Park Geun-hye. The ROK (Republic of Korea) Constitutional Court has up to 180 days from that date to review th…

November 20, 2017

Mugabe Holds On

In the face of expulsion from the ZANU-PF and an impending impeachment vote, Mugabe is still refusing to relinquish power.
