98 Results for:

May 13, 2013

Sub-Saharan Africa
How Do Robert Mugabe and ZANU-PF Hang On In Zimbabwe?

Simukai Tinhu analyzes the staying power of Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF party in a thoughtful article, “Zimbabwe: Mugabe’s Will to Power.” It was published in ThinkAfrica Press on May 9. Also a “must-rea…

Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe gestures as he speaks during an event marking his 89th birthday at Chipadze stadium in Bindura, about 90 km (56 miles) north of the capital Harare March 2, 2013.

March 21, 2023

Zimbabwe Limps Toward Elections

An impenetrable electoral process in Zimbabwe breeds cynicism in the next generation of voters, to the peril of democracy efforts.  

Stepping out of a green transport bus, members of the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change in Zimbabwe arrive at the Magistrates court after being arrested for unlawful gathering.

June 15, 2017

The Day After in Zimbabwe

A 2015 CFR Contingency Planning Memorandum (CPM), “Political Instability in Zimbabwe,” highlighted the potential for violence in connection with leadership succession. The remarkable longevity of Rob…

Zimbabwe protest Mugabe

March 5, 2015

Political Instability in Zimbabwe

Introduction Political instability and potential violence could threaten Zimbabwe in the coming twelve to eighteen months. Zimbabwe's ninety-one-year-old president, Robert Mugabe, has no clear suc…

Political Instability in Zimbabwe header

January 4, 2018

Recently Evicted White Farmer Gets His Land Back in Zimbabwe

President Mnangagwa of Zimbabwe ordered the return of Lesbury Farm to the white Smart family after they were forcibly evicted this June by the Mugabe administration.
