14,022 Results for:

March 30, 2023

Nuclear Weapons in Europe: Mapping U.S. and Russian Deployments

Russia’s threat to deploy tactical nuclear weapons in Belarus has raised the specter of a new nuclear standoff with the United States and its allies in Europe. It also draws new attention to how such…

April 11, 2023

The Future of Liberal Democracy in Europe

Panelists discuss the current state of identity politics and populism in Europe, including the complex interaction between economic and cultural factors, and how they affect the state of democracy ac…

Play Protester raises flares in Paris

September 17, 2024

United States
John B. Hurford Memorial Lecture With Timothy Snyder

Historian Timothy Snyder explores the concept of freedom, including what it is, how it has been misunderstood, and why it is worth fighting for both in the United States and globally. The John B. …

Play Timothy Snyder is pictured during an inaugural class at the ULB Universite Libre de Bruxelles, in Brussels, Belgium.

May 19, 2022


November 8, 2022

Democratic Republic of Congo
Dangerous Trends in Eastern Congo

The resurgence of the M23 rebel group in Eastern Congo increases suffering for civilians and heightens international tensions.    

In Goma, North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a man holds a sign with red "Xs" over the faces of the Presidents of Rwanda and Uganda, at a protest in support of FARDC.