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March 5, 2013

United States
Who Is Ultimately Responsible for U.S. Drone Strikes?

An article today in the New York Times offered a new piece of evidence in the CIA’s nine-year drone strikes campaign in Pakistan. Declan Walsh reported that anonymous officials—“two senior U.S. offic…

Drone strike in Pakistan

December 1, 2016

Heads of State and Government
Drone Memos: A Conversation With Jameel Jaffer

This week, I spoke with Jameel Jaffer, inaugural director of the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia University. We discussed his new book, The Drone Memos: Targeted Killing, Secrecy, and th…

Podcast Drone Memos cover

March 18, 2013

Defense and Security
U.S. Public Opinion on Drone Strikes

Although the United States has been killing suspected terrorists with drone strikes in nonbattlefield settings for over ten years, public opinion polling of the controversial tactic began only a year…

Armed drone Afghanistan

April 25, 2016

United States
Are Drones More Precise Than Manned Aircraft?

This blog post was coauthored with my research associate, Amelia M. Wolf. In our latest piece at ForeignPolicy.com, we evaluate the Obama administration’s long-standing claim that drone strikes are …

Reaper in Afghanistan _April 2016

January 14, 2013

Military Operations
The Onion on Drones: The Top Ten

After releasing last week’s report on Reforming U.S. Drone Strike Policies, we have been cleaning out the files. Along with our favorite drone cartoons, we have also kept a file of drone-related piec…