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August 20, 2012

Defense and Security
Armed Drones and the Hunt for bin Laden

Today is the fourteenth anniversary of the best chance the United States had to kill Osama bin Laden before he led al-Qaeda to plan and carry out the terrorist attacks of 9/11. In addition to failing…

Nairobi bombing

January 8, 2013

President Obama Should Limit Drone Killings, Argues Micah Zenko in New Report

U.S. drone strike policies undermine the nation’s foreign policy objectives and have resulted in the loss of hundreds of innocent civilian lives, according to a report by CFR Douglas Dillon Fellow Mi…

November 21, 2014

New Report Urges President Obama to Establish "Rules of the Road" to Limit Drone Proliferation

The Obama administration should pursue a strategy that places clear limits on its own sale and use of armed drones lest these weapons proliferate and their use becomes widespread. These are the centr…

February 2, 2013

United States
You Might Have Missed: Drones, Mali, and Iran

Thomas Hegghammer, “Should I Stay or Should I Go? Explaining Variation in Western Jihadists’ Choice Between Domestic and Foreign Fighting,” American Political Science Review, February 2013. Trudy …


February 27, 2012

United States
What Else We Don’t Know About Drones

In 1982, on a tour of the Middle East to monitor the deployment of U.S. Marines to Beirut, Lebanon, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger received a security briefing from his Israeli counterpart, A…

Weinberger and Sharon inspect drone