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February 28, 2013

United States
Guest Post: Pakistan’s Elections and Drone Strikes

On Tuesday, my colleague Dan Markey published a new CFR Policy Innovation Memorandum (PIM), “Support Process Over Personalities in Pakistan.” In it, he argues that the United States should avoid play…

Pakistan rally

November 21, 2013

Will Afghanistan Allow U.S. Drone Strikes into Pakistan?

Yesterday, the CIA was suspected of conducting a drone strike consisting of three or four missiles that destroyed part of a madrasa in the Hangu district of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province in Pakista…


November 21, 2014

Military Operations
America’s 500th Drone Strike

The most consistent and era-defining tactic of America’s post-9/11 counterterrorism strategies has been the targeted killing of suspected terrorists and militants outside of defined battlefields. As …

Drone strikes statistics_11.21.14 smaller

June 6, 2013

United States
Refining the Obama Administration’s Drone Strike Narrative

Last night, NBC News ran an extremely rare story that aptly challenged the veracity of U.S. government claims about the precision of CIA drone strikes in Pakistan. Part of the title used by NBC was m…


May 29, 2013

Obama’s Low Bar for Drones Transparency

I had a column published at Foreign Policy today that analyzes the divergence between what President Obama said about drone strikes in his counterterrorism speech last week, and what his senior aides…

Obama Counterterror Speech at National Defense University