330 Results for:

February 13, 2018

South Africa
Timeline: Zuma's Departure Draws Nearer

The timeline indicates that the ANC “recalled” Zuma (directed him to resign the presidency) on February 13, and that he has refused. Now he faces a vote of no-confidence in parliament or possible impeachment.


June 25, 2020

South Africa
Trials for COVID-19 Vaccine Candidate Begin in South Africa

Trials of the Jenner Institute’s vaccine are taking place in Brazil, the United Kingdom Brazil, and South Africa, and the other trials also appear to have begun on June 24. According to the WHO, there are 220 vaccine candidates are in development.

A bald, young man with a white mask sits, with three layers of clothing, a purple sweater, a dark blue flannel, and finally, an orange t-shirt, peeled back in order to reveal his harm as he receives a vaccine candidate for COVID-19. The health care worker administering the vaccine is in a dark grey jacket and is wearing white medical gloves. The wall is painted white brick and there are informational posters around.

December 1, 2017

South Africa
Mugabe Falls as Zuma Struggles to Hold on

Will Zuma be able to continue his control of the ANC party machinery at the December party convention? If he can, then Dlamini-Zuma will probably win the party leadership, buying Zuma the ability to fill-out his presidential term, which ends in 2019.


November 15, 2019

South Africa
What’s Behind South Africa’s Recent Violence?

Recent attacks that appeared to target immigrants have underscored South Africa’s struggle to combat violence and limit tensions with the rest of the region.

June 6, 2019

South Africa
South Africa’s New Foreign Minister Is a Starting Point for Improved U.S. Ties

President Cyril Ramaphosa’s appointment of Naledi Pandor as minister of international relations may be a positive step toward improving South Africa’s relations with the United States. Pandor is part of a Ramaphosa’s trimmed-down cabinet whose positions are split equally between men and women. 
