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April 26, 2017

International Organizations
Salvaging South Sudan’s Sovereignty (and Ending its Civil War)

This post originally appeared on the Council on Foreign Relations The Internationalist Blog and is written by Kate Almquist Knopf, director of the Africa Center for Strategic Studies, and Payton Knop…

Hayley South Sudan

January 30, 2023

Censorship and Freedom of Expression
Whither Political Freedoms in Africa?

When it comes to civil liberties in Africa, Western governments and institutions must put their monies where their mouths are.

A vigil is shown with dozens of lit candles for prominent journalist Martinez Zogo. A poster of his face is shown which reads "Ta famille d'Amplitude FM te dit."

March 30, 2018

Sub-Saharan Africa
Are Africa’s Civil Servants Ready for the New Free Trade Deal?

While no one disputes the merits of boosting intra-African trade, a host of formidable obstacles stand in the way of realizing the Agreement’s vision, not least among them the ability of governments, and the people in them, to follow through on their promises.


July 16, 2007

Civil Society
Iranian Civil Society and the Role of U.S. Foreign Policy

The arrests of four Iranian-Americans have created a chill among those in Iran working to open up civil society and led to disagreements over U.S. support for those efforts.

September 10, 2024

United States

Son of the Midwest, movie star, and mesmerizing politician—America’s fortieth president comes to three-dimensional life in this gripping and profoundly revisionist biography.

September 19, 2017

Fifty Years Later: U.S. Intelligence Shortcomings in the Nigerian Civil War

The Nigerian Civil war, which lasted from July 1966 to January 1970, remains the most significant event in the country’s post-independence history in ways reminiscent of the American Civil War. In th…
