74 Results for:

October 7, 2020

Academic Webinar: European Integration and Brexit

Matthias Matthijs, senior fellow for Europe at CFR and associate professor of international political economy at Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies, discusses Europea…

Play European Union flag and British flag.

July 15, 2020

Virtual Roundtable: Scotland's Place in the World: Brexit and Pandemic Recovery

David Scheffer: Thank you very much. Hello, everyone. I'm David Scheffer, visiting senior fellow on international law at the Council on Foreign Relations. And I've been a longtime student of Scott…

Play Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon stands in front of a blue Scottish flag

June 11, 2019

United States
Leveraging Multilateralism to Prevent Conflict: A Conversation with The Elders

The Elders, an independent group of global leaders founded by Nelson Mandela, work to address challenges of peace-building, inequality, exclusion, and injustice in a rapidly changing world. Mary Robi…

Play Panelists discuss multilateralism.

February 5, 2020

United Kingdom
Delivering on the Deal: Brexit, the European Union, and Beyond

After the United Kingdom’s January 31 deadline to leave the European Union, questions remain regarding how Brexit will affect the United Kingdom’s relations with the European Union and the United Sta…

Play Red sign reading "Get Britain Out" along with UK flags with sign "Do or die clean break Brexit."

March 22, 2013

Economic Prospects for the Eurozone

Please join Willem H. Buiter as he discusses break-up risk, sovereign debt restructuring, bank creditor bail-ins, debt mutualisation, austerity and growth in the Eurozone. The C. Peter McColough Ser…
