8,164 Results for:

November 20, 2015

Middle East and North Africa
The UAE Model for Arab Women

Combating ISIS and Islamist terrorism more generally requires bullets and bombs, but it requires far more--including changing the social practices that have marginalized so many Arabs in their own co…

August 26, 2024

Tracking China’s Control of Overseas Ports

This interactive map tracks China’s growing maritime influence through investments in strategic overseas ports. Users can plot the location of each port and view satellite images alongside detailed i…

A massive, loaded container ship being tugged from a shipyard.

November 27, 2014

The British Royals, Arabs, and Israel

The bizarre story of the refusal of British royals to visit Israel, while they are constantly in the Arab world, continues. I wrote about this phenomenon here, last February, when Prince Charles vis…

March 29, 2012

Syrian Tremors at Arab Summit

The Arab League summit in Baghdad is focused on Syria, but events on the ground appear to have already outpaced the regional group, says CFR’s Mohamad Bazzi.

July 26, 2011

Middle East and North Africa
Will the Arab League Pay for Palestine?

Will the Arab League pay up? Because donors are not meeting their pledges,  the Palestinian Authority is nearly broke and cannot meet its payroll. The PA told a specially convened session of the Ara…